

Matt Damon

Matt Damon (born October 8, 1970) is a popular American actor and screenwriter. He is one of the top 40 highest grossing actors of all time, and has starred in movies such as Saving Private Ryan, and the Bourne series.

171 Questions

Was Matt Damon ever on Friends?

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I dont think it’s him. The same guy is in an earlier scene at the Hootie show and it’s definitely not Damon. Plus, Damon had already had some bigger roles in 1994/95, so don’t know why he’d need an extra role.

What is Matt Damon's favourite food?

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Matt loves simple food. He is not fussy about food. Even if he doesnt like the food Matt will never complain. He does not like attention

Does Damon die?

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yes but he comes back

What is Matt Damons age?

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He is 50, as of December 02, 2020..

What rugby star does Matt Damon play in the film Invictus?

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Matt Damon portrays Francois Pienaar in Invictus.

Is Damon wayons stil alive?

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no he didnt

What movie did Matt Damon star in with Angelina Jolie?

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The three starred together in The Good Shepherd (2006).

Is Matt Damon Related to Johnny Damon?

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No, Matt Damon is not related to Johnny Damon.

Which shoes does Matt Damon wear in elysium?

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He wears a pair of Timberland Euro Hikers 2.0, which makes sense since he wore the original ones in 'The Bourne Identity' and the upgrade (albeit in different color than the black seen in 'Ultimatum') in the second one.

What did Matt Damon say in The Departed about the Irish?

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Damon is of English, Finnish, and Scottish ancestry

Does Matt Damon die in true grit?

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Hackman does not appear in either filmed version of this novel.

Did Matt Damon sing extreme ways at the end of the borne idenity?

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Somewhere, I swear to God, I read that he did do the vocals on this Moby song but there's no credit anywhere attesting to such. Does anybody know if he actually sang the vocals on "Scotty Doesn't Know" as the skinhead rocker in "EuroTrip"? It seems like he did. LOL---great flick!

What watch is worn by Matt Damon in the bourne movies?

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Depends on which bourne film - there are 3

In the Bourne Ultimatum he sponsored the Casio Wave Ceptor (Casio WVQ-570DBE-1AVER)

Are Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio friends?

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yes they are indeed they have done movies together like revolutionary road and TITANIC there great BEST FRIENDS and enjoy each others company

In Damon and pythias what does Damon agree to do for his friend?

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Before Damon was about to die, he still feels that his friend is faithful and he feels that he has not returned due to no fault of his own.

What celebrities live on Kauai?

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Aloha: Kelsey Grammar, Oprah Winfrey, Woody Harrelson, Willie Nelson, Clint Eastwood, and others (either currently or from time to time). Roseanne Barr bought something here in the islands somewhere,. I don't know if Magic Johnson has a place or not, but he is here lots, and, of course, me (but, I'm not telling who I am). : D

Are Matt Damon and john cena brothers?

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Matt Damion not John Cena brother

Movies leonarda DiCaprio and Matt Damon?

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Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio starred together in The Departed.

Who does Matt Damon play in green zone?

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He plays a character ROY MILLER, which is based on real-life Army chief warrant officer, Richard (Monty) Gonzales, whose Mobile Exploitation Team was charged with finding the WMDs during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Did Matt Damon in Dazed and Confused?

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Yes??? Ummm I don't think so!!

What character? What scene?

What is the name of the movie where Matt Damon is in Alaska with sled dog?

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Oh, well, there's obviously only one movie that has dog sledding.

One of them is called SLED DOGS.

There are lots of them, but the best and most famous, now not often heard of is Spirit Of The Wind, retitled, Attla, when released. It won awards at Cannes and has never been released in the USA in any format for public purchase. It is an American film, tho. It is only available as a DVD thru Carlotta films, a French distributor. It has French subtitles, but if you want to own this movie, and it is one of the best ever, you'll have to put up with the french writing. It is worth it.