

Mathematical Constants

Intriguing, ubiquitous, and at times mysterious, numerical constants set the allowable limits for all universal phenomena. Whether your questions involves π, Avogadro's number, Planck's constant, the atomic mass unit, or any of the other multitudes of immutable numbers used in science, this is the category where they should be asked.

500 Questions

The SI unit for mass is?

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The SI unit which is used to measure mass is the kilogram.

Standard unit of mass?

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the answer is that you this stupid website doesn't do any thing at all . It just collects information from us . DO NOT GO TO THIS DUMB ,BUT INFORMATIVE STUPID but nice WEBSITE EVER AGAIN

What is the atomic mass of hydrogen-1?

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The molecular mass of a molecule is just the sum of the masses of each atom in it. So if water has a mass of 18, and hydrogen has a mass of 1, and there are two hydrogens and one oxygen in water (it has formula H2O), than oxygen must weigh 16. That is:

18 - (2*1) = 16

You can also look at a periodic table, and it will tell you the mass of every element without doing any calculations! See the Web Links to the left of the answer.

What is Troutons constant?

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Trouton's constant is a physical property that characterizes the relative volatility of a liquid. It is calculated as the ratio of the heat of vaporization to the boiling point of the liquid at its normal boiling point. Trouton's constant is approximately 21 J/mol·K for most organic liquids.

What is Avogadro's Number and what is its use in daily life?

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Avogadro's Number is 6.022 x 10^23, representing the number of particles (atoms, molecules, etc.) in one mole of a substance. It is used in chemistry to relate the mass of a substance to the number of atoms or molecules it contains. In daily life, it helps in understanding and calculating the amount of a substance needed for a chemical reaction or process.

What is zero divided by two?

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0/2 = 0

If you start with nothing (zero), how can you divide it by anything!!!!!

Where is the golden ratio used?

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Asked by Mrcatherwood

It is used in nature all the time. Buds on plant stalks sprout using the Golden Ratio.

When architects use the Golden ratio to design a building , the building looks good, and feels good. The Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece is such a building.

Good artist s often unconciously use the Golden Ratio ; the focus of a painting is never in the centre of the canvas, but at the golden ratio.

The ratio is 1: 1.618....

or (phi) = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 it is an Irrational number.

It also goes by the names , Golden Number, Devine Section, God's Number, etc.,

Have a look in Wikioedia under 'Golden Ratio'.

What is constant in biology term?

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Biology means it's about Trees and Plants,ect....

What is the sum of 328 to the nearest hundred?

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The sum of 328 rounded to the nearest hundred is 300.

How do you remember your 3 times table?

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To remember the 3 times table, you can practice it regularly through repetition, use flashcards or mnemonic devices, and try to understand the patterns and relationships within the numbers. It can also be helpful to visualize groups of threes or draw a multiplication chart to reinforce the multiplication facts.

Find the largest prime number generated by Euler's formula?

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The largest prime number found using Euler's formula, known as Euler's prime, is 2^2^5 + 1, which equals 4294967297. This number was discovered by Euler in the 18th century, and it remained the largest known prime for many years.

What is bigger centillion or googolplex?

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Googolplex is a larger number because -llion is smaller than g-

Which element has the highest atomic mass?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Name: Ununoctium
  • Symbol: Uuo
  • Atomic Number: 118
  • Atomic Mass(AMUs): 294
  • Group In Periodic Table: 18
  • Group Name: Noble gas
  • Period In Periodic Table: 7
  • Colour: unknown, NaN, but probably a colourless gas
  • Classification: Non-metallic

How many zeroes are in Graham's number?

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Asked by Wiki User

Very large. You can't express it in scientific notation, or even as a power tower. You can read in the Wikipedia how the number is defined.

What are the first 1000000 digets of pi?

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What is the value of the golden ratio?

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The value of the golden ratio is approximately 1.61803398875. This irrational number is often denoted by the Greek letter phi (Φ). It is a unique mathematical ratio that is found in various aspects of art, architecture, and nature.

A googol x 100 is what?

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A googol has a one followed by 100 zeros, so googol times 100 is a one followed by 102 zeros

What number is the highest billion centillion quadrilion and a googol?

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Centillion is a 1 with 303 zeros so this is the biggest.

What is bigger than infinity?

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nothing. infinity is infinite which means it goes on for ever, there fore nothing is.

What is more than infinity?

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Nothing is more than infinity, nothing is longer than infinity. It is infinite, definitely.

Nothing is more than infinity. Infinity will just go on forever!

What type of numbers are these 1 4 9 16 25?

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These are square numbers.

1, 4, 9, 16, 25

1 2, 2 2, 3 2, 4 2, 5 2, next number is 6 2 = 36

What is the percent of 1.4?

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How do you write 250% as a fraction or a mixed number

What is a given number?

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Often, in mathematical problems, you are asked to find out an unknown value. Towards that end, you are "given" some numbers to assist in that process.