



Giraffes are well known for their extraordinarily long necks which they use to eat the leaves on tall trees.

500 Questions

How do giraffes get food water and shelter?

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Trees and bodies of water, typically. On occassion open their mouths during strong rainstorms.

What traits do giraffes have to help them survive?

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They have 18 inch long tongues and are tough so they can eat thorns. They also have a very long neck so they can eat leaves that are high up. they also have2 feet long heart and 2-3 times stronger than our heart. they also have strong legs so they can kill a lion with a kick or they can run fast to escape predators.

How do you act like a giraffe?

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Walk like you're on stilts. Yo know, all awkward. If you're acting like a young giraffe, make sounds like a rabbi giving a blessing. If you're an older giraffe, be silent. If you're acting with friends, learn to give each other signals as to what you're saying. Eat leaves like you have a numb tongue. (Edible leaves, no need to die.) All in all, be lazy.

What is the daily life of a giraffe?

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the daily life of a giraffe is simple. they eat

How long have giraffe wild been around?

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6,0000 years

How is the young giraffe cared for?

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The mother usually cleans the calf with its tongue such as a cat. The mother giraffe will then use its long neck to lift the calf to its feet. It does this by transforming its neck into a lasso type contraption. Once the calf is up and standing it will be beaten into the heard if it's male and sexed in if female. Once the giraffe is officially part of the heard it will start its life as a contributing member of society.

What helps a giraffe eat thorns with ease?

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there rough thick tongue helps them to eat thorns

What do male giraffes eat?

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Male giraffes eat the same food as female giraffes. All giraffes are herbivores and primarily eat leaves, grazing on the foliage of trees in the African bush. They prefer plants of the Mimosa (acacia) genus and combretum species, but they feed on the leaves of over 100 varieties of plants.

They also eat berries and fruits from trees when they are in season. Their long necks enable them to reach the treetops, which are out of reach of other herbivores.

Although herbivorous, giraffes are known to visit carcasses and lick dried meat off bones.

See the related link below for more information.

What animal group does a giraffe belong to?

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I've been doing a school project and one question asked which group of mammals the zebra belongs to and after a long time searching for the answer I found it! The answer to this hard question is… the zebra belongs to the Perissodactyla.

There is also the

Kingdom: Anlmalla

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Perissodactyla



Species: Equus Grevyi Oustalet

you can remember it by King Phillip Came Over For Grape Soda

Hope this helped!!!!!

Can a girraff talk?

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They can talk about the same amount as any other animal. They may be able to communicate slightly with each other but not really with humans.

What does getting necked mean?

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It means getting kissed or sucking on the neck.

How giraffes developed such long necks?

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Giraffes have adapted to environments where a main food source is leaves of trees. In areas where trees are far taller, the taller giraffes are able to eat and reproduce mor successfully and carry on the gene for greater height, this has continued, giving giraffes long necks which allow the consumption of food sources at greater heights.

How does giraffe interact with the other animals?

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there is interaction between a giraffe and human but there is not cause they are not part of the same family like cheetahs and leopards

What is a giraffe inhirted behaviors?

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the answer is shy yet fierce at times. giraffes are very smart, they are also very loving to their young. click the link to join my facebook group about girrafes.

What habitat do the giraffe live in?

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Giraffes are widely found in Africa. Their habitat range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south. It usually inhabits Savannas and grasslands of Africa. They prefer forests with lots of acacia trees which are its main source of food.

What color is a giraffes toungs?

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Do you mean (What color is a giraffe's tongue)?

If you mean that, maybe yellow, red, or pink.

How many babies do giraffes have a year?

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Since giraffe pregnancies lasts more than one year, they have less than one calf each year.

How do you feed a giraffe?

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Giraffe's usually inhabit Savannas and Grasslands that are abundant in trees like Acacia, Commiphora, Combretum etc. They browse on twigs of tree, preferringt he Acacia, Commiphora and Terminalia. They also feed on grass and fruits. They dont prefer grass much because, they have to bend down to graze, which isnt so easy if we consider its size. A giraffe eats around 65 pounds (around 30 kilos) of vegetation daily, but during lean periods, they can survive with around 15 pounds.

How long is a giraffes neck in centimetres?

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it depends on the giraffe

What will happen if giraffes overpopulate?

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After they become extinct, the plants grow and become overpopulated. The plants start to die off. Anything that eats a giraffe will die of starvation. Also, Anal beads will skyrocket in popularity.

Do giraffes have humps?

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No. Giraffes are placental mammals, not marsupials, so they do not have pouches.

Are giraffes hairy?

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No. I think you are getting confused between and tiger and a giraffe?

they have something that looks like whiskers, only that they are placed all around the nose and mouth. They function the same way.

How long does it take for a giraffe to throw up?

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It takes any where from 15 minutes to several hours depending on the size of the the giraffe and the amount of vomit. They are known to projectile vomit so if you notice a giraffe that is nausiated then be sure to steer clear and give it lots of time and space. A giraffe specialist can help with medication.

I do hate to be difficult, But Giraffes happen to be the same as Horses physically Incapible of Vomiting, They have to long necks. But there are Illnesses that can Harm there bodies and begin to force food etc. Back up there throats in the wild this is very dangerous many die, or go rapid, In zoo's they've discovered some ways to help cure or help it along in minutes it's also not food actually it's more Tissue some food though but it's not common nor' is the illness, My aunt studies Giraffes.