


Established by Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival in the US (December 26 to January 1) aimed at strengthening African-American culture and heritage. The celebration culminates in a feast where gift-giving usually takes place.

500 Questions

Who started Kwanzaa?

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Ron karenga
Dr. Maulana Karenga

Is their a mascot for Kwanzaa?

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Yes actually. The most known mascot for Kwanzaa would be the Black Candle and his sidekick, the Kwanzaa Sock. They do battle with the infamous Kwanzaa Sage, who steals their corn and mats in order to take over the world. I hope this was helpful.

Which president made Kwanzaa an official holiday?

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No president made Kwanzaa an official holiday. Instead, it is a festive celebration of African culture, ethnicity and heritage by African-Americans in the United States of America. It is held from December 26 of one year to January 1 of the immediately following year.

Why is fruit part of Kwanzaa celebrations?

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To show that the harvest has been good is the reason for including fruit when celebrating Kwanzaa.

Specifically, the crops are one of the seven symbols of Kwanzaa. The other six symbols are the corn, the gifts, the seven candles of unity, self-determination, collective responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith; the special candle holder called the kinara; and the unity cup.

What is the Kwanzaa word 'nadia' in English?

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The word may come from an Arabic word meaning "caller" or "announcer."

Is Kwanzaa celebrated in all of the US states?

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Asked by Kamuna

Well, think of it this way. If Kwanzaa is a religious holiday, then the proper question to ask is"Who celebrates Kwanzaa?" and then the answer would be Africans. So now that you know the answer to that question, think about if there is at least one African citizen in every state.

Did maulana karenga ever marry or have children?

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I knew his son Tarik (a.k.a Todd Everett) from high school. He attended Fairmont High School in Kettering, Ohio. Tarik had a brother who was called "Tio" and a sister. Cannot remember sister's name. They lived on Mohican Drive.

I believe Maulana Karenga was married to Tarik's mother but had divorced before I met Tarik. I knew Tarik around 1985-1987.


What does the unity cup symbolize in Kwanzaa?

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The Unity Cup is part of the Seven Symbols of Kwanzaa. Umoja, (the Unity Cup) is when celebrants drink from the cup to honor their ancestors. Before drinking, each person says"harambee" which means "let's pull together.'

What is the name of the woven mat symbolizing Kwanzaa?

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Mkeka is the name of the woven mat that is one of the symbols of Kwanzaa.

The other six symbols are crops, the kinara, the corn, the seven candles, the unity cup, and the gifts. Specifically, the kinara is the candle holder for the three red, one black and three green candles of the lighting ceremony aspect of kwanzaa. The candles celebrate unity, self-determination, collective responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith.

Why do Americans celebrate on May 5th?

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It's not Americans, it's Mexicans. It's the day Mexico defeated the French in Puebla in 1863.

What is the subject in Swahili Kwanzaa means first fruits of the harvest?

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i mean what is the subject in , In swahili kwanzaa means " first fruit of the harvest?

Which Kwanzaa color candle symbolizes the future?

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The green candles are vision candles - candles of hopes, dreams, and promises for the future in Kwanzaa

What is kilimo kwanza in Tanzania?

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KILIMO KWANZA is the strategy for agriculture revolution in Tanzania aimed at improving livelihood, economic growth as well as employment.

What year was Kwanzaa was first celebrated?

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Kwanzaa was first celebrated in the year of 1996.

What are Kwanzaa cutoms?

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