


Fashion Fads and Trends

Those kinds of clothing and accessories which come into and out of popularity in a transitory manner.

500 Questions

Where can you buy handsome boy clothing?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Handsome boy clothing."

1. Handsome as in "finely tailored clothing"?


2. Masculine looking clothing?


3. Clothing to help one feel more handsome?

4. is "Handsome boy" a clothing brand?

Boy meaning the sex (male), or boy (age 7-17ish)?

1. For young boys, Brooks Brothers is a good brand for preppy styling (careful, they cost a pretty penny). Polo Ralph Lauren is very good for the "All American look" as is Tommy Hilfiger. Other designer clothing such as Armani also make nicely tailored boys clothing.

2. Same as 1. but also for the young-adult Abercrombie and Fitch is also extremely masculine. A&F's new concept Ruehl No. 925 is also an option. Designers can sometimes manufacture clothing which is too trendy mimicking that of a high-maintenance princess, so be wary. I've also appreciated Ben Sherman on men, as well as Banana Republic (more so than for women). For those men who feel a little sexy, Guess by Marciano, *wink*

3. Those brands which I named before USUALLY have the characteristics which CAN help one feel more handsome. Honestly, I would start out with personal health and personal care.

Do you take care of your body (eat properly, sleep enough, refrain from smoking, exercise enough, etc)?

Do you practice acceptable grooming habits (regular hair cuts, skin care...yes good skin care even for you straight men out there, shave, oral care, short and clean nails). If you do so, then you're heads above many.

I'm not trying to sound like some "know-it-all" like some in those men's magazines, but rather a rational and realistic person. Once you've acheived good personal habits, the next thing is dress.

The same advice I give to women. I don't give a hoot what the trends are, wear whatever is MOST FLATTERING TO YOUR BODY. Let's be honest, if you don't have some nice guns to show off, muscle T's will look ridiculous. Tight clothing on a kegger-belly is no more flattering than a tube top on a large person with more jelly rolls than the local bakery. If height is an issue, vertical lines help elongate the silhouette. Those fella's who are (5 10"-6'), well everything is made for you guys. The great thing about being a guy is the style choices are a lot more universal than women's styles. Party on.

4. Never heard of it.

Where do you find fake cute nerd glasses like the ones that are big but with a small frame?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can get Nerd glasses at Icing by Claires and Claires stores :D

What type of clothes are in style?

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Asked by Wiki User

Now it is fashionable to wear skinny jeans,for shirts you should where those flowery ones or see through shirts bt with and under shirt. I say you just go shopping and try on what you like and take a friend so they could tell you if you look good. I wouldn't wear something that is pretty but i don't feel comfortable in.

What color boots do you wear with a winter white coat?

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Match your coat or purse you use most often.

What is an example of fashion trends?

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An example of fashion trend forcasting would be predicting that neon colored socks and black shoes will be the big trend for Spring 2012.

What size is a 34 mens jeans in womens jeans approx?

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You would probably fall under the "plus size fashion" umbrella if your thighs are 34" around.

Is wearing combat boots for everyone?

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Nope, its kind of a thing that either matches your personality or it doesn't.

What do you wear with your fashion leotard?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can wear lots of different things with your fashion leotard. Depending on what you feel comfortable wearing with it.

If you feel comfortable wearing nothing on your bottom half then wear:

  • A shawl or a sarong on your shoulders
  • A mid-abdomen jacket

If you feel more comfortable covering your bottom half the wear:

  • Jean shorts or 3/4 lenghts
  • Tights underneath your leotard
  • Skirt
  • Combats

Avoid wearing long trousers or skirts

I hope this helps you x :) x

How do you protect your eyes from direct sunlight in Summer?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sun's rays are extremely dangerous, especially for those who have family histories of skin cancer. Here are some great ways to care for your skin and avoid sun exposure during those sunny, hot months.

Go to a Shady Park

Sitting in the house the entire summer with the shades closed is no way to live - get outside and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts. If you have work or studying to do, go to a park and sit under a tree for some shade.

Sit Under Umbrellas

If barbequing is your thing, make sure you are at a location where you are able to sit beneath an umbrella. Umbrellas are great for keeping the sun away from you, and you can still enjoy the outdoors. Another option if you want to do some outdoor shopping is to use an umbrella while walking. There are many people who do this to avoid the sun, so you won't look strange.

Hat and Sunglasses

Another important way to avoid sun exposure is to wear a hat and sunglasses. Typically someone can get sunstroke because their heads gets too much sun and they become overheated. Try wearing a hat and sunglasses to protect your body from the sun. If you are female, wear a large sunhat to combat those rays and stay fashionable at the same time.

Long-Sleeved, White Shirts

Wearing long-sleeved shirts may seem very warm in the summer, but you can purchase a very light-weight shirt. If just going on a small walk, wearing a long-sleeved shirt will protect skin from the sun's rays. Also, wearing white will reflect the sun away from you rather than absorb it like a darker color would.

Go Out When the Sun's Rays are Lowest

The sun is the most intense from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. If you want to avoid sun exposure, plan your outdoor excursions around these hours. There’s still plenty of time to be outside if you avoid those hours.

What were some Fashion trends in 1998 for men?

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Asked by Wiki User

big puffy jeans with nice shirt with nice shoes

Can UGGs be waterproofed?

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Asked by Emi070707

salt stains is what happens when they get wet

u can buy stuff to take the stains out


water and vinegar, mix together.

secret way to get rid of salt stains,

works-- i use it on my uggs


When is ok to wear white?

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Asked by Wiki User

When I was growing up, it was always said you wear white after memorial day prior to Labor Day. But today I have to ask why? Wear white when you want to. It looks so nice all year round so go for it...

What do you wear with jeggings?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wear them with high boots. Just under the knee or right above with a form fitting shirt and blazer or with a tunic style sweater:)

Is vegan fashion the latest trend?

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It would depend on the area you are speaking about. However, I believe that leather all the rage these days.

What is vegan clothing?

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Asked by Wiki User

vegan refers to the word vegetarian, that means the products that are not prepared from any animal related things and also it does not contain any chemical or unsafe products. This vegan means eco-friendly products that can be recycled after its usage. Vegan Clothing means the casual clothes that are just made up of khadi or any other fabric that doesnot contain any harmful ingredients in it. So you can refer addresschic to better know about the vegan clothing.

What store can you get your ears pirced?

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Asked by Wiki User

In my area, western Canada, these practices appear to have been adopted by the 'tattoo stores'

Can we predict what fashion trends will exist in 2020?

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Asked by DominicGuyegp7642

To paraphrase some famous football coach, prediction is really difficult - especially about the future. Fashion in women's clothing doesn't really have a "trend"; it jumps all over sort of unpredictably.

The one constant is that in order to be fashionable, you have to buy all new clothing. If it did not, then fashion designers wouldn't be able to charge so much money.

How to style emo hair male?

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Asked by Wiki User

Emo hair male can be styled by razor trimming, dying, or by straightening.