

Marlon Brando

Most famous for his role as Vito Corleone in “The Godfather”, Marlon Brando had been in the entertainment industry for more than 50 years. He had won several awards, including his Academy Award for his role in the films “On the Waterfront” and “The Godfather”.

393 Questions

Did marlon brando say stellaaaaaa?

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He said it in the movie

A Streetcar Named Desire

Why was marlon brando hard to work with?

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Marlon Brando was notorious for being difficult to work with because of his unwillingness to memorize his lines and for having less interest in taking direction from film directors and for being more interested in confronting them. He also had odd demand from film directors.

What was Marlon Brando's role in 'The Wild One'?

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In the 1953 movie The Wild One, Marlon Brando's role was the lead as gang leader Johnny Strabler. Some say it was an iconic portrayal. He was the leader of a gang of bikers.

Did Marlon Brando die of cancer?

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His cause of death was listed as pulmonary fibrosis. It was noted he also had congestive heart failure, diabetes, and liver cancer. Like Errol Flynn, it was a race between Brando's heart, lungs, and liver on which would give out first. Amazingly, Brando lived to age 80 despite numerous health issues.

Is it true that Marlon Brando was voted the best actor of the past century.?

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Yes it is true because Marlon's played in so many memorable roles including one that he most remembered by the part of Don Vito Corleone from The Godfather, But the movie that truly made Marlon Brando famous was the true classic A Streetcar Named Desire

Was Rita Moreno married to Marlon Brando?

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No. Rita Moreno dated Marlon Brando for eight years. She was married to Leonard Gordon from June 18, 1965 to June 30, 2010.

Did marlon Brando play slide trombone?

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Asked by Arthur Smith

While it is known that Brando was an accomplished musician, there is no concrete evidence that he ever played the slide trombone. However, there are several theories as to why he may have played this instrument.

Some believe that Brando may have played the slide trombone because he was seen holding one in several photographs. It is possible that he was simply holding the instrument for someone else or that he was experimenting with it. There is also a possibility that he was taking lessons on the slide trombone but never progressed beyond a beginner level.

Others believe that Brando may have played the slide trombone because he was interested in jazz music. Jazz is often associated with the slide trombone, and Brando was known to be a fan of jazz music. It is possible that he learned to play the instrument in order to be able to better appreciate jazz music.

Regardless of whether or not Brando actually played the slide trombone, it is clear that he was a very talented musician. He was able to play a variety of instruments, including the piano, banjo, and guitar. He also had a natural gift for acting, which helped him become one of the most successful actors of all time.

How did Marlon Brando become Stanley kowalski?

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Marlon Brandon was a virtual unknown when the Broadway play opened in 1947. In fact, the producer, Irene Mayer Selznek, wanted to cast established actor, John Garfield, for the part. Brando, along with most of the Broaway cast, was cast in the film production.

Who is more famous Marlon Brando or Sonic the Hedgehog?

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Its really hard but Sonic is more famous because there were 123,444,552,532 votes and there were -1111111111 votes for marlon

Did marlon brando have an underbite?

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No, he wore a prosthesis in The Godfather

How much money did Marlon Brando earn for his four minute role in Superman?

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It has been reported he earned 3.7MIL for 2 weeks work Amazing for anyday let alone 1978. Also Christopher Reeve only earned $250,000 being an unknown then $500,000 for sequel and 1 MIL for crappy 3rd film. C.J.S

What style of acting did Marlon Brando practice?

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The Stanislavski system, or the 'Method'-acting style.

Did Marlon Brando put cotton wool in his mouth for his voice in the film titled The Godfather?

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Yes he put cotton balls in his mouth. Brando had a very high pitch voice all his life. Not very convincing as a movie mafia don! Brando was a great actor obviously, but something had to be done about that voice. Also I have heard that since Brando felt he never had to audition for a part, director Francis Ford Coppola tricked Brando (somehow) and yes Brando unintentionally read for the part.

Can you get to California without marlon brandos eyes?

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You moron. It's "You can't SEE California without Marlon Brando's eyes".

Which godfather did marlon brando die?

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The 1st Godfather of a heart attack in the garden after playing w/ his grandson Anthony.

Who is actress in commercial with John Wayne and Marlon Brando?

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The "Break in your Jeans" ad features (in order of apprearance) Marlon Brando, Carlos Santana, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, and the Ramones

you can view it at the link below

Did Marlon Brando marry the Japanese girl in the movie Sayonara?

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Are you talking about Brando the real person or the character he played (Major Lloyd Gruver) in that film?

His co-star in that film was Miiko Taka, who played Hana-Ogi -- the two actors were never married.


According to TCMdb, at the end of the film, Hana-Ogi tells reporters

'that she and Gruver will be married, and hopes that someday people will understand and approve. American reporters, who have followed Gruver from the airport hoping for a story, ask Gruver if he has anything to say to military officials. After thinking a moment, Gruver says, "sayonara." '

To me, this means that a marriage will soon follow, but does not actually occur during the plot of this film. So take your pick.

What role did Marlon Brando play in the movie the Godfather?

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Playwright Tennessee Williams Pulitzer winning book of "A Streetcar named Desire" was adapted for Screen by Williams himself. It was a perfect vehicle for Marlon Brandowho became a towering Hollywood figure and is regarded to have defined a new concept and style of Acting after he appeared as the rustic and brutish Stanley Kowalski in the Elia Kazan directed film of the same name in 1951.
Brando had already appeared in the Broadway version of this play in 1947 which was a big success but mass-appeal eluded him. Earlier after a disastrous schooling sojourn he found his true calling when he moved from Nebraska to NYC to join the "Actor's Studio". This school of acting propagated the 'method acting' under Lee Strasberg. It was in "New School Dramatic Workshop" where he studied with Stella Adler and learned the revolutionary tactics of the "Stanislavsky system".
Brando's realistic acting style in "A Streetcar named Desire" (1951) garnered for him a Academy Awards Nomination for Best Actor and continued his nomination streak in his next 3 films in consecutive years winning the coveted award in 1954 for his portrayal as the vulnerable Terry Malloy in "On the Waterfront" directed by none other than Elia Kazan. Brando had a profound effect on stars like James Dean, Paul Newman, and to some extent Robert DeNiro.