

Metal Detector

Metal detectors are devices used to locate hidden metals. They have a variety of uses from a hobby to medical purposes.

500 Questions

Is metal detecting allowed in Portugal?

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Asked by Wiki User


no it is not unless you have explicit permission from the landowner I have been there 3 times and each time you require one more permit that you have to get from lisbon, Email me for more info

Can common house mice bite through metal?

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Asked by Wiki User

tin foil....sure but regular metal??? i don't think so not in Michigan anyhow. if you have something that's bitting through metal you might want to call pest control to look into the matter for you

* Mice have been known to chew through a metal pipe to get to water, it takes a lot of time, but it is possible.

What is 9 point callibration in metal detector machine used in garment manufacturing?

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Asked by Wiki User

4. Needle Detector Calibration Log

Generated By

Factory authorized staffs e.g. an operator.


Three times a day in beginning of each shift and machine being started to operate, middle and end of a working period.


To ensure that the machine is in calibration control and will perform accurately according to the standard of 1.2mm ferrous check card.

How to do it?

Using ferrous check card supplied by machine supplier.

Go to below link which explains the 9 point calibration process


Bhupesh S

Who invented the first metal chain?

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Asked by Wiki User

I remembered that Davinci had made some blueprints on it, but the Chinese had developed the technology way earlier than that, i forgot how early but it was in the B.C years.

How to find metal in what if your ground without a metal detector?

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Asked by Wiki User

All u have to do is dig and grab it

What property can you us metal detector on?

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Asked by Wiki User

the metal detcetor always used mainly for detect or find the metal weapons, metals wires, chemical jars/ metal box containing harmful drugs and explosives.

it is helped out for alarming illegal import/export gold,silver metals.

What are the main principles used by speed detectors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Speed detectors also known as radar guns are used by law enforcement to detect the speed at which a person is traveling. The officer points the radar gun at a moving vehicle and can tell whether the person is speeding or not.