

Harvest Moon (video game)

This category is for the video game Harvest Moon. It is for PC, DS, and PSP.

500 Questions

Who is daryl in harvest moon ds?

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Asked by Wiki User

He is the scientist who lives just south of the main town area.

How do you get a child in harvest moon hero of leaf valley?

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Asked by Wiki User

first you need to get married.if your a girl you can marry luke,calvin,gill,toby,julies,or owen.
if your a girl you can marry Anissa,Kathy,Candace,Luna,Pheobe,or Selena.then 2 seasons
after you get married,you or your wife find out your pregnant.then 1 season after
that,you or your wife have a baby.You can name it.
hope this helps:)

How do you get korobos in Harvest Moon cute?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can't get any. The only thing Korobos will buy are those items on the Shopping Channel. But those items are fake and so are Korobos. Those are just made up so the Shopping Channel has something to show after you've bought everything.

How do you earn more hearts on harvest moon animal parade?

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Asked by Wiki User

Use your 2nd wii remote (providing you have one) to 'rub' the person.

keep going until there is a happy sort of tune and the person jumps up and throws their arms in the air. they will have hearts coming out of their head.

you can do the same for animals too

talk to them every day

Find out what the person or animal loves and hates

How do you befriend carter in harvest moon friends of mineral town?

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Asked by Wiki User

harvest moon ds? his favorite things are Normal Items

Lithograph Cooked Items

Stir Fry, Candied Potato, Cheese Fondue, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Cheese Steamed Bun, Matsutake Rice, Sashimi for more help go to -----------harvest moon Oscar71298

How can you get a blue feather on harvest moon tree of tranqility at what place?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well about 2 weeks after you get 10 hearts with your beloved the mayor will come and there will be a cut scene and later you will see a blue bird. follow it to Carmel Falls and obtain the Blue Feather Then give it to your beloved. Hope It Helped!! :D Fr: Glaceon66 Happy Playing!!!!

How do you get a horse on harvest moon tree of tranquility?

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Asked by Wiki User

To get a horse, first of all, you need a barn. Im not exactly sure, but i know horses were available after the first year for me. you can only get horses and goats after you level the ranch up to level two. To do so you simply ship animal products. Ostriches and ducks come after you've shipped 10,000 gold worth of animal products. ^^

one more thing you can onley get it in the first year pooo then

How do you get a baby bed in harvest moon ioh?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can buy it from Chen after you have been married for a season.

What happens if you propose before getting 60 sprites in Harvest Moon DS?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Person you are proposing to will reject the feather. YOU MUST GET 60 SPRITES BEFORE YOU PROPOSE TO A GIRL/BOY IF YOU EXPECT THEM TO ACCEPT.

How do you get fishing rod?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water Pokémon can also be obtained through use of the HM Surf across 'clear blue water' and the HM Dive underwater in tall grass.

No guy, He/She probably want to know how to get a water Pokemon and didn't get the old rod in Dewford and beat the Petalburg gym and Mr. Brinay wasn't at his cottage or Slatport, So you couldn't get back to Dewford to get the rod to get a water Pokemon to surf! Same Problem I have and I am currently working on a solution to. If I find one I will put the answer on here.

--- Ok I found one, Catch a Marill or and Ezuirel ( Marill's lesser form ) and then teach it surf. :) Took me a while to find a simple answer that was right in front of me. Well there you go.

What time does the harvest moon rise?

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Asked by Wiki User

For 2009

Not a few people are under the impression that the harvest moon remains in the night sky longer than any of the other full moons we see during the year, but that's not so. What sets the harvest full moon apart from the others is that farmers at the climax of the current harvest season can work late into the night by the moon's light. It rises about the time the sun sets, but more importantly, at this time of year, instead of rising its normal average 50 minutes later each evening, the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night.

For example, at New York City, moonrise on Oct. 3 is at 5:58 p.m. On Oct. 4, moonrise is 6:24 and on Oct. 5, it's 6:53. So compared to the normal 50 minutes per night, around the time of the harvest moon moonrise comes about 27 minutes later.

On harvest moon DS how do you get Muffy to love you?

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Asked by Wiki User

It mostly depends on how hard you're willing to work. If you just give her a flower everyday, it could take until fall. If you take her flowers, talk to her, go to see her, be nice to her boss, and buy a lot of drinks, you could be married by the end of spring. Or you could cheat and just get her hearts higher than all the other girls, she will come to YOU in the game cube version. Of course, in the DS version and GBA versions, it can take a lot longer, and you will have to wait at least 2-3 years if you try to keep of with the rest of your life. If you just seel your soul to her and spend all your time trying to woo her, you'll probably be married by winter. Be careful, if you wait to long your rival might beat you to the punch.

Can you have a child in harvest moon magical melody?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no way to have a daughter in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for Gamecube. You also can not have a daughter in Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life. In both of those games you can only have a son.

It is only in A Wonderful Life: Special Edition for the PS2 that you can have a daughter.

How do you prepare a homemade wine?

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Asked by Wiki User

== buy a home wine making kit. == Or here is a very simple way. I have successfully made several gallons of wine using Fleischmann's Instant Dry Yeast. This has worked out well because I can buy 2 1Lb. packages for less than $5 at Sam's Club (you can also use rapid rise, but it cost a whole lot more in those small packages), 1 Gallon of 100% Concord grape juice at Wal-Mart for less than $5 and makes a decent table wine (April 08). Recipe To make a semi sweet wine: Take 1 gal 100% grape juice (other juices will work equally well, but sugar amounts calculated on grape juice), Pour off 1 cup to make room for sugar, Add 3/4 cups of sugar to juice, shake well to dissolve all sugar. Add 1/2 teaspoon Yeast into container, allowing yeast to float on surface for 15 minutes to hydrate. Shake juice to mix in yeast. Loosen the lid so that it is just starting to seal, must allow carbon dioxide to escape, but not let in air. Set container in cool place (59-77 degrees f) for 3 or 4 days. Next add 1 level cup of sugar to wine. Be careful as wine may foam up from carbonation, you may need to pour some in a separate container temporarily, and then pour back. Replace in cool place. When all bubbling has stopped (7 days to 6weeks) you have approximately %12.5 alcohol content wine (25 proof). Pour (decant) the liquid to another container carefully to avoid disturbing the yeast in the bottom. Discard yeast and small amount of wine that remains. Allow particles (if any) to settle in new container for several hours and repeat decant process if wine is not clear enough for you. Drink responsibly and in moderation, this wine has a kick! A glass a day is healthy, more may not be. PS:If this is too strong a tasting wine you can cut the grape juice in half (half gallon each of grape juice and water). Follow the same directions only add 2 ¼ cups sugar before adding yeast, all other quantities remain the same and cuts your cost in half and still produces a great wine! For the adventuresome you can add small amounts of spices, herbs or even sterilized oak chips, (in a small mesh bag for easy removal), to create different flavors. If you like a dryer wine (less sweet) reduce the second sugar amount added by 1/4 cup increments, experiment and have fun!

When and where do you find van on Harvest moon ds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Van is a travelling merchant. You cannot go to his house, but he will visit the valley on the 3rd, 8th, 13th, 18th, 23rd and 28th of each season. You can find him in the Inner Inn on the top floor in the left had corner standing behind the crate of oranges. This is where you buy the DVD player and dvds. You can also sell items to him and barter for their price.

What does a black heart signify?

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Asked by Philosophie

A black heart means that you are an evil and bad person . You do not care about any body's feelings but yours and that you are heartless . So if someone walks up to you and says "you have a black heart" that not very good .

How do you get your milker and shearers upgraded to max on harvest moon ds?

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Asked by Gamerforlife

just keep using them. they will upgrade levels automatically, you don't need to call saibara, or anything.

On harvest moon ds how to unlock the character's in mineral town?

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Asked by Wiki User

The only way to meet the Mineral Town characters is to connect your Harvest Moon DS Cute game with Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town or More Friends of Mineral Town. To do that take your Mineral Town game and insert it into the GBA slot of your DS. If you do not have a copy of one of thOse games or you do not have a DS with GBA slot you can not meet the Mineral Town characters.

How do you get to the 255th floor on the level two mine in Harvest Moon DS?

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Asked by Wiki User

1. get all 3 racksacks 2. get 1 racksack full of bodigizer XL 3. go to the bottom.Use the bodigizer XL as soon as your stamina is at 1 or 2.

How do you get to the second floor in the mine on harvest moon ds?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you mean how you get to lower levels, then when you walk around the mine, you will fall in a hole and it will transport you to a lower floor of the mine. However, it is hidden, so you don't know where the spot is. Also, when you "fall" in a hole of a mine, it hurts you a little. Taking away a little of your stamina. You can FIND the hole by using your Hoe and tilling squares until it is found. There is ALWAYS at LEAST ONE hole and ONE pair of stairs. The stairs will not affect your health if you use them.

If you mean unlocking all the mines, it sounds as if you unlocked the first one. In order to unlock Another mine, you must travel to the last level of the most recent mine and defeat the dark animals. Once you have done that, you may go home and travel BACK to the Mine Site sometime after 10pm and Carter will come in the mine and ask you to knock down a wall with your hammer. This will unlock the next mine and everyone after.

Where is the romanas villa on harvest moon ds?

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Asked by Wiki User

the villa is the very big house the farthest left in Forget-Me-not valley.

What happens after the yellow heart event with Kai in harvest moon ds cute?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no Green heart event for Kai. Only Skye has a Green Heart Event. The other guys only have a Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Events.

Yellow Heart Event:

» Inner Inn, lobby

» 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm, sunny day

What is an adamite?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drusy crusts of short-prismatic or horizontally elongated crystals


How do you enter cheat codes in harvest moon island of happiness?

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Asked by Harvestmoon

By putting the codes into an Action Replay for DS