


Civil Rights Movement

A national effort made by African-Americans and their supporters between 1955 and 1968 to eliminate segregation and racial discrimination and gain equal rights and suffrage. This period is marked by famous events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington, the Freedom Rides and the Birmingham campaign in Alabama. Famous figures involved include Martin Luther King, Jr., James L. Farmer, Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X.

500 Questions

What did Mary Mcleod Bethune contribute to the Civil Rights Movement?

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Mary Mcleod Bethune contributed alot to the African American society... she helped the young African American people learn how to be able to read and write so that they may have a chance of suceeding in life... Some that African Americans don't contribute andything to society but if you look back at the worlds history without the African Maericans help we would not be in as goos of a place as we are now!

What civil rights group did martin Luther king belong to?

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Martin Luther King Jr. belonged to the SCLC, or Southern Christian Leadership Conference. They were a group committed to achieving full equality for African Americans through nonviolence.

Why was the Civil Rights Movement not a success?

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The civil rihgts movement succeded because the blacks wher set free from what they are going thought.

When did the first environmental movement occur?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The first movement occurred during the 1960s and 1970s when citizens and environmental groups became concerned with ecosystem damage such as clear-cut logging and human health problems resulting from polluted air and water.

Did Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King ever march together?

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No he didn't know him personally, but he did know who he was and at some point he looked up to him.

Similarities between Moses and Martin Luther King?

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Moses and King were similar in how they led


, taught people, and had courage and determination for oppressor and oppression. - See more at:,-jr#sthash.fe1hKDfh.dpuf

Did Martin Luther King junior make any mistakes?

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Martin Luther King junior was human. Like all humans he made mistakes.

How did the comanches govern themselves?

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The Comanche governed themselves by there being a leader.There was followers, ofcourse, and they votedtoo.

They had a similar way of governing like us.

Leader: President

Followers: People

Voted: We have the right to vote too

Why was Fannie Lou Hamer a hero?

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After attending meetings with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitee, (SNCC) she helped found the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP). Which led to blacks being able to vote.

What was the impact on the Civil Right Movement?

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It gave them freedoms they had never had the pleasure of expieriencing before. Public facilities were desegregated, schools and businesses were integrated, the Civil Rights Act was passed, and life was better not just for African-Americans, but for Asians, Mexican-Americans, and even some Caucasians.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 turning point?

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It gave blacks the right to vote as well as not segregating them from everyone or anything.

What year was martin luther king jr awarded the nobel peace prize?

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The announcement that Dr. King had won the Nobel Peace Prize came on 14 October 1964, at age 35. He was the youngest person to receive it. He went to Oslo, Norway to give his acceptance speech on 10 December 1964. At the time, this award was very controversial in the southern United States, where Dr. King was regarded as a trouble-maker rather than a hero.

What did thurgood marshall do during the civil rights movement?

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Thurgood Marshall became an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. He was the first African-American justice.

How many KKK members are there in the USA?

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The best guestimate is that there are about 150 Klan chapters and approx. 8,000 members nationwide.

Who was WEB Dubois?

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W.E.B. DuBois was a civil rights activist, historian, and author. His collection of essays, 'The Souls of Black Folk,' is a prominent work of literature, which is still a part of many college American literature courses.

Who were the important people during the civil rights movement?

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  1. Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. Rosa Parks
  3. Malcolm X
  4. Emmitt Till
  5. Mohammad Ali
  6. Ralph Abernathy
  7. Abraham Lincoln
  8. John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK)

Why did Jackie Robinson become part of the civil rights movement?

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Jackie Robinson's career as a professional baseball player helped civil rights because of the attention that he drew as the first African American in the Major Leagues. He paved the way for others to follow, and is celebrated as a hero.

What was the civil rights movements in the 1960s?

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The American Civil Rights' main movement was from 1954-1965. However, it is an issue that went on long before that, and is still going on today.

The main results of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s were the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Why was so many civil rights groups were at work in the early 1960's?

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because it was giving to African American the same rights as whites

What is a question that you can address about civil rights movements?

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I think a neat question to ask about the civil rights movements would be to ask how the gay rights movement in the 21st century can be compared to the movement for racial equality in the 20th century.

Which propelled martin Luther king jr to national prominence as a leader of the civil rights movement?

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Actually there was no need for his speech, as the social injustices King protested had begun to be addressed in the 1950s and were slowly being solved by the time he gave his speeches.

After the US Civil War what rights did African-Americans have?

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Before, during and after the US Civil War the civil rights of freed slaves and free Afro Americans were severely restricted. Some States before the Civil War would not even allow freed slaves to enter their States. Rights of voting, marriage, holding certain jobs and other normal civil rights of the white majorities were not always the same as for freed slaves.

Was martin Luther king friends with Gandhi?

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Asked by Wiki User

He met with followers of Gandhi by this time Gandhi was already dead.

i'm not sure... but mahatma gandhi wasn't already dead. mlk was born in 1929. mahatma gandhi died in 1940 something.

Where is Fannie Lou Hamer Buried?

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where is fannie Lou hamer buried

In Ruleville, MS in a memorial park constructed in her honor.