

Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac

Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac are all plants that can cause painful and itchy reactions when they come in contact with skin.

500 Questions

Does Semen cure poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dude, it sure seems to be working for me right now! Man, great excuse for masturbating. I've had this poison ivy with small blisters, weeping and serious itching. As a curiosity I tried this as a method that would dry out the skin. The itching seemed to stop on contact!

Can ivy grow on brick?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, ivy can grow on brick surfaces. Ivy plants have aerial roots that allow them to attach and climb on different structures, including brick walls. However, it's important to be cautious as ivy can damage brickwork over time if not properly maintained.

Is there a natural chemical to kill ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Acetic acid, commonly found in vinegar, can be an effective natural chemical to kill ivy. Mix vinegar with water and dish soap in a spray bottle and apply it to the ivy leaves. This solution can help dehydrate and kill the ivy.

What is the scientific name for poison oak?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poison oak can refer to one of two species of the genus Toxicodendron that are native to North America. Toxicodendron diversilobum, or Rhus diversiloba, which is the Western Poison oak, or Toxicodendron pubescens, or Rhus pubescens, which is the Atlantic Poison oak.

What do you do when you have poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Be certain to thoroughly wash all affected body parts with cold water and strong detergent soap (never use hot water as it opens up skin pores driving the urushiol resin still deeper inside your skin). Never pop or rupture the blisters. Keep affected areas clean and open to the air, allowing them to dry out. It is not recommended to cover over or bandage the oozing blisters as it may lead to further complications still later on. If an infection develops immediately seek medical care from a trained medical professional.

If the itching becomes so great use benadryl gel, or hot compresses to ease the discomfort.

Can urine kill poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

No it won't. It'll just add to the cleanup.

How long do poison ivy rashes last.?

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Asked by SarahChristensen

Poison ivy rashes last about 1-3 weeks, the itching will go away in approx. 1 week or maybe less. Avoid scratching rashes, or it will turn red and leave scars.

You're welcome!


What are common causes of contact dermatitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Common causes of contact dermatitis include the following: poison ivy, oak, and sumac.nickel or nickel alloys.latex

What is worse poisen oak or poisen ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

poison oak looks diffen then the other

How would you no if you have poison ivy in your mouth?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you get poison ivy on your tongue, which you can do if you put the leaves in your mouth or are exposed to the smoke from burning poison ivy, you should see a doctor.

There's no topical treatment except perhaps sucking on ice chips to numb the area. Your doctor might consider a course of prednisone.

The swelling might begin to interfere with your breathing. Then you should get to a hospital for treatment to ensure you don't suffocate while getting over this allergic reaction.

Can you get poison ivy from a poison ivy vine falling into the swimming pool?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. The oil causing the rash might spread on the water surface and come in contact with your skin although after a short wile the water and pool chemicals will probably reduce the irritant so much that it will be unnoticeable.

How do you treat popped poison Ivy Blisters?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ivy-Dry you can get it at any pharmacy

Is there a poison ivy in Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

As far as I can tell from my internet research, there is no poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) in the Philippines. However there are far more dangerous plants there such as the Stinger (Dendrocnide Moroides), the Poison Arrow Tree (Antiaris Toxicaria), the Cashew Tree (Anacardium occidentale), and even the Mango Tree (Mangifera spp.).

Why does ivy cling on to things?

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Does poison ivy grow in Florida?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes, it does I have it ones

Can clobetasol be used for poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes it works very well

How tall is poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poison Ivy varies by location. Again use the sayings

Leaflets three; let it be" is the best known and most useful cautionary rhyme. It applies to poison oak, as well as to poison ivy.