

Self Help

Self-help (or self-improvement) is a self-guided act of helping oneself to improve intellectually, emotionally or economically. Joined by people in similar situations, self-help groups provide friendship, sense of belongingness, experiential knowledge, emotional support and identity.

500 Questions

What was the name of the British hypnotist and author of many best selling self help books?

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Asked by Mickjay

The name of the British hypnotist and author of many best-selling self-help books is Paul McKenna. He is known for his work in self-improvement and personal development through techniques like hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

What is the role of Biogenic Mind Designer?

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Asked by TheCrestAcademy

Through Biogenic Mind Visualization, the participants will be able to reset his inner believe through "self searching" and "self justification" through the application of BUAT's learning process. By using the pre-setting attitude script (We call it Biogenic Mind Mapping) , the participants will simulate the character they want into their mind liken to a pilot simulate the flight experience using the simulator. The action that is being executed in the mind (ACTION) level will able to TESTIFY the benefit of each character change through positive emotional generated from the practice.

Conventional learning like reading and listening to talk / sharing alone would not be able to generate the joy of change. However, through the application of Psycho sonic formulation, we are able to influence the learners using Music Psychology and Affirmation. This part of learning is the most vital part of the whole Biogenic Mind Visualization. As we know, whatever learning will remain in the mind level and would not generate practical action without building positive feeling on it.

Thinking - Emotion - Action - Character - Habit

As a conclusion, a true process of character building would need to integrate the whole TEACH principle. The only way to enhance habit is through "constant repetition" by carry out Mental Practice (visualization) or Realistic Performance through daily application.

Does the Lucinda Bassett self-help program truly work?

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Asked by Wiki User

The effectiveness of the Lucinda Bassett self-help program may vary from person to person. Some individuals may find it helpful in managing anxiety while others may not see the same results. It's important to consider individual needs and preferences when deciding if this program is right for you.

What are the role of self help group?

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Asked by Wiki User

A SHG is a group of about 10 to 20 people, usually women, from a similar class and region, who come together to form savings and credit organization. They pooled financial resources to make small interest bearing loans to their members. This process creates an ethic that focuses on savings first. The setting of terms and conditions and accounting of the loan are done in the group by designated members.

May I help you or can I help you?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Would" and "will" is about the same thing so you're asking the same thing twice: Whether I will help or not. Helpful?

The word "would" tends to convey a question of willingness to perform a task.

Ex: Would you help me if you had the time?

The word "will" is asking for assistance for a task.

EX: Will you help me as I need to get this task done right away?

Slight but noticeable differences.

How can you help someone that needs help?

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Asked by Wiki User

Offering your support, listening non-judgmentally, providing resources or guidance, and encouraging them to seek professional help are all ways to help someone in need. It's important to approach the situation with empathy and respect for their feelings and autonomy.

How to start a self help group?

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Asked by Wiki User

To start a self-help group, begin by identifying a specific focus or topic for the group, such as mental health, addiction recovery, or chronic illness. Recruit members who share similar challenges or goals, establish guidelines and goals for the group, and find a suitable meeting space. Promote the group through various channels to attract interested individuals and provide a supportive and structured environment for members to share experiences and resources.

What does it mean when you see an owl when you close your eyes before you go to sleep?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means you have been very lucky. They are beautiful creatures. And it will make you a nicer person...

@tootsieroll369 well idk bout you but i know one thing. owls r linked to evil spirits and when they stare right into your eyes you die suddenly within a short amount of time.

How can exercise help people feel better about themselves?

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Asked by Wiki User

they have the satisfaction of losing weight

How did sitaram help nathu?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sitaram helped Nathu by offering him guidance, support, and friendship. He shared his knowledge and experience with Nathu, enabling him to navigate challenges and make informed decisions. Sitaram's encouragement and assistance were instrumental in helping Nathu achieve his goals.

How many copies of Wild have been sold?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of October 2021, "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed has sold over 6 million copies worldwide in various formats including print, digital, and audio.

What is conclusion on self help group?

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Asked by Wiki User

Self-help groups provide a supportive environment where individuals facing similar challenges can share experiences, learn coping strategies, and receive emotional support. They can help members feel less isolated and more empowered to take control of their lives. Research has shown that participation in self-help groups can lead to improved mental health and well-being.

How does rereading help?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rereading can help improve comprehension and retention of information by reinforcing connections in the brain. It allows for a deeper understanding of the material and can help identify key points that may have been missed initially. Additionally, rereading provides an opportunity to solidify knowledge and boost memory recall.

Can someone help me answer a questionnaire?

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Asked by Anaxx01

Here are some hints on answering a questionnaire:

  • Gender means are you a boy or a girl. If you are a girl, choose female. If you are a boy, choose male.
  • If you are asked about your favorite sport or hobby, or color, or favorite anything, just pick one. Whatever you like most.
  • If you are asked to rate things 1 to 10, 1 usually means you don't like it, and 10 means you love it more than anything. If you don't really care either way, then choose something in the middle like a 5 or a 6.
  • Other types of questions usually explain themselves. Some questionnaires ask about race or religion or opinions on a lot of things. You can answer, or leave things blank if you don't want to answer.

What happens if you call 211?

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Asked by Wiki User

Calling 211 in the United States will connect you to a free and confidential service that helps individuals and families navigate social services in their local community, such as food assistance, shelter, utility assistance, and more. Trained specialists can provide information and referrals to resources that can help address your specific needs.

Why is it important to encourage and support self administration?

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Asked by Wiki User

Why is it important to encourage and support self administration

5 inch penis non erect and a girth of only 1 inch could this be a problem?

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Asked by Wiki User

It may be a concern for some individuals, as the size of the penis can impact sexual satisfaction for both partners. However, communication, exploration, and understanding of different sexual techniques can help improve intimacy regardless of size. If it leads to personal distress or difficulty with sexual function, it may be worth discussing with a healthcare provider.

Does increased self-knowledge help leverage strength and increase self-confidence?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, increased self-knowledge helps you better understand your strengths and areas for growth, allowing you to leverage your strengths more effectively. This can lead to increased self-confidence as you become more aware of what you can achieve and how to navigate challenges.

What is it like and what does it mean to be truly desperate?

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Asked by DbueXorshianfb8142

To be truly desperate is to feel a deep sense of helplessness, longing, and urgency for a change in your situation. It can manifest as extreme emotional or physical pain, driving someone to take decisive action in attempts to alleviate their suffering. Desperation can lead individuals to act in ways they otherwise wouldn't, and can be a powerful motivator for seeking solutions or reaching out for support.

How does annotating help?

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Asked by Wiki User

Annotating helps to enhance understanding of a text by requiring the reader to actively engage with the material, make connections, and note important points for future reference. It encourages critical thinking, deepens comprehension, and aids in memory retention.

What will give you more time to do the things you really want to do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities, and setting clear boundaries can give you more time to focus on things you truly enjoy. Streamlining your schedule, minimizing distractions, and practicing time management techniques can also help create space for activities you value.

How do humans thermoregulate in cold and warm situations?

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Asked by Wiki User

In cold situations, the human body shivers to produce heat and the blood vessels constrict to retain heat, in hot situations the human body sweats to release heat. These are the ways the body thermoregulates.

Which is a symptom of too much stress over a long period of time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Too much stress over a long period of time can lead to very serious physical problems, like ulcers and heart trouble. It can also so lead to burnout, where one can no longer function at an acceptable level. Too much stress can bring an early death.

Adrenal exhaustion, weakened immune system, tendency to be susceptible to catching contagious illnesses, a weakening in the body's ability to fend off cancer, decrease in reproductive abilities, decrease in cognitive skills, exhaustion, exacerbation of existing health conditions, heart troubles, and eventually death if the source of the stress is not dealt with. This is one of the reasons it needs to be taken seriously: our bodies were not meant to sustain the emergency state of high preparedness (fight-or-flight) for long intervals of time! Something's gotta give.

Which best describes an internal critic?

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Asked by Wiki User

An internal critic is an inner voice that constantly evaluates, judges, and criticizes one's thoughts, actions, or abilities. It often manifests as self-doubt, negative self-talk, and feelings of inadequacy. Working to quiet the internal critic can promote self-compassion and improve overall well-being.