


Drug Safety

Drug safety starts with the approval of a government agency (such as USA’s FDA) that a drug is safe for public consumption. Most drugs provide warnings and precautionary labels to inform the user of its effect and side effects.

500 Questions

What does overdose of antibiotics do?

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Asked by Wiki User

antibiotics are save thing and very benefit for our body because it would fight against bacterial infections

as we know there are very benefical but it also effect our body if we take overdose....

we should avoide this thing and consulation with docter about your disease

if a person taking overdose it would effect on their lungs, he face difficulties in breathing, high blood pressure

Can you overdose on erythromycin?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can overdose on anything - even lettuce. It just depends on how much you take. The normal standard course prescribed for a sore throat, for instance, won't kill you. But it will make you feel very sick and miserable for a day or two.

Is it safe to take 5 mg of Oxycontin with extra strength Tylenol?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have and it is probably safe, but this was under doctor's advice. Always check with your doctor when combining over the counter and prescription drugs. There are a great many possible interactions especially if you have certain medical conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, etc.

How does a heroin overdose effect the family?

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Asked by Morganvictoria96

¨For example, a family will try to take care of each other, especially when one member of the family has a serious problem such as heroin addiction.

¨But what happens when the heroin addict not only refuses the help of the other family members but appears to go out of their way to hurt and upset them?

Can you overdose on sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here's 10 Reasons why sugar is bad:

1. Tooth decay - We all know this, as this is something that has been ingrained into our minds by our mothers since our very childhood. We have been taught to brush our teeth after every meal and before we go to sleep because when sugar is left on our teeth, especially after a binge on ice cream, it causes our teeth to decay faster.

2. Gum disease - Another thing when we let sugar sit on our teeth is that it can also lead to gum infection. Because of the way our body reacts to different kinds of infection, gum infection can in turn lead to inflammation of the coronary artery.

3. Unstable blood glucose - Eating too much sugar causes our blood sugars to go haywire. When the sugar levels in our blood fluctuate, they lead us to feeling fatigue and exhaustion. Headaches and mood swings are also apparent when the blood glucose is unstable. Moreover, the more sugar we take in, the more unbalanced our blood glucose becomes, and the more sugar our body craves in order to fix the imbalance it perceives.

4. Obesity, diabetes and heart disease - This is also somewhat of a common knowledge for all of us. Sugar in the blood that is too much for the body to consume completely is stored as fat. Too much fat in the body can lead to obesity, and obesity is known to trigger diabetes and heart disease.

5. Malfunctioning immune system - The bacteria and yeast that are present in our blood stream feed on sugar and cause them to multiply. If there is an imbalance in the growth of these bacteria and yeast, our immune system may not be able to handle it. It could, therefore, weaken.

6. Chromium deficiency - Ironically, too much sugar in the body causes the body's ability to regulate sugar levels to go on strike. This is because most of the sugar we eat is already refined and lacks chromium, the chemical needed to help manage the levels of sugar in our blood.

7. Nutrients - Consuming sugar makes the hunger pangs go away. That is why we are often told not to eat sweets before a main meal. When we take in too much sugar, we do not feel the need to eat food that contains more of the important nutrients that our body needs, such as vitamins, iron, calcium and magnesium. There is a difference between feeling full after every meal and gaining the nutrition you need from every meal.

8. Stress - When we eat too much sugar, we go on a sugar high because of the energy boost we get from the sugar consumption. But this sugar high is only temporary; our energy level takes a plunge afterwards. When this happens, the body releases hormones to bring the sugar level in our blood back to optimum level, and these hormones include the stress hormones: adrenaline, cortisol and epinephrine. These hormones make us irritable and stressed out.

9. Aging - When we eat too much sugar, the process called glaciation can occur. When this happens, some of the sugar we consume sticks to the proteins in our body, causing our body tissues to lose their elasticity. It is not just our skin that is affected, but also our internal organs. The faster that the body loses its elasticity, the faster aging occurs. 10. Cognition- Too much sugar in the body also affects our mind's ability to learn and recognize.

How many excedrin could kill a 5' 3'' 120 pound girl?

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Asked by Wiki User

The primary ingredients are acetaminophen and aspirin. The amount for toxicity is extremely large, for a 'fatal' dose you are talking hundreds of these. We're talking 25 grams to get to the L50 (varies greatly by weight, health and numerous other factors).

Chances are very high that the person will not die but suffer liver damage and other health problems. It will cause many health problems.

Is an overdose of prednisone dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Call your Poison Control Hotline first. Or your available health care professional.

How much depakote will cause you to overdose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Don't bother with Depacote as you will probably have to take 200 500mg tablets. Just buy 10 boxes of Paracetamol washed down with bottle of Jack Daniels. Then go to bed.

How much is an overdose of fluoxetine hydrochloride?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dosage of fluoxetine hydrochloride required for an overdose depends both on the mass of the person in question and how long that person has been taking the drug. For approximately four weeks, the level of fluoxetine in the bloodstream increases, as its presence inhibits its own metabolization. This decreases the amount of fluoxetine required to reach a level associated with adverse effects.

The lowest known dosage of fluoxetine hydrochloride associated with death was 520 mg. However, the actual cause of death in this case was not confirmed to be overdose. On the other hand, the largest known overdose of only fluoxetine hydrochloride was 8 full grams. This patient subsequently made a full recovery.

How much ambien would cause a serious overdose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Z-type drugs like Ambien, Sonata & Lunesta and benzodiazepines like valium and Xanax are generally far safer in overdose (by themselves) compared to older sedatives like Seconal, chloral hydrate.

When people die of an overdose of Ambien there are usually other drugs present. Case reports of Alcohol, Soma, valium as combinations.

People have gone into a coma with as few as 20 10mg pills & died with 90-300

Ambien overdoses can be easily reversed with IV flumazenil.

What happens when you crush pills your not supposed to crush?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pharmaceutical company that makes your pills makes them according to what your body is going to do with it, if it is time released that means your body only needs a certain amount to be released at a time to be therapeutic, crushing the tablet can cause rapid absorption and thereby a rapid reaction, some reactions are fatal and can cause heart attack (in the case of crushing potassium) Liver or Kidney failure or severe anyphalactic shock. The rule of thumb is if it's time released do not crush. There are many sites to look up medications and I suggest you look up your meds to see if you can crush them or call your nurse, they can't bill you for a phone call.

What drug doesnt cause pain to overdose to death?

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Asked by Wiki User

if your not asking it for useful information then sorry cant answer

Would it hurt to overdose on lithium?

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Asked by Wiki User

OBVIOUSLY... YES! all three of the drugs you just listed are very bad fo your body in high doses, high lithium levels can cause toxicity, high doses of vicoden levels will can cause hypoventilation, respitory distress, and fatality. xanax is hard to overdose unless taken in VERY High ammounts, HOWEVER xanax does not mix well with vicoden because they are both CNS depressents, but all together in high ammounts, VERY BAD, my suggestion is if you are doing this STOP, and if one of your friends are about to attempt it STOP THE<

Is your weed still good after a year of not use?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the conservation method used. If it had been properly cured and sored in a sealed recipient (usually a jar), it should be OK. However a year should be the maximum storage time.

If you need long time storage, you should consider making hash.

What can you do about Tylenol overdose?

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Asked by Irishbloodkt

How many pills did you take? The biggest problem is the lower pressure , If you took more than 4 at once I recommend you to go to a medical center. In a lower quantity drink or eat some salty water or food, the key is being active and not sleeping.

You found a pill that is small round and white with the number 7.5 on it what is it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, there's no way to know for sure. The number on the pill is probably the weight of the pill. If it were me, i would just throw it away. It could be dangerous to take an unknown pill, because you just don't know what it is and how it will affect you.

What are the reactions to using metronidazole for alcoholics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because there's a small amount of metronidazole going in the blood, the interaction is the same... you should avoid alcohol during all the treatment and 3 days after.

What is colanapin?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is a soothing drug, it calms your nerve cells so you wont be nervous anymore, with anything. I used to take it when i wanted to talk to girls. But was too nervous to

Can natural pills put you in a coma?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, many celebrities and non-celebrities have died from taking too many sleeping pills at the same time, or from too much drug over several days. Sleeping pills and other sedatives cause a decrease in respirations (called "respiratory depression"). Breathing slows down so much that the person does not breathe again, because the brain is not sending signals to say "breathe now" to the lungs. Also, if a person takes too many pills and happens to vomit, which is a big risk, the person could aspirate ("breathe in") part of the vomit. Lungs cannot expand with liquid or foreign matter in the lungs. The vomit can block the airway completely, and because the drugs made the person too sedated, the person will go into Respiratory Arrest and die.

Doctors assign and prescribe a particular dose as the best dose for a condition and for that person. Never exceed the prescribed dose. If you take the prescribed dose but do not sleep, let your doctor know. You may need a different med, a different dose, or different time to take the dose. Even at normal doses, watch for side effects of over-sedation. And, never drive until you know how the sleeping pill from the night before will affect you.

Can you have a overdose on speed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, speed increases your heart rate. Although many things could happen that could kill you, you would most likely have a heart attack or stroke.

What do you do if someone is showing signs of alcohol overdose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seek immediate medical attention! This is a potentially dangerous, and even life-threatening situation. Anyone with an alcohol overdose sholuld be immediately taken to a hospital emergency room. First, call 911 because this condition can be fatal.

Next, give them water. Don't allow them to lay on their back. Expect vomiting and very bad motor skills. Use Aspirin for pain, nothing stronger and not more than a couple pills. If sleeping make sure he or she is on the stomach with nothing obstructing their face. Fresh air from a window or a fan can help.