


The martial art created by Jigoro Kano in Japan in the late nineteenth century and based upon JuJutsu. The name means the "gentle way" and is a modern martial art and combat sport, that has become an Olympic Sport.

500 Questions

How many rounds are in a boxing match?

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Amateur: 3; also five-two min rounds. Pro: 4; 6; 8; 10; 12 no laws against "15" round matches still. Are their 'laws' against 20 r. boxing?? If their are/ those laws are most certainly -regional- and no possible further jurisdiction. Now: are "5" r. boxing matches ever slated? The answer is yes and you WILL SEE them in records if you keep searching long enough. I have seen them many times. Are their ever two round matches slated? again, they do exist in records. Even one round slatted distances are to be found in records. "7" round matches have happened. As have "11" r. matches. Normally it is even number rounds that are used. (note: their are many, many boxing matches happening around the Globe, every month and the numbers would -probably- amaze the average joe on street).

Is there a red and white belt in judo?

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In order to get your belt upgraded in judo, it is necessary to learn a section of judo compiled by the federation you belong to and then later recite this information in an examination like atmosphere to your sensei. If performed well the sensei will pass you onto your next grade. Note: there are three stripes or mons per belt which can only be upgraded every 3 months. Grades for a judokas' black belt vary however.

Where does the judo originated?

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Judo originated from Samurai Jujutsu. Jigoro Kano replaced the striking and weapons from jujutsu, as well as many of the techniques that relied on physical strength. He instead chose to refine the techniques such as throws, holds, joint-locks.

What countries are good at judo?

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  • Go on a different site to find out.
  • Find out who actually started Judo and recognize that their country is obviously the best for Judo.
  • Read this over again until you realize the mistake I've done. (If their is a mistake).

How do you judo flip someone?

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Grab their arm and move it backwards in an oval.

What are judo mats made from?

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Gymnastics Mats: mats gymnasts use to train with. For example, when a gymnast is on the bars and preping for a dismount she can't do perfectly yet, there will be a big mat underneath for her to land on.

Is judo in the Olympics?

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As long as it is the correct weight, width, height, and it in good condition to throw (meaning the grip is intact and the tip is rubber), you can throw your own javelin.

Along with other throwing implements in the throwing events.

What do judo people wear?

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Judokas wear a Judo Gi. It is somewhat like those white outfits you see Karate-kas wearing, or most other martial artests.

How long should a judo belt be?

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It is normally going to be 2.5 to 3 inches wide. It varies by make and style.

How many grappling techniques are there in Judo?

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{| |- | Judo is predominantly a grappling style of martial art. There are hundreds of different techniques involved. You will start off learning about a dozen or so key moves, and build on them as you progress on your journey. |}

What is zen judo?

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Zen Judo is a style of the martial art of Judo based on the book "Zen Judo: A Way of Life" by Brian N. Bagot, 1989. Zen Judo differs from other Judo schools in its emphasis on promotion by perfection of the throwing techniques versus winning in tournament competitions.

What are the importance of judo and karate?

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Judo and Karate are important because of the advantage it gives you in self defense, discipline, and control

How many stripes can you get in as a black belt?

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It doesn't take a certain amount of days to get your black belt in karate. It all depend on you. It depends on how much you practice. There are people who get there black belt in 2 to 3 years. There are people who get there black belt in 5 to 6 years. It all depend on you.

Hellboy 2 Luke Gross does he really know martial arts?

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I read that Luke Goss trained with former Jackie Chan Stunt team member Brad Allen for 7 months for the part, but a stunt double named Xia Bin was used in the opening sequence of the spear training exercises in the sewer.

Yes, he practices kung fu, karate and judo.

In which year did judo appear in the Olympics?

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Judo was based of a martial art called Jujitsu which was taught to the samurai that fought in japan a long time ago. Jigoro Kano is credited as the founder of judo. He took out the moves that required strength and the eye gouging and transformed Judo into a sport. In 1882 he opened the worlds first judo academy.

What does osae-komi mean?

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Osae komi means that a hold is in progress

What is the population of judo?

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What is the Japanese name for break falls?

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The Japanese term for landing safely is "ukemi"

Who is Jigoro Kano?

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The 'inventor' of Judo