


Signs and Omens

Man by nature is an inquisitive, gregarious, and territorial creature; wanting and needing to mark his groups and territories as much as to assign meaning and interpretation to the naturally occurring and man made things around him. From ancient symbols carved or painted in caves, through secret societies of past and present to naturally occurring phenomenon and gang tagging we will try to find meanings and interpretations for all.

500 Questions

What is the importance of signage without signage what do you think will happened?

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Digital signage and its benefits.

We live in a digital era where (almost) everything is managed and supervised digitally to improve communication efficiency and convenience.

Nobody can deny the impact that technology has had on global corporate and personal operations. Various areas of marketing have been drastically altered by technology, to the point where traditional approaches such as radio jingles are becoming outdated.

The ample benefits of this era cannot be underestimated. However, are we utilising these digital accessibilities and resources to our full advantage?

Digital signage has clearly established itself as an essential aspect of today's technology landscape.

Even though digital signage is a widely utilised technology, many people still ask, "What is digital signage?"

What is Digital signage?

Digital signage, as the name implies, is a digital screen that displays signs.

It is usually used to communicate a specific message to a group of people. These individuals could be members of an office's internal staff, students at a school, or potential clients.

You have probably seen LCD monitors, projections, and even LED walls that clearly indicate directions, market items, promote forthcoming events, and provide advice. These are some excellent instances of digital signage.

Paper marketing has been mostly superseded by digital signage displays, which has reduced its prominence. To spread the word, businesses and many other industries are focused on a paperless approach.

Today, almost every industry has recognised the value of digital signage.

In this blog post, we will dive further into the various elements that make your digital signage venture a success.

LPFLEX is a digital signage company in Dubai, and our experts will guarantee you a calming digital signage experience.

Contact us today, visit our website.

What is the zodiac sign for April 3rd 1991?

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The zodiac sign for April 3rd, 1991, is Aries. Individuals born between March 21 and April 19 fall under the Aries zodiac sign. Aries is associated with characteristics such as enthusiasm, courage, and a dynamic and assertive nature. If you have any more questions about zodiac signs or astrology, feel free to ask!

Best regards,

What happens if you do not have a fortune in your fortune cookie?

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If you open a fortune cookie and there is no fortune inside, it's possibly just a mistake. Fortune cookies usually come with a small piece of paper with a message, but mistakes can happen. Rest assured, it represents nothing noteworthy. You can still enjoy the cookie, even if it does not contain a message.

Why is symbolism used?

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Symbolism is used to, essentially, say something without actually having to say it. This comes in very handy in any kind of art, from the written word to the theatrical arts.

What does it mean if you see a frog on your door step?

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It means you'll die in a plane crash. Don't go on any airplanes.

What is the meaning of the unicorn goddess?

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The meaning of the unicorn goddess can vary depending on different beliefs and cultures. In general, the unicorn symbolizes purity, grace, and magic. The unicorn goddess may represent femininity, beauty, and spiritual power. She is often associated with protection, healing, and wisdom.

How long after someone has passed away should it be before you see a medium?

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There is no set time frame for seeing a medium after someone has passed away. Some people may find it helpful to connect with a medium sooner, while others prefer to wait until they have had time to process their grief. It's important to trust your own instincts and emotions in deciding when, or if, you're ready to see a medium.

What would an Ash Tree tattoo mean?

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An Ash Tree tattoo could symbolize various meanings such as strength, protection, growth, and connection to nature. In Norse mythology, the ash tree was considered sacred and represented the world tree, Yggdrasil, which connected different realms. Ultimately, the specific meaning of the tattoo would depend on the individual's personal interpretation and significance.

Why does my right ear burn Is someone talking about me?

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A burning sensation in your ear is not necessarily a sign that someone is talking about you. It could be due to various factors such as allergies, ear infections, or irritation from headphones or earbuds. If the burning sensation persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

What does it mean to find a colored feather?

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Finding a colored feather is often considered a symbolic and spiritual sign. Different colored feathers can have different meanings, depending on personal beliefs and cultural interpretations. Some people believe that finding a colored feather may symbolize spiritual guidance or a connection to the divine. It can also be seen as a message from loved ones who have passed away or a sign of protection and good luck. Ultimately, the meaning behind finding a colored feather can vary for each individual.

How do you play spirit of the glass?

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Actually this is a serious question. Obscure but valid. Many confuse divination with the occult or witchcraft. This is not necessarily true. Divination was often practiced by ancient priests of most religions and is a small part of many common practices, beliefs and superstitions handed down through the ages. Such as throwing salt over one's shoulder, saying "bless you" when someone sneezes, etceteras.

"Spirit of the glass" is a method of divination similar to using a spirit board or forms of pendulum dowsing. It is used as a form of seance to contact spirits. The most common known spirit board is the Ouija trademarked to Parker Brothers.

Before attempting spirit contact a few warnings: Divination is not a game. Treating it as such can lead to serious repercussions. Most spirits were once people like ourselves. They do not take kindly to be toyed with, ridiculed, taunted, or dared. treat them as you should treat anyone else with respect. To do otherwise is at your own risk. You might find youself haunted by a spirit that wants to dish out a little payback. There are also other dangers:

- Divination should never be attempted by a single person alone. It can open the person up to something called progressive entrapment. This happens when a person become addicted to the process or tempted by a seductive spirit.

- Do not perform divination on sabbath days or holy days.

- Avoid used spirit boards or planchettes until they have been cleansed by wiping with holy water as they might have attracted evil spirits.

- It is taboo to ask certain questions such as; 1) When or how someone is to die. 2) How one might increase one their personal wealth or fame. 3)How to force someone else to do one's will.

- Divination is not a joking matter. If there is anyone present who cannot be trusted to control themselves or take it seriously it is better that they leave or that the session be postponed than to proceed.

- Take all messages received with a grain of salt. Some spirits can be overly eager to please and might say something they think someone wants to hear. If they do not know an answer they might make one up. If challenged they might take offense.

It is best to have one person assigned to take notes; recording the questions and the answers for later review. Also to prepare and agree to certain questions to be asked. Something that does not make sense at first might become clearer at a later date. Divination opens a portal to the other side and proceeding without taking precaution is an open invitation to any spirit that might wander by. To help control and protect those participating it is best to say a prayer or litany before starting. A litany might be like, "God please bless us and send gaurdian spirits that love us to form a circle of protection around us. Empower them to drive away any spirits that might mean us harm or mischief. Help to provide us with serious answers to questions we seek. Should the answer not be unknown or the time not right for it to be revealed, Then answer not. We ask that loving spirits continue to watch over and protect all involved. We pray in thy name, Amen". Before ending the session after all questions are complete. Always ask if there are any messages for anyone that needs to be mentioned and if so, to whom? These are often the most astounding messages received. I have known instances where timely advice may have averted accidents or suicides. When the session is complete it is wise to thank the gaurdian spirits for their aid and ask them to lead all spirits remaining or whom have gathered back over to the other side and seal that portal when they depart.

To do "spirit of the glass" you need to have a table with a smooth, preferable highly waxed surface. In a circle are placed the letters of the alphabet and the numbers 1-0. These can be written on the table with crayon. A clean short glass is turned over and used as the planchette or pointer. 2-4 people place their hands lightly on the planchette and all concentrate on the question asked. It is sometimes difficult to make contact and get started so clearing the mind and moving the cup or planchette around in circular or infinity patterns can often help loosen everyone up.

What is the symbol for sister?

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The tribal sisters symbol is depicted as two women surrounded by a circle. A circle signifies family ties, closeness & protection. The Celtic symbol for sister is the Celtic Sisters Knot in the shape of Celtic heart.

What is the symbolic meaning of two birds circling in the sky?

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The clearest answer to this is that sailors would get a sparrow on each shoulder for crossing both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans respectively. Also, sailors would often get a sparrow for every 5,000 nautical miles traveled. They also were to serve as good luck so sailors would get them for this purpose before leaving dock sometimes. Today, they usually mean nothing and are selected mainly for their classic design. They sometimes can symbolize the passing of a loved one. All depends.

What does it mean when a bird flies into your office at work?

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He or she just felt like it, didn't like the weather, was being chased, or just didn't know they were going indoors.

What is the symbolic meaning of animals?

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Many creatures have symbolic meanings: Lion symbolises strength and power. Bear - power Fox - cunning Horse - stamina Stag - pride and independence Unicorn - chastity Cat - stealth and magic Beaver - builder Snake - cunning and trouble Bee - industry and immortality

What omen comes from a dead bird?

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Birds die like any other animal. There is no need to look for symbolic meaning in ordinary events.

Are hummingbirds bad luck?

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They aren't, hummingbird is interpreted as: Tireless joy and the nectar of life.

What does finding a dead squirrel mean?

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It means lately you've been experiencing uneasiness and stress. Always remember, your physical reality is the reflection of what's going on within you. If there's depression taking place within you then ultimately your physical reality will give you what you've been experiencing. For example, if you're in love, then your physical reality will bring symbols in physical form such as butterflies to tell you that you're in love.

Are birds a sign of good luck or protection?

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Birds are a sign of there being birds. It doesn't mean anything.

A Pagan Perspective

If you attribute importance to anything, including birds, it does have power.

Some of the things attributed to birds include:

Birds -general Communication, flight, friendship end, good news, good luck, psychic powers. Letter brings good news. -(D) Life will soon improve.

-flying Good ideas - money, travel.

-standing Plans held up

-in group Business meetings, discussions, talks.

-in cage Obstructions, restrictions.

-holding branch Compromise, making up after disagreement.

-in leaves Good companions.

- Red Bird Feng Shui - south

Bluebird Modesty, unassuming confidence and happiness.

Blue Jay The proper use of power.

Canary Power of song and voice. Barometer of conditions (physical & metaphysical)

Crow Ill health. The secret magic of creation is calling.

-poem One is for bad news,

Two is for mirth.

Three is a wedding,

Four is a birth.

Five is for riches,

Six is a thief.

Seven is a journey,

Eight is for grief.

Nine is a secret,

Ten is for sorrow.

Eleven is for love,

Twelve for joy tomorrow.

Dove Good omen, happiness, love, peace. Not lucky for domestic arena. Feminine energies of peace, maternity and prophecy.

Duck Luck in speculation, money coming, plenty, success, wealth. Emotional comfort and protection.

Eagle Achievement, far-sightedness, fresh start, move of domicile. Illumination of spirit, healing and creation.

Falcon Success

Flicker New rhythm of growth and healing love.

Grosbeak Healing of the family heart.

Grouse Sacred dancing and drumming.

Hen Domestic happiness, female visitors.

Hummingbird Tireless joy and the nectar of life.

Kingfisher New warmth, sunshine, prosperity and love.

Lark Great happiness

Loon Lucid dreaming and re-awakening of old hopes.

Meadowlark Cheerful journey inward.

Mockingbird Finding your sacred song (soul purpose) and recognition of your innate abilities.

Nuthatch Grounding of faith and higher wisdom.

Oriole The weaving of new sunshine.

Owl Allegations, death of friend or relative, gossip, scandal, spiritual communication, wisdom. The mystery of magic, omens, silent wisdom, and vision in the night.

-watching Lessons learned

-hooting Your sins will find you out.

Pelican Renewed buoyancy and unselfishness.

Penguin Traveling south. Lucid dreaming and astral projection.

Pheasant Legacy, present, promotion, possible legal loss. Family, fertility and sexuality.

Quail Group nourishment and protection.

Raven Bad news, possibly of death, illness, loss, sadness. Magic, shape shifting and creation.

Sparrow Increase of financial security, warning against death by misadventure. Awakening and triumph of common nobility.

Starling Group behaviour and etiquette.

Stork Birth, unspoken communication.

Thrush An offer will be made.

Turkey Celebrations, family get-togethers. Shared blessings ans harvest.

Vulture Jealousy, loss, spite, theft. Purification, death and rebirth, new vision.

Waxwing Gentleness and Courtesy.

Whip-poor-will Harbinger of death.

Woodpecker The power of rhythm and discrimination.

Wren Resourcefulness and boldness.

What does it mean when you dream about a bird that flies in your house through the window then flies back out through the same window?

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I heard on a programme about dreams that your brain has a buffer, a bit like a computer buffer, that can take incoming data (like a tap on the shoulder) hold it in store for a split second and allow you to create a short dream that allows the input to make sense. Like when there is a fire in your dream and the fire bell is actually your alarm going off. I remember once having a dream where my bare foot touched something really hot and I jumped awake to find that the blankets had come off my foot and I had actually touched the iron bedstead (which was in fact very cold!).

Why are a cats ears itchy?

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Cats do this occasionally but you should check that it does not have ear mites, black in the ear, if it does take it to the vet

What is the meaning of a dead pigeion?

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That a pigeon died.

I'm not really sure where you wanted to go with that...