


Pediatric Conditions and Diseases

Common pediatric conditions and diseases include chicken pox, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), urinary tract infection (UTI), asthma and obesity. Any health problem has to be treated immediately, as it might hamper the child’s development.

500 Questions

What causes the damage in shaken baby syndrome?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

The cause of the brain, neck, and spine damage that can result from shaken baby syndrome is brute force. The violent shaking of a baby by a much stronger adult conveys a tremendous amount of energy to the infant.

If one parent is o positive and the other is a positive what will the child's be?

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Asked by Wiki User

The question is incomplete. The blood type, (or ABO group), for only one parent is there. Positive refers to the presence of an antigen for the Rh group . The child will therefore be Rh positive since both parents are Rh positive. One parent's blood type is O. The other parent can have O, A, B, or AB as a bloodgroup. Without knowing both parents blood groups, and not just the Rh status, there is no way of knowing the bloodtype of the child.

Is there a recommended limit of pitches thrown per game for a 12 year old?

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Asked by Chriskoutures

In efforts to reduce arm injuries from too much throwing, sports medicine experts in conjunction with USA Baseball have developed pitch count limits for young throwers based on age. For a 12 year old pitcher, the recommendation is no more than 85 pitches per game. The same authorities have also developed recommendations for the number of rest days between pitching performances based on age and number of pitches thrown in the previous game.

  • For 12 year old pitchers who threw 21-40 pitches in a game, 1-2 calendar days of rest without pitching is the best advice.
  • If the 12 year old pitcher threw 41-60 pitches in one game, 2 calendar days of rest and one game (or 3 total days of rest) is the guildeline.
  • For those 12 year old pitchers throwing 61 or more pitches in a game, the rest recommendation is 3 calendar days plus a game (or 4 total days of rest).

What virus causes molluscum contagiosum?

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Asked by Wiki User

Molluscum is caused by a pox virus. It's spread by skin-to-skin contact.

What are some things parents do to care for a sick child?

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Asked by Wiki User

apart from surgery, some have to do every thing, inserting urine catheters, inserting nasogastric tubes, changing stoma bags, give rectal medicines, they are the unrecognised back bone of the health care system, they supply 24 hour care 365 days a year, all credit to them. we recognise soldiers, but forget these heros.

What can you do for your baby who has a blister on the top of his mouth?

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Asked by Wiki User

well, it could be hard to do, but, get some warm water and pour 1 table spoon of salt it to the water. then try to get the baby to put the salty water it their mouth and then spit it out. repeat this several times.

What treatment options work for cradle cap?

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Asked by Wiki User

Try the Gerber Cradle Cap Kit. I got mine at Wal*Mart! Packaged all together in a small cardboard box and sold for $9 dollars you get the following: 2 oz bottle of Scalp Gel, 4.8 oz bottle of Gentle Baby Shampoo, 2 Fl oz Scalp Lotion, an infant comb, plus an instruction booklet and guide about cradle cap.

I tried it on my daughter and loved it. I now recommend it to anyone who has this problem. Also if you try crack cream and rub it on their head it works so well it worked like magic on my neices head and she had a really bad case of cradle cap

What causes alkaline in the urine?

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Asked by Judyscott7165

well, alkaline substances cause things to be alkali. This is my theory but I have much research to do, contact me if you wish to become part of my great discovery. I need all the help I can get, I also will be conducting experiments at CERN in a top secret facility so this information is of the highest level.

Is it safe for kids to take antibiotic on an empty stomach?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most of them should be taken after food. But a few like Roxythromycin and Azithromycin have to be taken on an empty stomach as food interferes with their absorption.

Can an infant less than a year be diagnosed with asthma?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should check it out with your doctor, but I'm pretty sure it's possible. I have a friend who has a son who's had asthma since he was under a year old. WE JUST FOUND OUT THAT OUR 5 MONTH OLD DOES HAVE ASTHMA! SHE HAS HAD A CONSTANT COUGH FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS BUT NO FEVER! I AM JUST HAPPY THAT WE FOUND OUT BEFORE THINGS GOT REALLY BAD!

Renal parenchymal disease what it means?

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Asked by Wiki User

This means disease of the kidney cells (nephrons) themselves. It usually implies less than optimal capacity to process waste (such as urinary creatinine).

Why would a 3 year old have pale poo?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the child is using certain medications such as antacids or others containing aluminum hydroxide, this can be the cause. However, if this is not the case, it points to a liver condition, possibly Hepatitis. You should consult with your doctor right away.

How can you get tb?

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Asked by Wiki User

TB or tuberculosis is a bacterial infection which spreads through droplets.

What is the antonym of defiance?

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Asked by Wiki User

The opposite would be acquiescence, obedience, submission, subordination, regard, or respect.

How do you cure infitigo?

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Asked by Wiki User

Infantigo is a skin disease caused by bacterial or staph infections. It can be treated using antibiotic creams that a doctor prescribes. The more common name for this disease is impetigo. Bathing in water that has 1 cup of apple cider vinegar will relieve itching symptoms. All household bedding and carpets should be cleaned in hot water.

What is a lump behind babies left ear?

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Asked by Wiki User

A bump behind a babyÕs ear may be a lymph node. This may be caused by an infection or some kind of minor illness.

Is a body temperature of 103.3 auxiliary for a 9 month old dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes, because the basal metabolic rate of a baby is very meaning that the temperature will lead to excess metabolic wastes hence low oxygen concentration.

What is a good oxygen level for an infant?

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Asked by Wiki User

About 98% is normal, no matter what a person's age is.

What is a healthy blood pressure for a thirteen year old boy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average blood pressure does not vary with age. It is usually around 120/80. I do know what i am talking about for both parents are doctors and I have reecently been sick, so I have had my blood pressure taken many many times and have overheard the average blood pressure many times. So, all though i am only an eleven year old girl, I do know what i am talking about, even if just for this question. I looked it up again, just to double check myself, so i do have the right answer. So a healthy blood pressure would be right around 120/80 for anyone.

Do babies suffer from growing pains?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes because there bodies are growing so fast

Can a baby have leukemia?

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Asked by Wiki User

My son was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder at the age of 20 months. While receiving therapy. He displayed many symptoms of early Autism but no one wanted to put that label on him yet. So about 6 months later, just when we were getting into the swing of things and I was learning everything that i could about his disability when he fell ill with a horrible fever. It was so bad and wouldn't break so I rushed him into the nearest er. Blood tests that were performed came back abnormal and they wanted to check further. More blood tests and a lumbar puncture were to confirm that my son was severely anemic, neutropenic, and needed several blood transfusions. He was diagnosed with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) Almost 3 years later, here we are with only a few more months of chemotherapy to go (he is 5 1/2 years old today) and his school wants to do more evaluations on him since he will start kindergarten next year. His speech issues and sensory problems are getting better, but he remains still very developmentally delayed. His recent evals conclude that my son is on the Autistic spectrum, moderate to severe in some areas. He cannot continue schooling at that school because they do not have all the resources to care for a child that severe. So off to a new school come August of 2011. I am very happy that after all this time, he has finally been diagnosed. But at the same time, I am heart broken once again. Another diagnosis, more therapy. On the bright side, he will be cancer free come July 2011! For such a young boy, he has been though an awful lot, but everything happens for a reason. So to answer your question, I cannot totally answer that. I do know that my son has Autsim and cancer (leukemia) but I am pretty sure that this is very rare as I cannot find any information anywhere on the internet. I cannot find a connection. The only thing I have come up with is that maybe my son has a weak immune system and maybe something triggered both the Autsim and cancer, or maybe made him more prone to both. I guess I will never really know. I hoped I have helped you out somewhat. Take care.

The two are definitely related in my daughter's case. Google NataliesTrekCIC and contact me if you want more info.

Why is it when you eat store made lunchmeat you feel sick?

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Asked by Wiki User

There might be some sort of enzyme you're missing. It might be a good idea to figure out what is causing these symptoms since it might be indicative of something else. Most of the time, its something simple, easily remedied and more beneficial to treat the underlying cause.

It could be indicative of a gallbladder issue

Now, if its a meat allergy, you might find hidden meat allergens in things like marshmallows, candies, ice cream, jello, vaccines (rashes when you get shots?). You could also be allergic to meat, the additives or any number of things. Have you guys tried additive free meat? That might be it.