

George Harrison

One of the four members of The Beatles, George Harrison died of lung cancer in 2001.

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What instruments did george play?

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Guitar I think. He plays it in his "Faith" music video :)

To add to that, a lot of his music seems to be best suited and easiest to play on the piano over any other instruments, indicating that he can also tickle the old ivories as well.

What year did george harrison marry pattie Boyd?

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The Set Of A Hard Day's Night

Did George Harrison have an affair with Maureen Cox?

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They did have a tryst in the early 1970s, and were caught by her then-husband, Ringo Starr. He and Maureen were already on the outs; Starr and Harrison remained friends.

Who sang and played on While My Guitar Gently Weeps?

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The song While My Guitar Gently weeps is most famous sung by singer/musician George Harrison. Originally recorded while Harrison was with The Beatles, the song would feature Eric Clapton on lead guitar.

How did Paul McCartney get George Harrison in the Beatles band?

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Well, in 1958, John Lennon invited Paul to join in the band "The Quarrymen" Soon, Ringo and George would join, and later renamed the band "The Beatles"

True, but Paul more or less had to "audition" for John. He played "Twenty Flight Rock" and impressed John with both his musicianship and his ability to remember lyrics...not one of John's strong suits.

What are george Harrison's sons named?

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He has one son called Dhani (pronounced Danny)

How many hit songs did George Harrison have?

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Many a song was written by the great George Harrison.. including...

1. Here Comes The Sun

2. Something

3. While My Guitar Gently Weeps

4. I Me Mine

5. Within You Without You

6. Taxman

7. If I Needed Someone

8. Think For Yourself

9. Don't Bother Me

10. Blue Jay Way

11. Love You To

12. Long, Long, Long

13. I Need You

14. For You Blue

15. Piggies

16. Savoy Truffle

17. I Want To Tell You

THERE ARE MORE. BUT. YOU GET THE POINT. :) Also he contributed lines for many songs, but he is not credited.

How many instruments did George Harrison play?

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Mostly drums and percussion instruments. In a verse to his song "Early 1970" he wrote "I play guitar - A, D, E... I don't play bass 'cos that's too hard for me... I play the piano if it's in C..."

Lennon Remembers (a 1971 book of Lennon's post-breakup interviews with Rolling Stone magazine) includes a photo of Starr playing guitar and John Lennon playing drums.

Were the beatles high during a concert?

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Most would assume yes after listening to the psychedelic nature and fanciful lyrics of the song but John Lennon claimed that the song is based on a surreal dreamscape drawn by his son Julien in school. The picture was called Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and mainly focused on one of Julien's classmates, named Lucy.

How did george harrison affect people's spiritual beliefs and awareness of heavens?

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As the lead guitarist of the world's biggest rock band and a prolific song writer, the Beatles' George Harrison has secured his place in pop culture history. But his greatest legacy may be the way his decades-long spiritual quest shaped the ways the West looks at God, gurus and life.

What was George Harrison's favorite book?

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Harry's favorite book used to be the potions book that Snape wrote in until he figured out Snape was the Half-Blood Prince, after that his favorite book is not mentioned.

What song did Michael Jackson sing with George Harrison?

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Maybe you're thinking of Michael Jackson and paul McCartney. They sing "say say say" "the man" and "the girl is mine"???

What did George Harrison call the Beatle haircut?

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The Beatles' haircut was known as a 'mop top'

When did george Harrison quit smoking?

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Paul McCartney quit smoking around 1981. He was on holiday with his family, and one of his children took sick or was injured. He had to run on foot about two miles to get help. He was so out of breath after this that he determined to not smoke anymore.

Is George Harrison a vegetarian?

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All the Beatles were vegetarians at different times. Ringo Starr gave up meat because of health problems during his childhood, George Harrison became a vegetarian when he converted to Hinduism, and Paul McCartney and his wife Linda decided they loved animals too much to eat them. John Lennon mostly followed a macrobiotic diet after 1968, but broke it often.

Did george Harrison die from liver failure?

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Yes, but at the time of his death he had all around poor health. In 1997 he was diagnosed with throat cancer . Then in 1999, he was stabbed 7 times receiving several head injuries and a punctured lung. Later, in 2001 he was treated for a brain tumor and later lung cancer he died the same year. Most of these illnesses were contributed to smoking.

Where did George Harrison grow up?

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Eric Arthur Blair otherwise known as George Orwell was born on 25 June 1903 in Motihari, Bengal (now Bihar) India. At the age of one his family moved to England where he grew up.

When did george Harrison of the beatles die?

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He was about fourteen when he started playing regularly in John Lennon's original band, The Quarry Men. They later became the Beatles.

Was george harrison homophobic?

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George Harrison was raised by Catholic parents and later converted Hare Krishna. I'm not entirely about what Hare Krishna is all about, and I know some forms of Catholicism are opposed to same sex love... I don't believe George himself would be "homophobic" considering his belief for equality amongst humanity.

Was George Harrison a Christian before he died?

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George Harrison had been raised in a Christian home during his youth, but during his time with The Beatles, he embraced the teachings of Krishna, a sect of Hinduism.

According to Bob Spitz, who wrote the in depth biography The Beatles, in a personal interview Bob had with the Beatle, Harrison said that he had returned to the traditional Christianity of his youth. Spitz has recently revealed that in an agreement with Harrison's estate, he was not allowed to put that statement into his book.

Does patti Boyd have a sister?

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Boyd was infertile and never had any children.

How did geogre Harrison died?

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He ate too much fruit and died of diarrhea on the toilet :p

Watch Horrible Histories on CBBC and you'll see I'm right :)

When was George Harrison stabbed?

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A psychiatric patient named Michael Abram. He apparently had nursed an irrational obsession with the Beatles, as had Mark Chapman with John Lennon.

Who did George Harrison get married to?

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george harrison married Pattie Boyd in 1966, but divorced in 1977, then harrison married olivia arias in 1978 . i dont have the official month and day, but you can always look it up on google! hope this helps!