

House of Night Series

House of Night is a thrillingly engaging book series that follows 16-year-old Zoey Redbird, who gets “Marked” by a vampyre tracker and begins to undergo the “Change” into an actual vampyre. She has to leave her family in Tulsa and move into the House of Night, a boarding school for other fledglings like her.

500 Questions

What is Aphrodite real name before she turned into a fleding in house of night series?

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In the House of Night series, Aphrodite's real name before she was marked and turned into a fledgling was known as Venus.

What is Marked the first House of Night movie going to be rated?

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P.C. Cast, the author, has been asked to make the book Marked into a movie, and she said yes. They still don't know if it will happen, and there are no actors for the movie yet. P.C. Cast said she'd post on her blog if they decide to ask for auditions for the movie. But still, they don't even know if this movie will be made. It's just an idea that may or may not work.

When will book 5 of the house of night series be released?

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As of now, there is no confirmed release date for book 5 of the House of Night series. It is advisable to stay tuned to updates from the author or publishing company for any announcements regarding the release date.

Is the series The House of Night anything else like the Twilight series or just the Vampire theme?

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Asked by Nikkijohn23

While both The House of Night and Twilight series feature vampire themes, they differ in their storyline, characters, and world-building. The House of Night focuses on a unique vampire society and a school for fledgling vampires, while Twilight explores the romantic relationships between vampires and humans. Overall, they both offer distinct takes on the vampire genre.

Who is in the pictures as Zoey Redbird Erik Night and James Stark in the house of night series?

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In the House of Night series, Zoey Redbird is portrayed by British actress Lucy Fry, Erik Night is played by Canadian actor David Castañeda, and James Stark is depicted by American actor Kellan Lutz.

My divorce decree forbids me to cohabitate with my new partner or the house will be sold can my boyfriend still sleep over night in the house?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would need to review the specifics of your divorce decree to determine if having your boyfriend stay overnight would be considered cohabitation. It's important to comply with the terms of your decree to avoid legal consequences. Consulting with a family law attorney for clarification and guidance would be advisable.

Dehumanization in the book Night?

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In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, dehumanization is prevalent throughout the Holocaust narrative. Jews are stripped of their identities, treated as objects rather than people, and subjected to inhumane conditions in concentration camps. By removing their humanity, the perpetrators aimed to break down their spirit and resistance, making it easier to commit atrocities against them.

What classes are in the House of Night?

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In the House of Night series, classes include vampyre sociology, vampyre history, fencing, elemental magic, biology, and physical education. Students at the House of Night also attend classes on rituals, rituals, and mythology.

What happens with Erik and Zoey in the house of night series?

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Throughout the House of Night series, Erik and Zoey have an on-again, off-again relationship. They face various challenges and obstacles, including jealousy, betrayal, and outside influences, which impact their relationship dynamics. Ultimately, their storylines remain interconnected as they navigate the complexities of their feelings for each other amidst the supernatural world of vampires.

Does stark and zoey end staying together in awakened in the house of night series?

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He is James stark. He dropped his first name when he transferred to the house of night from the one in Chicago. He is the worlds best archer. Him and zoey have a connection that she can't explain.

House of night burned?

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In the end, Stark saves Zoey and Heath moves on and starts his another life. Kalona gets banned from the 'Otherworld' this time mind body and spirit by Nyx. Zoey gets her marks and powers back. Neferet is still out there and so is Kalona. But Nyx made a sort of threat to Kalona to leave them alone.

Is there a book after destined in the house of night series?

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Yes, after "Destined" in the House of Night series, you can continue with "Hidden," "Revealed," and "Redeemed" to complete the series.

Does zoey redbird end up breaking up with Erik night?

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Yes, Zoey Redbird ends up breaking up with Erik Night in the "House of Night" series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast due to various reasons including differences in beliefs and interests.

Where can you read chosen house of night online?

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You can go on Scribd and on the top right corner click Books and type what you want

Read house of night series online?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can really buy the house of night series in most book shops. shops i recommend would be dymocks. It has not been released all the books together yet because they havent finished making the books yet.

In the House of Night series do Zoey and Erik get back together?

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They do at one point, but in Tempted they break up.

Can you audition for House of Night?

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House of night isn't being made into a movie or a tv show. Who knows, maybe it will be made into one in the future, but not right now.

The actual characters of the house of night movie?

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okay theres a lot herers a list:

(Main ppl)

Aphrotite LaFont: Leader of the dark daughters and has an affinnity for seeing the future.

Zoey Redbird: A new vamypre that has just been marked and has an afinnity for all 5 elements!

Erik Night: Zoeys boyfriend until something happens.... (Vampyre)

Heath Luck: Zoeys (ex) Human boyfriend that wont leave her alone. <3 !!!

Shaunee Cole: The 'twin' or Erin Bates, and vampyre

Erin Bates: The 'twin' of Shaunee Cole, and vampyre

Sevie Rae Johnson: Best friend of Zoey Redbird and is chnged in a weird way... Afinnity for earth Vampyre

Damien Maslin: Hes Zoey Redbirds second best friend and has a knack for using big words. (he's gay but not girly gay.)

James Stark: He's just called stark. He came from the Chicago house of night but he has a strage power to NEVER miss when he shoots an arow. i mean never...

Jack Twist: Damiens boyfriend (gay) and very much a tech geek...

well that's it her website is; http://

click on yearbook for more!!

Are the house of night books a tv show?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes, they are making the house of night novels into movies. the first one to come out is Marked and will come out sometime in 2012 or 2013 I believe. the cast has been set! check it out on youtube!


How do you say house of night in Japanese?

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"Yoru no Ie"

Pronounced: yoh-roo no ee-eh