

French and Indian War

Questions about the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years' War, the Fourth Intercolonial War, and the Great War for the Empire.

500 Questions

Why did the French intervention change the war?

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Asked by HadiB

Cornwallis's army was trapped at Yorktown, Va and was waiting for the British navy to save them. The French destroyed this naval force thereby leaving him no other option but to surrender.

Did the English win a war against the french?

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Asked by Wiki User

my friend at orlens

What Political impact did the French and Indian War have on British and France?

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Asked by Wiki User

The French Revolution in 1789 deposed the King, Louis XVI. Subsequently Napoleon Bonaparte became 1st Consul & later Emporer of France. Napoleon must rate as one of the greatest military leaders in History. He led the Grande Armee through Europe on campains of great distinction, fighting the Austrians , Russians & Prussians at various times in great set piece battles. Napoleon established France as the greatest European power. His two principal defeats were at Leipzig in 1813 after the retreat from Moscow, & of course, at Waterloo, the culmination of the Hundred Days campaign, where he was beaten by the combination of Wellington & Blucher.

What Political impact did the French and Indian War have on British North America?

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Asked by Wiki User

As a result of the French and Indian War, the British's attention was drawn onto the colonies for the first time in a long time. Before the war, the North American colonies were profiting from Salutary Neglect, meaning that the British were neglecting the colonies and the colonies were benefiting from it. After the war, the British put more of a tight leash upon the colonies. They stopped the colonies from having independent governments, like the Virginia House of Burgesses. Also, the Proclamation for 1763 was passed, stopping the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. The Stamp and and the Tea acts were also passed, the Stamp act being eventually repealed, but the Declaratory act was passed. Basically, the after the French and Indian war, the British kept a tighter leash on the colonies, pushing the colonies towards independence.

Did the french and indian war take place in america?

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Asked by Wiki User

Primarily in the Great Lakes region of North America.

What fort were the french forced to surrender in the french and Indian war?

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Asked by Wiki User

The French's defeat occurred during the battles of Sainte-Foy and Restigouche. A surrender was negotiated between Governor Vaudreuil and General Amherst in 1760.

What were the consequences of the french Indian war in America?

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Asked by Wiki User

The French and Indian war caused the British government to focus on the control of the colonies. It also put Britain in huge debt, which they sought to repay by taxing Americans and through this, changed the colonists' attitude to distrust towards the crown.

Why did the british tax the colonies?

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Asked by Wiki User

The taxation of the North American colonies came as a result of the French and Indian War, rather than during the war. Britain was tapped financially after fighting the war, as well as the greater Seven Years War in Europe. Some believed the prosperous colonies were not paying their fair share in terms of both their war expenses, as well as in their duty to provide financial tributes to the mother country. As a result, a series of tariffs, taxes, and policies following the war, resulted in antagonism, acts of resistance, and eventually, the Revolutionary War.

Why was the seven years war a world war?

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Asked by Wiki User

This war saw Britain confirmed as an imperial world power and Prussia confirmed as a European great power. The war also led to a sugnificant weakening of France in N. America, in India and in Europe. The WIkipedia article summarizes the key points well.

What was the French and Indian War called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main reason is because the French and British both wanted control of the Ohio river Valley.Also they wanted more land and power over North America. The British got mad at the French because when the British first moved there the Native Americans helped them. Later, when the French moved there the Native Americans started helping them. A reason why was because the British were sort of like using them as slaves and the Indians did not like that.

Which of the following was a result of the French and Indian War?

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Asked by Wiki User

Apex ;) Britian controlled all the land from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi River

What did native Americans of the west appalachian mountains do after the french and indian war?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ans After the French and Indian War, Native Americans west of the Appalachian Mountains:

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Why were the colonists resentful of the French and Indian War?

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Asked by Wiki User

King George taxed the colonists to page of the wages of this war.

Why did the french fear british control over the Ohio river valley?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both the French and the British are interested in fur trade. And also that the Ohio River Valley connects the Louisiana and the New France territory. If the British claim that land, then these two French territory will not be connected.

What was the geographic outcome of the French and Indian War?

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Asked by Wiki User

After the French and Indian war, the Treaty of Paris was signed, giving Britain everything east of the Mississippi River, EXCEPT for New Orleans, which the French got. The French also got everything west of the Mississippi River.

What year did the French and Indian War end?

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Asked by Wiki User

It ended with the Treaty of Paris, bringing an end to hostilities between the French and the British. The terms of the treaty required France to denounce all territories east of the Mississippi to Great Britain, excluding New Orleans.

What was the effect of the French and Indian War?

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Asked by Wiki User

The French and Indian War cost England a great amount of money. Since the colonies did not want to pay the taxes due to reasons of smaller colonies wanting to pay smaller amounts than bigger colonies. When the colonies didn't pay the king sent in troops and more troops and the colonies were forced to pay or they would have been shot, hung, killed, ect.

How did King George III plan to pay for the French and Indian War?

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Asked by Wiki User

The King of England made the colonists pay taxes called the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act is an act that put a stamp on British goods and that stamp meant that the colonists had to pay a tax.

How did England anger the colonists after the French and Indian war?

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Asked by Wiki User

the colonists owned these polar bears. These polar bears where trained to kill both indians and French, but the French took these polar bears and trained them to kill the indians and colonists.

What wars for empire between the British and French?

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Asked by Wiki User

Great Britan payed for the French and Indian war by the Boston Tea Party!!

~hannah~ i answered this so in awesome!!

In the french and Indian war which side did the Indians support?

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Asked by Wiki User

The French and Indian War was fought in the years 1754 to 1763. This war was fought by the United Kingdom and its colonies against the French and its Native American Allies. During this war, George Washington fought as a Colonel in the Virginia Regiment on the side of the United Kingdom.