

Ice Hockey Rules and Regulations

Ice hockey’s rules and regulations are regulated by the National Hockey League and the International Ice Hockey Federation. The game has three rules of play that limit the puck’s movement: icing, offside and the puck going out of play.

500 Questions

In hockey has a penalized team ever scored on a delayed penalty?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. It has happened when a pass is missed and goes all the way down the ice and into the open net.

I understand how it could happen but I couldn't find anything on it definitely having happened in an NHL game.

Why do hockey players fight all the time?

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Players fight for a number of reasons. Some fight for dominance of the opponent, some to give their team an edge (mentally), some because they feel they were wronged, and some because it's a very physical game and they just lose their temper. If you remember a few years ago there was a lot of controversy as to whether fighting should be penalized more severely and just completely banned (wouldn't happen) because of the hit from behind on Steve Moore from Todd Bertuzzi. Some people fight just to fight and some fight to take an opposing player that can stop a game deciding play out of the fray. There are too many reasons to fight to list them all.

Answer 2:

In the NHL, hockey players fight for a few reasons:
-To make there fans stay interested and keep the game interesting
-Because it's there job, why else do you think some 250 hockey players that arn't near as good as the 180 pound danglers?
-To keep a handle on the other team. If there is a team of light weigh, skilled players and they are winning the game lets say 10-0, the opposing team will get very frustrated and kick the crap out of them. After the fight, the team may backoff and respect the other team.

Where are the lines painted on a hockey rink?

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Asked by Wiki User

Starting at the goal line, which is the line on the goalies net and crease. Then there is the Blue line, which is above the top of the circles. Then there is the Red line in the middle of the rink, this is where the puck is dropped at the beginning of each period and the start of every game, and when a team scores. then there is the blue line again and then the goal line again. the hockey rink is symmetrical.

What NHL player wore number 21?

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Vyacheslav Kozlov (Atlanta Thrashers), Ray Whitney (Carolina Hurricanes), Krystopher Barch (Dallas Stars), Pavel Datsyuk (Detroit Red Wings), Andrew Cogliano (Edmonton Oilers), Mike Cammalleri (Montreal) Bill Guerin (Pittsburgh)

What is the measure of an ice hockey stick?

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Asked by Wiki User

For Hockey sticks you need to measure from you chin when you are wearing skates and from your nose when not wearing them. That will tell you what size stick you will need. It should be in inches. Hope that helps.

How many people are on a ice hockey team?

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Asked by Wiki User

NHL teams may list up to twenty two (22) players on their official rosters.

The normal roster line-up is twelve (12) forwards, eight (8) defenseman and two (2) goaltenders.

22 - 12 forwards, 8 defensemen and 2 goaltenders.

How many players total is the September roster expanded to and how many are allowed in postseason rosters?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Major League Baseball, teams may expand their active rosters to 40 players on Sept. 1, this includes for the playoffs as well. In the playoffs however you can only have 25 active players, the reason 40 players are on your roster is because unlike in the regular season you cannot move players to/from your minor league teams during the playoffs.

In hockey what does the score is after regulation mean?

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The regulation time for a hockey game is 60 minutes of playing time, divided into 3 20-minute periods. If at the end of 60 minutes one team is ahead, the game is over and the winning team is awarded two points. However, if at the end of regulation (60 minutes), the score is tied, then teams play a five minute 4-on-4 overtime. If the game is not settled in overtime, then teams use a shootout to determine a winner. The 4-on-4 overtime and shootout do not apply in the playoffs, however, where unlimited 5-on-5 OT is used to determine a winner.

What is offsides in the NHL?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a player enters the offensive zone before the puck.

Normally a delayed off-sides call is maintained, giving the offending team the option to touch up and and move back into the zone legally.

How many players are on the court at a time?

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7. GS (goal shoot) GA ( goal attack) WD (wing defense) WA (wing attack ) C ( center) GK ( goal keep ) and GD ( goal defense )

What is the correct penalty for checking the goalie in hockey?

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Asked by Wiki User

2 minutes, most penalties are, except for a cut if bleeding (4 minutes) or other exceptions.

If you receive a major penalty with a game misconduct what does that mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

A game misconduct is a ten (10) minute penalty that must be served in full, by the player charged, to run consecutively with the five (5) minute major penalty.

The guilty player must be off of the playing surface for no less than fifteen (15) minutes.

What is the distance from the goal line to the end board behind the net on Olympic size ice surface?

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Asked by R95c97r99

It can be either 11 feet or 4 meters. The 2010 Olympics were played on an NHL standard/North American rink...200' x 85'...and thus the IIHF decided to play the tournament with the goal line at 11 feet per NHL standards. When the Olympics were in Italy in 2006, the tournament was played on International size surfaces (approx 200 x 98)...thus the goal line was at 4 meters (13.1 feet) from the end boards.

What determines a face-off win?

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Which ever teams gets possession.

When playing checkers what is the penalty to a player who doesn't jump when they can?

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If a player does not jump when they can in checkers that piece is taken out of the game.

What is a diving penalty in hockey?

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Its a 2:00 minute penalty given to a player who attempts to draw a penalty by faking or elaborating what actually happened. For example falling when they were hardly touched.

What is the most players in the penalty box at one time?

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Asked by Wiki User

the answer is 4 because the goalie never goes in the penalty box and there is only aloud to be atleast 3 including the goalie on the ice (for one team)

What does zone mean in hockey?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hi, gonna try to help you with this...

There's 3 zones in an ice hockey rink divided by lines, there's 2 blue lines and 1 red line between these 2.

If you are defending your net it means you are in your defensvive zone, delimited by the very beginning of the rink and the first blue line.

If you advance, and cross this blue line you enter into the neutral zone, which is the zone between the two blue lines with the red line in the middle, and if you pass the second blue line it means your are in the attacking zone, or offensive zone.

When you are attacking and the puck is handed by your wingers they should (theorically) never give or pass the puck to your defensive man, which are two and are preventing the puck to go out of the attacking zone standing at the top of the attacking zone, you as a winger are supposed to do plays with the other 2 wingers in the atacking zone, like the box, triangle, set up behind, etc., and never pass it back to your defensive man, if you do this, it means you took it out of the zone.

There'e another zone called red zone or blind zone (if i remember correctly), but that's for goalies, which means that the puck is handed most of the times for the against team and it's behind the net, which is really hard for goalies...

Hope I helped you with this...

Best, alex...

Do you have to have a goalie stick for goalie?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes. goalie sticks are bigger and shaped differently to be able to have more of a chance of stopping the puck.