


Pisces (February 19 to March 20) is one of the 12 zodiac signs that outline human personalities based on birth dates.

500 Questions

What does A Pisces get along with?

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Pisces can get along with any other Water sign. They include Cancer and Scorpio.

What are the dates for Pisces?

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The dates for the astrological sign of Pisces are from February 12th to March 20th.

How do you ask a classmate out?

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By using open, honest, and direct communication.

Is a Gemini man compatiabile with a Pisces women?

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They have somewhat of a good compatibility factor to them but the trick is for the Pisces guy to be gentle enough with the the female Gemini. He must not be strict, possessive, jealous, or overly sensitive. And the Gemini woman must understand that he is a generous man but he really loves his kids and wants them to be the best they can be, at all costs. Pisces man makes the best father.

Is a Taurus compatible with a Pisces?

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What the heck are you asking this question for? If you love each other, screw it! You can't base love on stupid newspaper write outs!!!!
Hell yah!

A Pisces and Taurus together is like the best union yet!

They both are lovey-dovey half the time

They both have a great amount of imagination to keep them busy ;)

They both want someone to trust

They good in buisness

They both like slow, touchy feely sex

And they make good friends if they broke up

Plus a Pisces needs a stable Taurus for the money and trust in the relationship

And a Pisces got enough imagination to help Taurus loosen up

So, there you have it: It's a beautiful couple full of imagination and stable living

Is an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man a good love match?

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Aquarians are attracted to people who are different and unique. They have a need to feel in tune with their love-mate, on a mind, body and soul level. They have strong opinions; however, will respect you for who you are. They are surrounded by people, so don't' be the jealous type!

Aquarius - Pisces : A blending of intellect and emotions can be perfect. Well from what I keep As far as all the astrological information goes "Pisces is much too emotional for the analytical Aquaruis"...or something like that. BUT I (a Pisces) have been dating an amazing Aquarius man for a little over a month now. I know it's new, and I know that relationships often start out good and then change as time goes on...but this is the best relationship I have ever been in in my life, and I'm 38 years old. This man has gotten into my heart like nobody ever has, he's an amazing communicator, a wonderful father, he's smart, he's funny, he has no problem talking about his feelings (or anything else for that matter). Unless things somehow drastically change as time goes on I'm pretty sure this is the start to a wonderful, amazing relationship. So, like I said, from everything I've read, Nope, they shouldn't get along...but from everything I'm feeling, It's a great match.

Why are Pisces women most compatible with Scorpio?

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It is silly and immature to decide love based on the stars. Use your heart, not astronomy.

Its astrology not astronomy they're completely different. And Scorpios and Pisces get along very well according to astrology because they are both water signs.

**to intial post**

consulting astrology for love (and business,planting,career..etc.,) has been done for thousands of years. its not just a new age concept.

yes! scoprio and pisces are a wonderful match! alot of soulmates have these sun sign combinations

How well will a Aquarius female and Aquarius Pisces cusp male get along?

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A lot really depends on the overall comparison of both natal charts.

In general Aquarius is very intellectual and mentally-oriented and Pisces is more feelings-oriented. They both are humanitarian and have a love for aiding others. Aquarius is more interested in unusual ideas and expressing their uniqueness, while Pisces is more interested in the imagination and following their intuition.

Does Pisces start on February 19?

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Yes. It runs Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

How far away is the constellation Pisces?

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Any constellation is a group of stars that appear to form some kind of pattern,

but have no connection with each other. They all happen to be in roughly the

same direction from us, but they're all at different distances. So there's no

such thing as a constellation's distance from us.

Is a February 19th birthday an Aquarius or Pisces?

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February 19 is on the cusp between Aquarius and Pisces. Technically, Feb. 19 is Pisces according to most official resources. Occasionally, Pisces begins on February 18th. By 2061, the sun will enter Pisces on February 17th. It is dependent on the year, as well as the time of your birth.

Aquarius: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18

Pisces: Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

What is the best match for Pisces?

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Any water or earth signs except Taurus and Cancer. So that leaves Scorpio, Virgo, and what ever earth sign is left :D Actually Pisces get along with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, and Scorpio. Virgo is the opposite sign of Pisces so they do not get along(:

What are the dates for the zodiac sign Pisces?

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March 21 -

April 19


April 20 -

May 20


May 21 -

June 20


June 21 -

July 22


July 23 -

August 22


August 23 -

September 22


September 23 -

October 22


October 23 -

November 21


November 22 -

December 21


December 22 -

January 19


January 20 -

February 18


February 19 -

March 20

Are Geminis and Pisces good mates?

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These two signs seem to get along pretty well. That is because they both are found in the element water. This means they both tend to use the emotions or intuition as a filter first and foremost.

Can a female Scorpio be compatible with a male Pisces?

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It is possible for them the be compatible, but it is very difficult since most scorpios are generally dominant. However, if they were willing to compromise often (very often) or one of them were a rare type of Scorpio and was actually submissive, then it is possible. As a Scorpio male, my best and longest relationship was with a slightly submissive Scorpio female.


Scorpios are powerful people who love to control their own destiny. Sensual and intense, life is anything but mundane. They are tenacious, secretive, sexy, and exciting, but watch out, they can also be fiercely protective and jealous. There's nothing casual about this star-sign - enchanting!

Scorpio - Aries : This energy plus union can move mountains.

Scorpio - Taurus : Respect and appreciation for each other's skills.

Scorpio - Gemini : First impressions can be captivating.

Scorpio - Cancer : Totally electric - the world is their oyster.

Scorpio - Leo : They can build on each other's energy.

Scorpio - Virgo : Combined power can be resourceful.

Scorpio - Libra : Deep down, these two have a lot to offer each other.

Scorpio - Scorpio : An emotional intensity outweighs other combinations.

Scorpio - Sagittarius : An optimistic outlook can bring them together.

Scorpio - Capricorn : These two make people stand up and take notice.

Scorpio - Aquarius : Getting to know each other is part of the intrigue.

Scorpio - Pisces : Like Burton and Liz Taylor, they complete each other.

What is Pisces color?

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Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a planet associated with greyish, mystical colours. Misty colours represent the gentleness and spirituality of this sign.

Would a Virgo woman and Pieces Man work?

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I think that Virgos and Pieces are a good match because my friend that's a boy and I are very close friends. My horoscope on Astro Girl magazine says that my best friend would tell the name of my latest crush to the person, which is my friend. It also says that when Mercury moves forward he would reveal his feelings about me too. I am also a Virgo and he is a pieces.


Virgos are masters of organization and look for perfection in everything - and that means you too! The Virgo love connection needs to make sense on all levels (as well as intuitively) before the green light is given. Trust, reliability, and a stable love wins and keeps their heart.

Virgo - Pisces : There's a natural blend of mind power and intuition.

What are lucky things like colors numbers days for a Pisces?

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what are the lucky numbers and days for a picean that was born march 18, 1955. Since your gemstone is an Amethyst, I guess your lucky colour should be blue. As regards number and days . . difficult. Perhaps it might be better to consider what is luck - overall. And recent research has tended to point to luck as being the BELIEF that you are (or will be) lucky. If you favour a particular number (which I guess is NOT 13) and you could find a lucky charm (that was blue!) with this number on it - I'm sure you might find your luck improving!

Which are the good match for a Taurus?

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You can't have a perfect match only through the sun sign. Even then, I'm not sure if there is a thing as such as the perfect match as all relationships will come with lessons. But capricorn, cancer, pisces, scorpio and virgo can work really well for a taurus.

Which star sign has the worst temper?

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I would say Taurus, the bull, they get really hotheaded by the simplest things... I would say Taurus, the bull, they get really hotheaded by the simplest things... I would say Taurus, the bull, they get really hotheaded by the simplest things...

What Pisces soulmate?

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Pisces and Cancer lives by their emotions, therefore Cancer can be an ideal soul mate for Pisces.

Are aires women and Pisces men a good match?

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An Aries man and Pisces woman is a very compatible pair in which each partner understands and respects the needs of the other. This leads to an effortless and comfortable relationship as both the partners are able to fit perfectly with each other.

They form an unusual match which is a balance of fire and water where Pisces woman is mature and believes in submitting ego in relationship. On the other hand, Aries man is immature and always pampered and loved by his trustworthy Pisces partner.

Marriage Between Aries Man and Pisces Woman

When an Aries man gets married to a Pisces woman, the couple enjoys a happy and smooth marries life. Their love, passion and affection leads to strong bonding. They are able to match each others emotional and romantic needs. The tender love of Pisces woman polishes the heroism of her man and in return the affection of Aries man makes her feel special.

Recommendations for Aries for Better Compatibility:

  • She is very sensitive. Harsh words said during an argument can really upset her. So don't say anything that can hurt her.
  • You know she is a born dreamer and enjoys stating in her world of imagination. Don't get upset with her as it is in her nature.
  • She is indecisive, help her make decisions.

What is the most compatible sign for a male Virgo?

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Love Insights

Virgos are masters of organization and look for perfection in everything - and that means you too! The Virgo love connection needs to make sense on all levels (as well as intuitively) before the green light is given. Trust, reliability, and a stable love wins and keeps their heart.

Virgo - Aries : They have complimentary skills and attributes.

Virgo - Taurus : These two are in-sync - life is better than good!

Virgo - Gemini : Creative bliss! They're in intellectual heaven.

Virgo - Cancer : Magical! They innately understand each other.

Virgo - Leo : Strengths and differences stabilize their relationship.

Virgo - Virgo : Perfection - two peas in a pod, same value system!

Virgo - Libra : They both desire a harmonious existence.

Virgo - Scorpio : Their minds are both intellectual and inquiring.

Virgo - Sagittarius : Sag is visionary, Virgo loves details - great potential.

Virgo - Capricorn : This is a loyal and loving union - the best!

Virgo - Aquarius : Communication is a strong point and creativity.

Virgo - Pisces : There's a natural blend of mind power and intuition.

People under the sign of the virgin tend to be very diverse and likely to adapt to any kind of situation. This allows you to be creative in a relationship and it helps you to make the best out of any situation. It doesn't matter what sign they are because each zodiac sign has something different to offer to the table. Being a Virgo doesn't mean we all have the same personality traits. So to answer your question it doesn't matter. We all have different things to offer. All the zodiac signs are compatible with patience and time.