

Ocean Tides

Affected by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun, sea levels rise and fall on a daily basis. Ask questions here about high tide, low tide, spring tide and neap tide.

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What area of land is covered at high tide but not at low tide?

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The intertidal zone is the area that is exposed to the air at low tide and submerged at high tide. (also known as the "foreshore" or "littoral zone")


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Exceptionally high or low tide?

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Don't worry Mariah a.k.a Serene is here to save the day.....

The answer is Spring Tide :)z!

Why are river tides have more variance than ocean tide?

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tides periodically rise and fall on the water level of the ocean and waves move in an up-and-down motion along the surface of a body of water <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

During what month does Spring tides occur and why?

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A neap tide is a tide with the least difference between consecutive and low and high tides. A spring tides are combined forces which produce a tide with a greatest difference between consecutive low and high tides. They occur because the moons gravitational pull is pulling it.

Who wrote the tide is high?

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Originally the song 'Tide is high' was sung by The Paragons in 1967, John Holt was the leadsinger of this perfomance. The hit was rediscovered in 1980 and then it became a hit.

What is the difference between the highest and lowest tides during a neap tide?

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A neap tide happens during the quarter phase of the moon and they are weak tides. There is a very small difference between high and low tides during this time.

When do the highest tides occur?

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High tides are the biggest when the moon is Full or when the moon is a New Moon. The gravitational pull of the Moon is greatest at these phases which makes a bigger bulge in the ocean causing high tide. But it also depends on the time of year when the tides are low or high.

Why does the tide come in out?

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There is a high tide on the side of the Earth that is opposite to the Moon.

This is because of the differences in the strength of the Moon's gravity felt at different places on Earth.

The water on that far side is subject to a smaller gravitational pull than the center of the Earth and is so is "left behind", forming a tidal bulge.

See the "related link" below.

Differentiate waves and tides and differentiate neap tide and spring tide?

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Wave is a movement in the water surface under vertical direction and is caused by wind. The stronger the wind is, so is the wave.

Tide is a natural phenomenon, a regular and periodical oscillation of water. In theory, in terms of physical matter, tide is caused by the gravitational force of the moon and certainly by that of the sun as well.

Neap tide is weak tide occurring when the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun are perpendiculare to one another. It occurs during quarter moons.

Spring tide is strong time occurring when the earth, the sun and the moon are in a line. It occurs in the full and new moon.

Which phases of the moon cause the highest low tides and lowest high tides?

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At the quarter moon phase, the gravity of the sun and the moon are working at right angles to each other, partially canceling out their tidal effects. This is when you'll get the highest low tides or lowest high tides, or "neap tides".

Do high tides occur mostly in the night or morning?

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at night the moons gravity pulls waves to high tide and is strongest best at night rather than in the morning. Hope that answers your question.

What causes the moon to have less of an impact on tides at neap tides?

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When the sun and moon are on the same side of the Earth (new moon) or the opposite side (full moon), their bulges add together to make larger tides than usual: this is called a "springtide". When the sun and moon are 90 degrees apart (first quarter or last quarter moon), the bulges interfere and cancel each other

What has more influence on tides moon or sun?

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The earth has actually receives more large impacts than the moon because it is a larger target, but we don't usually notice them because plate tectonics and other forces resurface the earth eliminating the craters completely and erosion wears them down making them hard to identify. None of these forces operate on the moon, so the impact craters all remain easy to see.

The earth does receive fewer small impacts than the moon because these objects usually burn up in the atmosphere. The moon has no atmosphere, thus all these small objects also produce impact craters.

How does low tide occur?

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The gravitational pull between the Moon and the Earth stretches the oceans slightly in an oblong shape, like a pulled water balloon. High tide is under (or directly opposite) the moon, while low tide is when the moon is half an orbit away.

What is the Contrast between a spring tides and neap tides?

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Perigee tides involve the Moon's orbit around the Earth. It does not go in a perfect circle but rather in an ellipse/oval shaped revolution. Because of that there are some points in the Moon's orbit at which the Moon is closer to the Earth. "Perigee" is the point of closest approach. With that closeness it causes a greater gravitational attraction between Earth and the Moon, pulling more water towards the Moon, causing what we know as high and low tides.

"Spring tides" can occur during a perigee tide but not necessarily. A spring tide is a tide that occurs when the Sun, Earth and the Moon are nearly in a straight line, at a NEW MOON, or at a Full Moon.

The highest tides happen then.

What is it called when one high and one low tide a day?

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a diurnal tidal pattern.

and 2 high tides and 2 low tides in one day is semi-diurnal.
Neap tide
a high tide is where the water is really high and a low tide is where the water is low and you have to be carfull
The highest of the high tide is called a spring tide and the lowest of the low tide is called a neap tide.

What occurs when high tides are at their highest and low tides are at their lowest?

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Tide, periodic rise and fall of all ocean waters, including those of open sea, gulfs, and bays, resulting from the gravitational attraction of the moon and the sun upon the water and upon the earth itself. See Gravitation.


The moon, being much nearer to the earth than the sun, is the principal cause of tides. Because the force of gravity decreases with distance, the moon exerts a stronger gravitational pull on the side of the earth that is closer to it and a weaker pull on the side farther from it. The earth does not respond to this variation in strength because the planet is rigid instead, it moves in response to the average of the moon's gravitational attraction. The world's oceans, however, are liquid and can flow in response to the variation in the moon's pull. On the side of the earth facing the moon, the moon's stronger pull makes water flow toward it, causing a dome of water to rise on the earth's surface directly below the moon. On the side of the earth facing away from the moon, the moon's pull on the oceans is weakest. The water's inertia, or its tendency to keep traveling in the same direction, makes it want to fly off the earth instead of rotate with the planet. The moon's weaker pull does not compensate as much for the water's inertia on the far side, so another dome of water rises on this side of the earth. The dome of water directly beneath the moon is called direct tide, and the dome of water on the opposite side of the earth is called opposite tide.

As the earth rotates throughout the day, the domes of water remain aligned with the moon and travel around the globe. When a dome of water passes a place on the earth, that place experiences a rise in the level of the ocean water, known as high tide or high water. Between successive high tides the water level drops. The lowest water level reached between successive high tides is known as low tide or low water. Low and high tides alternate in a continuous cycle. The variations that naturally occur in the level between successive high tide and low tide are referred to as the range of tide. At most shores throughout the world, two high tides and two low tides occur every lunar day, the average length of a lunar day being 24 hours, 50 minutes, and 28 seconds. One of these high tides is caused by the direct-tide dome and the other by the opposite-tide dome. Two successive high tides or low tides are generally of about the same height. At various places outside the Atlantic Ocean, however, these heights vary considerably; this phenomenon, which is known as diurnal inequality, is not completely understood at the present time.



The sun likewise gives rise to two oppositely situated domes, but because the sun is far from the earth, its tide-raising force is only about 46 percent that of the moon. The sum of the forces exerted by the moon and sun result in two sets of domes, the positions of which depend on the relative positions of the sun and moon at the time. During the periods of new and full moon, when the sun, moon, and earth are directly in line, the solar and lunar domes coincide. This results in the condition known as spring tides, in which the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual. When the moon is in first or in third quarter, however, it is at right angles to the sun relative to the earth, and the height of the tides is subject to the opposing forces of the sun and moon. This condition produces neap tides, in which the high tide is lower, and the low tide is higher, than normal. Spring and neap tides occur about 60 hours after the corresponding phases of the moon, the intervening period of time being known as the age of the tide or age of the phase inequality. The interval of time between the crossing of a meridian by the moon at one point and the next high tide at that point is called the lunitidal interval, or the high-water interval for that point. The low-water interval is the period between the time the moon crosses the meridian and the next low tide. Average values for the high-water lunitidal intervals during periods of new and full moon are known as the establishment of the port. Values for the intervals during other periods of the month are often referred to as the corrected establishment.


Tidal Pool

Tidal PoolThe fluctuation of the tide allows for a unique environment along shorelines. The current continually circulates and replenishes a rich supply of nutrients along beaches, but organisms living there must be adapted to both buffeting waves and frequent shifts from open air to complete submersion. Marine organisms adapt to the constantly changing surroundings in a variety of ways. Starfish use suction-cup feet, barnacles fix permanently to large objects like rocks and boats, and seaweed anchors firmly to the ocean floor. When the tide goes out, pockets of water remain trapped in rocks, depressions in the sand, and natural basins called tidal pools, like the one shown here during low tide.Encarta EncyclopediaPat O'Hara Photography

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Accompanying the vertical rise and fall of water are various horizontal or lateral movements commonly known as tidal currents or tidal streams, which are very different from the common ocean currents (see Ocean and Oceanography). In confined areas, a tidal current flows for about 6 hours, 12 minutes in an upstream or shoreward direction, corresponding to high tide; it then reverses and flows for approximately the same time in the opposite direction, corresponding to low tide. During the period of reversal, the water is characterized by a state of rest, or calm, known as slack water or slack tide. A current flowing toward the shore or upstream is called flood current; that flowing in a direction away from land or downstream is known as ebb current.

At various times gigantic waves strike the surrounding shore with tremendous force and cause considerable damage to life and property. Although sometimes called tidal waves, these waves are not caused by tidal phenomena. Earthquakes, undersea volcanic eruptions, and underwater landslides can cause large waves to wash ashore that are known as tsunamis, while hurricanes can cause a dome of water to wash ashore that is known as a storm surge.

Another related phenomenon is the seiche, which usually occurs in landlocked seas, coves, bays, or lakes, such as San Francisco Bay in California and Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The water surface is observed to oscillate between a few centimeters and several meters mainly because of tidal forces or local variations in atmospheric pressure aided by high winds, but sometimes as a result of a distant seismic shock. The movement of water occurs in long waves and may last from a few minutes to several hours.


The energy of tides has been harnessed to produce electricity. In the summer of 1966, a tidal power plant with a capacity of 240,000 kw went into operation on the Rance River, an estuary of the English Channel in northwestern France. The incoming tide of the river flows through a dam, driving turbines, and then is trapped behind the dam. When the tide ebbs, the trapped water is released and flows back through the dam, again driving the turbines. Such tidal power plants are most efficient if the difference between high and low tides is great, as in the Rance estuary, where the difference is 8.5 m (28 ft). The highest tides in the world occur in the Bay of Fundy in Canada, where the difference between high and low tide is about 18 m (about 60 ft). The erection of a tidal power plant across Passamaquoddy Bay, an arm of the Bay of Fundy, has long been contemplated; however, the project has not yet been begun.

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What is the tide description of a incoming tide?

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Incoming Tide

Another name for incoming tide is the flood tide.

What kind of tide is it when the water is lower than normal high tide?

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The ocean as a whole is pulled in the direction of the moon, by the moon's gravitational field (the sun also has a tidal effect, although smaller). So water pulled away from an area of low tide is pulled toward an area of high tide.

Why do low tides and high tides happen?

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because of the gravitational pull of the moon

it pulls the tide up or push it down


Not just the moon. The moon along with the sun and the earth's gravitational pull itself.


no its only the moon!

the moons gravitational pull causes the tides. high tide and low tide. Also each tide occurs twice each day


the moon pulls the water part of the earth


if you saw dispicable me then they took the moon away and the surfer fell, so it's just the moon. (even though its a movie)

Tides are caused by the Gravity of the Sun, Earth, and Moon in certain positions.


I'm going to clear this all up: The tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon AND Sun. It says so in my textbook.

How do tides help us?

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Tidal energy can be used to generate electricity.

How many days apart are neap tides and spring tides?

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Neap and spring tides are about 7 days apart.

How many times a year does the spring tides occur?

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A spring tide occur's twice a month and 24 times a year.