


Measles (two types, Rubeola, "red measles" and Rubella, "German measles") is a very contagious respiratory infection best known for its rash and flu-like symptoms. Questions concerning symptoms, causes, diagnosis, transmission, prevention and treatment can be found here.

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What is Measles?

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Both the rubeola and rubella viruses are spread through the respiratory route. This means they are contagious through coughing and sneezing. In fact, the rubeola virus is one of the most contagious viruses known to man. As a result, it can spread rapidly in a susceptible population. Infected people carry the virus in their respiratory tract before they get sick, so they can spread the disease without being aware of it.

How does the MMR vaccine work?

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The MMR Vaccine contains tiny doses of living but inactivated viruses that cause measles, mumps and rubella. Once these viruses are injected into the body, the immune system will develop certain antibodies against these three diseases shortly following vaccination. Because your body has memory cells it now knows how to defeat these diseases when they enter the body again, and it will know which certain antibodies it needs to produce; these antibodies in your body will give a lifelong protection against these diseases.

What is measles bacteria or virus?

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Measles is an infection of the respiratory tract that can be caused by both a bacteria and a virus.

Most people think of the virus strain typically, as there is a vaccine for it, and people rarely need to be treated with antibiotics for the bacteria strain.

Can your daughter catch measles even though she has had her two doses of the MMR vaccination?

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It is not likely that your daughter will get measles if she had two doses of MMR. Patients exposed to measles but who have a history of completing the MMR series do not need special care, treatment, or monitoring.

Is measles linked to shingles?

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What is also called the red measles?

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Measles is also sometimes called rubeola, 5-day measles, or hard measles.

How many people died from measles in the civil war?

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200,000 recruits were physically unfit and discharged either because they were ill or they suffered from other maladies, but still many slipped through the cracks and enlisted while very ill. Approximately three out of every five soldiers died of disease especially during the first year of the Civil War. Approximately half the deaths of soldiers were tuberculosis; pneumonia; diarrhea, whooping cough; chickenpox; intestinal disorders; mumps and measles. Because of the unhygienic shape of the Federal camps (rotten food and garbage of all types) bacteria and viruses spread throughout the camps and bowel disorders were common. Well over three quarters of the soldiers would contract chronic diarrhea or dysentery. Typhoid was treated with quinine and reduced fatalities, but malaria struck one quarter of the soldiers. Exposure to the elements, especially becoming damp and cold; pneumonia was the third leading cause of death.



What countries does measles affect?

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Everyone who has not been immunized.

Why smallpox to eradicate easier than measles?

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Small pox was eradicated because many countries suffered greatly from it and it had a 30-40% kill rate. Many of the industrialized countries (U.S., U.K., Sweden) feared infected people coming into their country and infecting their population. For more you should read Scourge: The Once and Future Threat of Small Pox

How many measles viruses could fit on the head of a pin?

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Over five million, and under a billion, probably depending on which virus we're talking about.

Can you go blind after getting the measles?

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Not usually.

How can measles be diagnosed?

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Measles infection is almost always diagnosed based on its characteristic symptoms, including Koplik's spots, and a rash which spreads from central body structures out towards the arms and legs.

Why you get a measles rash?

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What is secondary measles?

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80 %

Can you get measles if you have had it before?

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me mum got told of a doctor when i was a baby that i was a natural carrier of it that i would not get sick just pass it about

How many people die of measles?

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Death of measles is quite rare, and does not happen to many people. It is just a worse symptom than the chicken pox and you would only die from it if you had a disease such aids or something as strong as that. If you are worried, and the spots do not go away, consult your local doctor.

3 diseases caused by viruses?

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Three illnesses casued by viruses are chicken pox, measles, and the stomach flu.

Can moringa cure measles?

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YES. I've had to deal with eczema for 35 years, daily applying cortisone to my face and all over the areas that may have gotten too much heat or sun. I'm on my 4th day of taking moringa and have no bumps or sign of eczema anywhere. And I spent 2 hours in the sun and 90 degree heat on the second day! It works. not only for eczema. for everything!