

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission is the phenomenon in which an atomic nucleus splits into lighter nuclei. This reaction can be spontaneous in some isotopes, but usually is the result of heavy nuclei absorbing a neutron. Because fission often results in the emission of multiple neutrons, this reaction can be self-sustaining, making such things like nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons possible.

500 Questions

What technology or equipment is needed to produce Nuclear Fission?

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To produce nuclear fission, you would need a nuclear reactor, which typically consists of fuel rods containing fissile material such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239. You would also need control rods, which absorb neutrons to regulate the fission process, and coolant systems to remove excess heat generated during the reaction. Additionally, you would require a system to handle the spent nuclear fuel and manage the radioactive waste produced.

What gases are made from nuclear fission?

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The primary gases produced from nuclear fission are xenon and krypton. These noble gases are formed as byproducts of the nuclear fission process in nuclear reactors. They contribute to the overall radioactive inventory generated during nuclear power production.

How viable is an alternative to nuclear fission and fossil fuels is to energy conservation?

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Energy conservation can be a very effective way to reduce reliance on nuclear fission and fossil fuels. By reducing overall energy consumption through efficiency measures such as better insulation, efficient appliances, and transportation alternatives, the need for these energy sources can be minimized. However, some sectors may still require alternative energy sources to meet demands that conservation alone cannot fulfill.

What is the percent of energy use in the us for petroleum?

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In the US, petroleum accounts for about 35% of total energy consumption. This includes its use in transportation, heating, and industrial processes. Oil remains a significant source of energy despite efforts to diversify towards cleaner alternatives.

How can you obtain energy from nuclear fission?

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In nuclear fission, the nucleus of an atom splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation. This heat is used to generate steam, which drives turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant.

Does nuclear fusion convert oxygen to hydrogen?

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No, nuclear fusion does not convert oxygen to hydrogen. Fusion involves the joining (fusion) of lighter atoms, such as hydrogen isotopes like deuterium and tritium, to form heavier elements like helium. This process releases large amounts of energy.

How can nuclear fission be use to create electricity?

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In a nuclear power plant, the process of nuclear fission is used to generate heat by splitting atoms of uranium. This heat is then used to produce steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity. The electricity produced in this way is then distributed through power lines for use by consumers.

The poison released by the meltdown of a nuclear reactor in Ukraine was?

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The poison released by the meltdown of a nuclear reactor in Ukraine was radioactive material, including iodine-131, cesium-137, and strontium-90. These highly radioactive substances contaminated the surrounding area and posed significant health risks to those exposed, leading to the evacuation and resettlement of thousands of people.

In the twentieth century what were two ways nuclear fission happened?

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Nuclear fission in the twentieth century primarily occurred in two contexts: atomic bombs, where fission is intentionally initiated to release large amounts of energy in a nuclear explosion, and nuclear power plants, where fission is harnessed in a controlled manner to generate electricity.

What are two ways nuclear fission happened in the twentieth century?

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Nuclear fission was used in the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, leading to devastation and loss of lives. It was also harnessed for energy production in nuclear power plants, providing electricity to communities around the world.

Why is nuclear fission bad?

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Nuclear fission can be considered bad because of the risk of radioactivity from nuclear waste, potential for nuclear accidents like Chernobyl or Fukushima, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Additionally, there are concerns about the high costs of building and decommissioning nuclear power plants.

What are the Temperature levels in nuclear power plants?

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Typically, the core of a nuclear reactor operates at temperatures around 500-700 degrees Celsius (932-1292 degrees Fahrenheit). Water in the reactor coolant system can reach temperatures up to 320 degrees Celsius (608 degrees Fahrenheit) under normal operating conditions.

How do you write out a nuclear fission equation?

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A typical nuclear fission equation can be written as: ( \text{Uranium-235} + \text{Neutron} \rightarrow \text{Krypton} + \text{Barium} + \text{Neutrons} + \text{Energy} )

What is the only naturally occurring element used for nuclear fission?

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Uranium is the only naturally occurring element used for nuclear fission in commercial nuclear reactors. It is typically found in two isotopes, uranium-235 and uranium-238, with uranium-235 being the primary isotope used for nuclear fission reactions.

What Equation involves nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?

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The equation for nuclear fission involves the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei along with the release of energy. An example is the fission of Uranium-235. The equation for nuclear fusion involves the merging of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus along with the release of energy. An example is the fusion of hydrogen isotopes in the Sun to form helium.

How is hydrogen changed into helium in nuclear fission?

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Hydrogen is not changed into helium in nuclear fission. Nuclear fission involves the splitting of heavy atomic nuclei, such as uranium or plutonium, into lighter elements like xenon and barium along with the release of energy. In stars, hydrogen undergoes nuclear fusion to form helium.

What device uses controlled nuclear fission to produce new radioactive substance and energy?

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A nuclear reactor uses controlled nuclear fission to produce new radioactive substances and energy. This process involves splitting heavy atoms such as uranium-235 to release heat energy, which is then used to generate electricity.

What is diagram for fission?

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A fission reaction diagram typically shows a heavy nucleus (like Uranium-235) being struck by a neutron, resulting in the nucleus splitting into two lighter nuclei, along with the release of additional neutrons and energy. This process is the basis for nuclear power generation and atomic bombs.

In nuclear fission reactions what causes the atom's nucleus to become unstable?

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the absorption of a free-moving neutron by the atom's nucleus

Where does the sun's nuclear fusion occur?

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The sun's nuclear fusion occurs in its core, where high temperatures and pressures allow hydrogen atoms to combine and form helium, releasing energy in the process. This energy is what fuels the sun and provides heat and light to our solar system.

What forces has the greatest effect on the amount of energy that is released during nuclear fission reactions?

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The amount of energy released during nuclear fission reactions is primarily determined by the mass difference between the initial nucleus and the fission products. This mass difference is converted into energy according to Einstein's mass-energy equivalence principle (E=mc^2). Additionally, the way in which the fission process is initiated and controlled can also impact the amount of energy released.

What processes can be used to start a nuclear fission reaction in certain atoms?

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Nuclear fission reactions in certain atoms can be initiated through processes such as bombarding the atoms with neutrons or by using controlled conditions that allow for the splitting of atomic nuclei. These processes can trigger a chain reaction leading to the release of energy, which can be harnessed for various applications, including nuclear power generation.

What happens to remainig neutrons after consumption of all the Uranium in uncontrolled Nuclear fission reaction?

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The remaining neutrons can continue to cause further fission reactions or be absorbed by other materials. If not controlled, these additional fission reactions can lead to a chain reaction, potentially causing a nuclear meltdown or explosion. Controlling the neutron population is crucial in preventing runaway reactions in nuclear fission.

How nucleas of nuclear weapon fission?

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In a nuclear weapon, the nucleus of an atom undergoes fission through a chain reaction. When a neutron hits a heavy nucleus like Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239, the nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy and more neutrons. These new neutrons then go on to trigger further fission reactions, resulting in a powerful explosion.

The amount of energy produced during nuclear fission is related to?

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It is related to the specific nuclear reactor design including the nuclear fuel amount and the reactor control system and the energy extracting medium (coolant) capacity.