

Dog Racing

Dog racing includes Greyhound racing, Sled-dog racing, Extreme-dog racing, and more. The category includes general information on tracks, courses, winners, and champions.

146 Questions

What is the most common gene of the Negro race?

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It is not appropriate or accurate to refer to a single gene as being specific to a particular racial group. Race is a social construct and genetic diversity exists within all populations. There is no single gene that defines a racial group.

What are 5 main events in 'My Life in Dog Years' by Gary Paulsen?

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  1. Paulsen's childhood experiences with his dog Snowball, and their adventures together.
  2. The story of a Harley, a dog who saved lives during a blizzard.
  3. The tale of Dirk, a dog who helped Paulsen get through a difficult time in his life.
  4. The account of Rex, a canine hero who protected Paulsen from a bear.
  5. The story of Quincy, a sled dog who made a lasting impact on Paulsen's life.

How much does it cost to participate in the Iditarod race?

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In 2011 they receive a "purse" which is their prize money, with $528,000. They will also receive a red truck:D

Where is the starting line for the Iditarod?

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I'm not positive but I think it is Anchorage to Nome.

Why was the Iditarod created?

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No one can MAKE a sled dog run and pull a sled. Mushers must build relationships with the dogs. Dogs are born, breed, and trained to run. These dogs have it in their blood line to love to run and pull. The dogs also have a natural 2 layer coat to protect them from the elements. The dogs get the best veterinarian care possible. But no one can MAKE a sled dog pull a sled and race. The dog has to want to do it. (It's like you can't push a string...)

How much money do you earn in dog sledding?

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The average dog sled costs between three hundred dollars and five hundred dollars. Someone shopping for a dog sled will want to make sure the sled is as light and as durable as possible.

Which States have Greyhound Racing?

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Asked by Herb123

This site will get you started:

In the US, there are about 40 greyhound racing tracks operating in 12 different states. In England, there are approximately 32 greyhound racing stadiums.

* This site has a list of States with tracks:


What is the record for the Iditarod sled dog race Who set it?

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Races are created or established, not invented.

In the case of the Ididarod, it was proposed as a part of the celebration of the centennial of the purchase of Alaska by the United States. Dorothy G. Page, chairman of the Centennial Committee first proposed a race to cove a portion of the Ididarod Trail and the first race was run in 1967.

Joe Reddington, Sr. school teachers, Gleo Huyck and Tom Johnson proposed extending the race to cover the entire 1000+ miles of the Trail. The first true Ididarod race, covering the entire trail, was run in 1973.

How has the Iditarod race changed over the years?

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it cam t be when two people wanted to race dogs and there be a prize for the winner they decided there would be two rounts the northern and the southern the northern is sorter while the southern is longer each year the flip flop back and forth

What is the iditarod known as?

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The official nickname of the Iditarod's race is called The Last Great Race on Earth. The Iditarod is a sled dog race held in Nome, Alaska. ha-ha-ha. turn around. you are about to be hit. The official nickname of the Iditarod's race is called The Last Great Race on Earth. The Iditarod is a sled dog race held in Nome, Alaska. ha-ha-ha. turn around. you are about to be hit.

How many times a year can a dog get pregnant?

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If it's already pregnant, it can't get any pregnant-er. You have to wait until after delivery, and then some.

It's possible, but considered unhealthy, for a dog to have two litters in one year.

How do people survive in the harsh environments in the iditarod race?

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Firstly man has the metabolic activities it carries depending on the situation he is faced with.During harsh conditions the body of man does the following;

during extreme conditions,the lipids he has been eating coat his body and warms him up.

How are starting positions for the race determined in the Iditarod?

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They use the rankings from the races in the past for younger racers, as you get older they have a points system and this is used the same way, the lower the points the better and earlyer you race!

In greyhound racing which trap does a dog with a red jacket come from?

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In Greyhound Racing, the 'red jacket' is the colour of Trap 1. It is one of the few colours allocated to a trap that is consistent throughout greyhound racing in the UK, Ireland, Australia and the United States.

Where does the Jr Iditarod start and end?

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it starts in anchorage and ends in Nome. Alaska

What does a wheel dog do in Iditarod sled dog race?

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In dog mushing the term "wheel dog" refers to the dog or pair of dogs harnessed closest to the sled. The wheel dog(s) take the greatest load in shifting the direction of a sled from one course to another. Typically, dogs used in this position are generally stronger than their team mates and are called upon to do the "heavy lifting" in difficult conditions. In a standard tandem style dog team, the dog at the front is the leader. The two dogs directly behind the leader are the swing dogs. The wheel dogs are the last dogs in the team. Any dogs harnessed between the wheel dogs and swing dogs are referred to as team dogs.

Where is the largest greyhound racing track in the world?

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Greyhound's race on a track, chasing a inflatable hare.

The main greyhound racing countries are:

  • Australia Ireland Great Britain New Zealand United States Alabama Arizona Arkansas Connecticut Florida Iowa Kansas Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Texas West Virginia Wisconsin Colorado Oregon South Carolina

What do you call the winner of the Iditarod race?

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An Iditarod racer is called a musher. A musher is the proper name of a dog sled driver, no matter if the driver is a professional dog sled racer or an amateur. Dog sled was the fastest method of overland travel for the native tribes in the Arctic regions of Russia, Canada and America. Mushers control their dogs by means of vocal commands. One of the commands used to get the dogs running is the word, "mush," although that command has fallen out of favor in recent years.

Which musher has won the most Iditarod races?

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Dick Wilmarth won the very first Iditarod in 1973.