

Heroes (TV Series)

Heroes was an American science fiction television drama series. It was about the stories and lives of ordinary people who discovered that they had special powers. First aired in 2006, it ran for four seasons until canceled in 2010. It achieved high ratings for NBC but these declined in the later seasons.

500 Questions

What were some cruel ways of dying in World War 1?

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Some cruel ways of dying in World War 1 included being subjected to mustard gas attacks, which caused severe chemical burns and respiratory issues; being caught in artillery barrages that could obliterate soldiers and send body parts flying; and suffering from infections and diseases due to unsanitary conditions in the trenches.

Create a acrostic poem?

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Checks and balances help to keep order over the three branches

Only the president has the power to tell the military to go and come from a battle/war

No type of government can take action in the making of laws except the President and Constitution










Why did Catwoman tie up Wonder Woman?

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Catwoman may have tied up Wonder Woman as a part of a comic book or storyline plot where they are in opposition to each other or in a scenario where Catwoman is attempting to outsmart or gain the upper hand over Wonder Woman. It could also be a depiction of a conflict between the two characters or a strategic move by Catwoman to achieve a specific goal.

What is buzzlightyears catch phrase?

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To infinity ... and beyond! is what he uses most.

Who and When Alladin Cartoon character was made?

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Aladdin - Disney character - was created in 1992.

How old is Rona Mahilum of Negros Occidental now?

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Rona Mahilum's birthdate does not appear to be available publicly. At the time of the fire, in May of 1996, she was eight years old. If she had her birthday prior to the fire, she would have been born in 1988. If she would have turned nine some time later in 1996, she would have been born in 1987.

When did Heroes air?

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Heroes isn't going to come back. I know, that sucks. The show was abruptly canceled due to the loss of a viewers.

However, I heard rumors that there will be a movie coming out so the show wouldn't just end on that cliff-hanger; if they can be sure it would bring in money, I'm sure. But don't loose hope!

How many seasons does heroes have?

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The NBC will most likely decide wether there will be a next Heroes at all before May 17! ?

But there is already some good news:

NBC "Strongly Considering" Renewing Heroes for Season 5The Hollywood Reporter has updated their list of shows currently on the network bubble (that is, shows that can go either way - cancellation or renewal), and while Heroes remains a mystery (NBC still refuses to make a decision on it), THR does give Heroes fans room for optimism. They write about the show's chances:

On NBC, "Heroes" is the network's biggest question mark, with the Peacock strongly considering a final-season order. Like every bubble show, the quality of the network's pilots will play a key role in deciding how many shows return.


(Source: , a fanbased Heroes website)


Now that Heroes Season 4 has officially come to an end, but Heroes owner NBC has not yet confirmed a fifth season, fans all over the world are becoming truly worried. The internet, as the ultimate meetingpoint of gossip, displayes lots of rumors about Heroes coming back or not and a lot of webblogs are making lists about reasons pro and against. You can even sign an online Heroes petition to support a fifth season.

The series follows the lives of ordinary people across the globe who discover various superhumanabilities as they struggle to cope with their everyday lives and prevent foreseen disasters from occurring. Heroes is popular and carries a strong following, although the official ratings are weak. Additionally, Heroes was the MOST downloaded and streamed television show last year. So many people are watching it, but most are not tuning in the moment it airs.

Unfortunatly, at the end of the day, it's up to NBC to decide if the show is worth bringing back, financially speaking. Networks are in the money making business, and if the show can still make them enough, they'll bring it back regardless of criticisms leveled at the show by fans and critics. The expensive NBC series has always performed well overseas, but the network needs "Heroes" to pull decent numbers in its own backyard too. During season 4, Heroes continued its decline and has dropped to a level that would normally lead to cancellation. The deciding factor here is NBC's internal balance sheet for the production. Yes, it's all about the money…


The main question is not only if there's enough profit to be made but also if Heroes' writers can recover the award winning quality of the first season and thereby restore NBC's trust. The answer to these questions lead us to three possible outcomes, from which only two seem realistic to me. The first one is, obviously (and hopefully) a resumption of Heroes, either in it's current or (more likely) a renewed form. The second option is the release of one or more 'rap-it-all-up episodes' (don't be surprised if NBC announces a 12-hour "final chapter" for next fall). The third (to me most improbable) option is the series coming to a definite end, leaving all the fans on a limb wondering what happened after Claire did the unthinkable. At this point, it seems unlikely that NBC will leave us with so many loose ends to tie up.


We'll find out when they figure it out, I guess. But I do have a strong gutfeeling we can enjoy new Heroes episodes soon. And then there is hope! Greg Grunberg, who plays Matt Parkman on the show, said "I'm hearing rumors, I'm hearing good rumors". "We clearly did not wrap up the overall lure and story of Heroes (Source: TV Guide Magazine). Grunberg also said on his Twitter that he "Can't imagine not coming back" when a fan asked him if Heroes will come back for season 5. If the NBC is really considering to pull out the plug, we should all pray for the help of some true Heroes out there working hard to prevent this disaster from becoming a reality.

Who is the artist of the painting Dying Christ?

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anya melieve sarh wright. Whatever this "answer" is supposed to mean, the subject of Christ dying has occupied very many artists from the early days of Christianity until this day.

What kind of phone does Claire bennet have in heroes?

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well in the first season she had a sidekick type phone and in the second season she had a flip phone which I'm not really sure what kind of phone it was and in the third season she had a pink Palm Centro

When does the next heroes start?

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well no one really knows after series 5 I really hope there is going to be more but I think they have stopped sorry if you are a fan but maybe looking at all the other episodes of The sarah Jane adventures might bring back the memorys my favourite is the lost boy series 1 episode 5

In heroes does sylar kill elle?

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It would seem that way for now...With Nathan dead and Angela distraught she asks Matt Parkman to tell Sylar that he is Nathan and no longer Gabriel Gray. Sylar adopts every aspect of Nathans Personality until - it seems- he is no longer himself. But in the trailer for Season 4 we see 'Nathan' fixing a broken clock... I think Sylar will resurface somehow...

Why does yamcha have the same scar as bardock on his face?

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Gohan always use the hairstyles that yamcha has before

Will peter from heroes be able to take on more then one power at a time again?

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Peter currently has 'Ability Replication' which means he can absorb powers but cannot have multiple. That was until he touched Sylar - and absorbed his multiple abilities, which means he now has all the ones Sylar had at the time ...YEY.

Is Tracy Strauss dead on Heroes?

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Asked by Meeks334

Heroes writer, Bryan Fuller, revealed in an interview with that Tracy Strauss is Not dead and will be returning this season. I'm guessing she will return on the season finale because that's the only episode left.

Why do hero's have qualities?

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They stay strong (not showing weakness), they aren't selfish, they work hard, they don't give up, they try and benefit not only themselves but others, and they do what is necessary in a current situation. (lying, cheating, stealing...) examples: Odysseus, M.L.K, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, F.D.R, Gandhi...

What is the super hero image in every episode of Seinfeld?

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WOOT WOOT it's Superman you know super man he's awesome.

What is an example of outstanding courage in the face of crisis?

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I like that answer but in my workplace it is: Dealing with a dangerous or scary situation calmly and efficiently keeping others that are involved calm as well. Sitting through an entire episide of American Idol

What episode does Ben 10 get his car?

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Ben had a car in Ben 10 Alien Swarm (Season 3 Episode 10).. But in further episodes it was not shown. Ben has got a car from begining of Ultimate Alien Series.

How many seasons of heroes will be made?

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Heroes is currently in it's 3rd season :)

sorry it is going into the 5th season