


Humor & Amusement

Laughter is good for your soul! In these busy times, it's hard to find time for pleasure, but there's always time for a joke or riddle, word plays, brain teaser, and other amusements that will make you laugh, and that's the purpose of this category. Join us for some good always-in-style laughter! This category covers all the questions that are here to make you laugh.

500 Questions

How does Coriolis force cause air to move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coriolis force causes air to move by deflecting the path of the air due to the rotation of the Earth. As air flows from high to low pressure, the Coriolis force causes it to veer to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, influencing the direction of the wind.

How does a works bomb with Works toilet cleaner and aluminum foil work?

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Asked by Gmbgmbgmb

A Works bomb is created by combining Works toilet cleaner and aluminum foil in a sealed container. The chemical reaction between the acidic toilet cleaner and the reactive aluminum foil produces hydrogen gas, which builds up pressure inside the container until it bursts, creating a loud explosion. This reaction is dangerous and highly irresponsible, as it can cause harm or property damage.

Why is a jacket called a jacket?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word jacket comes from France. Recently, a small fragrance jacket is very popular. If you want to buy a good-looking jacket, you can go to the official website of shikaiqina to check it out. The quality there is excellent.

What shiny solid conducts electricity very well?

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Asked by Wiki User

Silver is a shiny solid that conducts electricity very well due to its high electrical conductivity. It is commonly used in electrical applications like circuits and connectors.

What is the chemical composition of Lithographic limestone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lithographic limestone is primarily composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), with small amounts of clay minerals and organic matter. These impurities can affect the color and texture of the stone, making it suitable for lithographic printing.

What is the difference between dry ice and a fog machine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide that produces a heavy fog when it sublimates, while a fog machine creates fog using a mixture of water and glycol that is heated and dispersed into the air. Dry ice fog is heavier and sinks to the ground, while fog machine fog tends to linger in the air for longer periods.

What does it mean when you call a person magnetic?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you call a person magnetic, you are describing their ability to attract others towards them effortlessly. It suggests they have a charismatic and engaging personality that draws people in.

How WPAN work?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) uses short-range wireless technology like Bluetooth or Zigbee to connect devices within a small area, typically a few meters. Devices in a WPAN communicate with each other to exchange data and share resources without the need for cables or wires. This enables convenient and efficient connections between devices such as smartphones, laptops, and IoT devices.

Is lysopene the only chemical in tomatoes?

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Asked by Mmmm02

No, lycopene is not the only chemical in tomatoes. Tomatoes also contain other compounds such as vitamin C, potassium, folate, and beta-carotene, among others. These compounds contribute to the nutritional value and health benefits of tomatoes.

The divisions of the worlds climatic regions are represented on grid maps by?

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Asked by Wiki User

The divisions of the world's climatic regions are typically represented on grid maps by isotherms. Isotherms are lines connecting points of equal temperature, helping to visualize temperature patterns across different regions. This method allows for a clear depiction of temperature variations and gradients in different parts of the world.

Why is soda brown?

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Asked by Wiki User

Soda is brown because it contains caramel color, which is added to give it a more appealing appearance. The caramel color is a food additive that gives soda its distinctive brown color. Without this additive, soda would be clear or have a different color based on its flavorings.

What is the most absorbent material in the world?

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Asked by Epicazinninja

Aerogel is considered the most absorbent material in the world. It is a synthetic, ultralight material derived from a gel, composed of 99.98% air and is known for its extremely high porosity and surface area, allowing it to absorb up to 15 times its weight in liquid.

Why does it feel like someone is breathing on your neck even when no one is there?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sensation of feeling like someone is breathing on your neck, even when no one is there, can be explained by a variety of factors such as drafts, changes in temperature, or heightened sensitivity to stimuli in that area. It could also be a result of a sensory illusion or a trick of the mind called pareidolia, where the brain perceives familiar patterns in random stimuli.

What is lighter than a feather and even men cant hold it for long?

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Asked by Wiki User

Breath is lighter than a feather, and even men cannot hold it for long.

Why does it take only one woman with PMT to change a light bulb?

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Asked by Meister268

The joke plays on the stereotype that women with premenstrual tension (PMT) can be moody or irritable, suggesting that they may want to change the light bulb themselves to ensure it's done correctly or to satisfy their own needs. It's a humorous way of poking fun at exaggerated perceptions of mood swings during that time of the month.

What type of density is a graduated cylinder?

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Asked by Wiki User

The question seems absurd has no meaning.

measuring cylinder is a device to measure the volume.

if you want to find density of a cube, you an find volume displaced and knowing mass can find the density - Archimedean principle

it is beyond the scope of this page to answer fully

What to do when a volcano erupts in your backyard?

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Asked by Wiki User

If a volcano erupts in your backyard, evacuate immediately to a safe location outside of the danger zone. Follow the instructions of local authorities and stay updated on emergency alerts. Do not attempt to approach or interact with the volcano as it can be extremely dangerous.

When you determine the pH of a solution what are you measuring?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you determine the pH of a solution, you are measuring the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in that solution. pH is a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is on a scale from 0 to 14, with lower values indicating acidity, higher values indicating alkalinity, and a pH of 7 being neutral.

How many earthquakes occur in the US every year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Check out the related link below for more info.

Strictly speaking the answer is "infinite." The smaller the earthquake magnitude, the more frequent they are and the harder they are to detect. There are scads of tiny earthquakes barely big enough to detect, and probably far more that are even smaller.

As a practical matter hardly anybody's going to notice anything smaller than magnitude 4 or so.

Botany is a scientific study of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Botany is the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, and interactions with the environment. It encompasses a wide range of plant-related topics, from plant classification and identification to plant evolution and growth processes.

What did the paperclip say to the magnet?

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Asked by Wiki User

It told the magnet, "I find you very attractive!"

How do living things use surface tension?

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Asked by Wiki User

Living things use surface tension to walk on water, by distributing their weight across the water's surface without breaking it. Some insects, like water striders, have adapted to take advantage of surface tension to move and survive on water. They also use it to trap and consume prey, by secreting sticky substances that immobilize their target.

What sort of energy is stored inside uranium?

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Asked by Wiki User

Uranium stores potential energy inside its nucleus in the form of nuclear binding energy. This energy is released as heat when uranium undergoes nuclear fission in a controlled environment such as a nuclear reactor.

What are some Scientists with funny names?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some scientists with funny names include Dr. Dick van Dyke, Dr. Cherub Chirive, and Dr. Jack Offenbach.

What is used for newspaper ink?

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Asked by Wiki User

Newspaper ink is typically made from a combination of pigments, solvents, and resins. The pigments provide color, the solvents allow the ink to flow, and the resins help the ink adhere to the paper. Newspapers commonly use a type of ink known as coldset ink, which dries quickly and works well with high-speed printing presses.