


Dilaudid is a painkiller medicine used primarily in treating moderate to severe pain, as well as severe and painful dry coughing. This type of drug shows high solubility and less troublesome side effects than morphine and diamorphine.

500 Questions

Is oxycodone stronger than hydromorphone?

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not even close..

What is the second strongest pain killer?

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Fentanyl: it's about 80 times as powerful as morphine

dilaudid : it's way stronger than morphine and 4 times stronger than heroin per milligram

There are other opiate analgesics which are very potent as well, including remifentanyl, sufentanil and alfentanil.

How do I register a brand name internationally?

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Asked by Wiki User

To register a brand name internationally, you can file for a trademark through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) using the Madrid System. This allows you to apply for trademark protection in multiple countries through one single application. Alternatively, you can work with a local intellectual property attorney in each country where you want to register your brand name.

Does Dilaudid and vicodin shown as opiate in urine?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, hydromorphone hydrochloride breaks down into morphine and to it subsequent metabolites. Vicodine metabolites and antibodies are slightly different. Unfortunatly those differences are within the existing sciences capabilities to detect.

What gets Dilaudid out of your system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Time, and patience.

There's really no way of speeding up the process that works well enough to be worth trying.

Does Dilaudid and norco show up in same category of urinalysis test?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) does not show up in the basic opiate test which is part of the standard drug test. The opiate tests look for morphine (which both codeine and heroin break down into). Hydromorphone does not break down into morphine. But also hydromorphone can be detected with a simple drug test.

What is stronger 4mg of Dilaudid or 30mg of oxycodone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Generally speaking, hydromorphone, brand name dilaudid amongst others, is in fact stronger mg to mg than oxycodone (on theory), especially as hydromorphone is said to be 6-8 times the strength of morphine. But with that high a dose of oxycodone, I'd say the oxy would be stronger given its at such a high mg. However, if the hydromorphone was at a higher level say 10-20 mg, or even 4-6 mg IV push, the hydromorphone would definitely trump that oxy. But remember, each person is different and some people react better to certain drugs as opposed to others, regardless of FDA conversion strength equivalency ratios.

What could cause a drug test to be positive for Dilaudid?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not a 100% sure but the only thing I did differently than normal, and the messed up part is that they are prescribed that way is that I took 2 at one time. But I am on Oxy

30 IR every 4 to 6 as needed and 2 60 Morphine ER every 12hr and apparently I tested positive for dilaudid.

My Dr sent me a letter saying I tested positive and that he would not take care of me anymore and that I should ween my way off of the pain pills, like the pain has gone away? I so would get off of these things if I could but the pain is so intense that without the pills I don't want to live. So what the hell am I suppose to do? Blah Blah Blah... I hope this answers your question.

I believe that the morphine was the problem because I normally take 1 every 6 hrs.

What do all Dilaudid pills look like?

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Sid sickness

Small and round...5mg endone are the biggest they are white with a symbol, then theres greyish green for 80mg Oxycontin, then purple is 20mg i think..and red is 40..60mg mscontin is orange..100mg mscontin is small and grey...kapanol is a capsule with little white balls inside..each of these pills has a stamp of what mg it is..

How is hydromorphone hydrochloride made?

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Very cafefully.

Does Fentanyl and Dilaudid show the same results in a urine screen test?

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No. They are not chemically related and must be tested for individually and specifically.

What is the equivalent dosage of morphine sulphate tincture to 4 mg Dilaudid?

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Asked by Wiki User

30 mg of Morphine IR is equal to approximately 8 mg of Diluadid, so there is about a 4mg morphine to 1 mg of dilaudid ratio. So 45 mg of morphine would be equal to 5.6 mg of dilaudid. To answer your question, 45 mg of Morphine IR would stronger than taking the 4 mg of dilaudid.

Does Dilaudid come up in a urine test as oxycodone?

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Asked by Wiki User

short answer no, Oxycontin will show in high levels as Oxycodone, Dilaudid will show as Dilaudid or Hydromorphone, or in cheaper tests morphine.

How long after taking suboxone can you take a Dilaudid?

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Asked by Wiki User

You will want to wait a good 8 hrs. Dilaudid has a higher binding affinity than do most other opiates, and if enough is taken then you can essentially "override" the suboxone. Think of them as magnets; dilaudis's magnetic charge is almost as strong as Bupe's,mso if you multiply that charge by 3 or 4 times, you will likely be able to override the Bupe!

Is Dilaudid a narcotic?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am a pharmacy tech, i do know that it is considered a cii medication. Other than that, i am not sure. That is why i came to this website because i am curios what this medication is for.

How do you shoot up pills?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just like any other pill. Dilute it in water, heat, cotton, shoot!

What will Dilaudid show up as on a mouth swab drug test?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO!! Not unless it is specifically testing for HYDROMORPHONE it WILL NOT. I have yet to see a urine test that test for it (im sure they have one somewhere) but from parole to drug court to employment i have never seen it. The only time i have is at a Dr. who had to check it off on a sheet by itself to be tested for at the lab. I am not a pharmacy specialist and have not taking this from any other site. This is from my own experiences of being tested in almost any field. Please ignore anyone who says it will show up on a 5, 7, 9, or 12 panel test because it does not.

Can you take Dilaudid and oxycodone together?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, however it won't do much good so pay attention to the following caveats:

1) If you take the suboxone BEFORE the oxy, then you won't get much, if anything out of the oxy since the suboxone is already hanging on to the receptor in your brain. Buprenorphine, the active ingredient in suboxone, is VERY competitive for the receptor. That being said...

2) If you take the suboxone less than 24 hours AFTER the oxy, prepare yourself for HELL. I have done this accidentally and it causes precipitate withdrawals. What happens is that the Suboxone knocks t Oxy he off your receptor very quickly, causing you to go into some nasty withdrawals. If you have done this by accident, however, don't worry too much. You'll suffer vomiting for about 30 minutes and then about a day's worth of sweating, but you should be ok. Check with your prescriber.
Suboxone has a pain blocker in it so it would not do you ant good to take the oxycodone with it, not only would you not feel it but it could possibly send you into withdrawals.