

Gallipoli Campaign

The Gallipoli Campaign was a series of battles during World War 1 that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey. It was an attempt by British and French forces to capture Constantinople but they failed.

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Where did the Gallipoli campaign happen?

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The Battle of Gallipoli took place on the Turkish peninsula of Gallipoli from April 1915 to January 1916 during the First World War. A combined British Empire and French operation was mounted in order to eventually capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople (now Istanbul). The attempt failed, and an estimated 505,000 soldiers were killed and 262,000 wounded.

In Turkey the campaign is known as the ǡnakkale Savaşları. In the United Kingdom it is called the Dardanelles Campaign or Gallipoli, and in France, Australia, New Zealand and Newfoundland it is also known as "Gallipoli".

Where was gallipoli fought?

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the war was Gallpoli!

Gallipoli was not a war on its own, it was a battle past of the Great War - a war thought to end all wars. A war we now know as World War I. It was fought on the 25th Of April near a place, now known, as ANZAC Cove. couldve been on the outskirts of China

Why were the troups sent to gallipoli?

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i seriosly dont know (good work)

Gallipoli was one of the wars biggest disasters. The ANZACs were being flattened, due to a combination of bad navigation, andbad handling of the situation from then on. Ironically the best part of it was when we left. We didn't lose a single man during the evactuation, but lost hundreds when we first arrived. Go figure

How many turk's fought at gallipoli?

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The Turks won the battle of Gallipoli Strategically Gallipoli was a very bold, imaginative plan which could have had far reaching consequences. The straight answer to the question is Turkey. Had the British, using many Commonwealth troops, pushed into the peninsula much more vigorously and ejected the defenders in the early days of the campaign then the link between Western Europe & Russia by sea in the Mediterranean might have been established.

What were the key features of the gallipoli campaing?

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The reason Australia was involved in the Gallipoli campaign was because as a member of the british empire it was Australia's duty to help out in this time of need.

Who won at gallipoli?

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Turkey successfully defended Gallipoli, and won this campaign. The mostly British, Australian and New Zealander forces were withdrawn from the Gallipoli Peninsula after a series of monumental failures of command produced numerous fiascos and setbacks for both the army and naval forces in the campaign. The withdrawal was, ironically, the only part of the entire operation that went to plan, resulting in a stealthy and well-executed evacuation with incredibly light casualties.

How did involvement in the Gallipoli campaign contribute to the Australian identity?

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It did, World War 1 was a defining time for our country with those 4 years enough to establish the early Australian identity of mateship and courageousness. It has influenced many other identity issues through out the decades and the Austrian identity has changed a lot since then based on this.


Also, sadly Australians realized that they were used as puppets in someone else's war.

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How many people died in the anzac war in gallipoli?

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The ANZACs landed in Gallipoli because of a British navigational error. Which led the ANZACs to land incorrectly according to historians.

2721 New Zealanders and 8000+ Australians were killed.

Is dawn symbolic on Anzac Day because they arrived at dawn?

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The reason why ANZAC Day ceremonies are held at dawn is because the first ANZAC troops arrived in Gallipoli just before dawn - at 4:28am. Having the service at dawn honours those who were killed in the first onslaught as they arrived in the transport ships. It is a mark of respect.

What were the allies goals?

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The three goals of the allied nations in WWII were: Remove Hitler and the Nazis from power, save the Jews from the genocide, restore freedom and democracy to the European nations and prevent Hitler from invading the United Kingdom.

Where did Australian troops train prior to go to Gallipoli?

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25 April 1915 - world war I

the Australian and New Zealand Army corps (the anzacs) trained together in Egypt and quickly gained a reputation as a wild and tough bunch of men__traits that did not endear them to their British commanding officers. Australians were not keen on military discipline.

Why did they fight in Gallipoli?

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The battle of Gallipoli was a front line between the Allied forces and the Ottomans in WW 1 which commenced in April 25, 1915, ended in January 9, 1916 and caused the casualties of more than 300.000 soldiers including the dead of both the Ottoman and Allied forces [British, French, Australian, New Zealand and British colonies].

The reason was that the Allied forces estimated that could invade and conquer the Ottoman Empire capital city of Constantinople [Istanbul currently] and secure a sea route to Russia.


cows are green

When did the War at gallipoli finish?

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The landing of the gallopoli war started on the 25th of April 1915, It ended on the 9th of January 1916 a year of bomming, fighting and killing. Allot of men were killed and injured. It was a terrifying year, the war was with the Turks and Britain and Australia, the Australians were with the British, It was a tragic year (war). This was settled and the Turks had given up So we got our country back and fought over it and we wouldn't be here if these solders didn't fight for us.

Lest We Forget and we will remember them.

Why was it a problem that the galipolli plan failed?

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to many people took there time taking poo's in the toilet which meant the screwed it up.

What year did the ANZAC's fight at Gallipoli?

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The ANZAC's went to fight in Gallipoli in 1914 or 1915.

How many troops died in Gallipoli?

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Records are not entirely clear on how many Turkish troops died at Gallipoli. Reliable estimates put the deaths at approx. 200,000

Why are they fighting in Gallipoli?

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because thay waned

Who became British Prime Minister after failure of Gallipoli Campaign?

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Asked by Cbe650

David Lloyd George, who took over from Herbert Asquith in 1916 following disagreements within the War Cabinet as to how the international crisis should be handled. The first Welshman to hold the office, Lloyd George was in power until October 1922- his term as Premier coincided with that of another Welshman in another country, Billy Hughes of Australia.

Was Japan at gallipoli?

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no it wasen't

What were the goals of the allies gallipolo campaign?

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The major goal of the Gallipoli Campaign was to occupy the Ottoman-controlled Dardanelles Straits. If the Allies had the Straits, they would have a route to the Russian ports on the Black Sea and would be able to supply their isolated ally.