


Stuttering (or stammering) is a speech disorder characterized by repetition of syllables and sounds. Speech therapy can greatly help those suffering from a stuttering problem.

402 Questions

Is stuttering a sign of shyness?

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It can be, but stuttering can have many causes. Some think it may even be genetic.

Do stuttering people stutter when they're thinking to themselves?

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No, stuttering is a problem with the speech mechanism not thinking. The Stuttering Foundation online is a great source for information and help.

What is the prevalence of stuttering in the US?

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Over 3 million people in the US stutter.

In A Fish Called Wanda who has the stutter?

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Michael Palin

Are people born stuttering?

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Your best source for information and help for stuttering is the non-profit Stuttering Foundation of America.

Is stuttering an affect of drinking?

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i think it is possible. i am a alcoholic and in recovery. i do notice that i have had a stuttering problem for quite a while. my brain and mouth don't always want to go a the same speed. i think it is possible that i have created this do to years of heavy, heavy drinking and drug use.

Being under stress, overly tired, or having any extreme emotion can make stuttering worse or make it start if you are prone to stutter. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep; try to destress your life as much as possible; try to avoid situations that cause emotions like anger. The Stuttering Foundation of America is a great source for help. They have information for all ages, online videos, free e-books, and downloadable brochures.

When a two year old didn't stutter but now is stuttering?

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Stuttering is common at that age.

Your best source for information and help for stuttering is the non-profit Stuttering Foundation of America.

Do foreign people stutter?

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Yes, there are people who stutter all over the world. According to the Stuttering Foundation of America, some people who are bilingual only stutter in one language.

Which king had a bad stuttering problem?

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King George VI.

Your best source for information and help for stuttering is the non-profit Stuttering Foundation of America.

Did Jim Nabors stutter?

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I believe Jim Nabors stuttered.

Did emmit till stutter as a child?

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yes emmit till stutter as child

Did john glenn's wife stutter?

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Did Jesus heal stuttering?

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He's Jesus he can heal anything you need.

Will stuttering cause when having a stroke?

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Some people have started stuttering after having a stroke.

Your best source for information and help for stuttering is the non-profit Stuttering Foundation of America.

Does a girl stuttering when she talks to you mean she likes you?

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Most likely, yes. Unless she has a speech impediment, then it means shes nervous around you and doesn't want to be embarrassed when shes with you.

How do you get rid of slight stuttering?

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Slowing the rate of speech with pauses every now and then helps some. Others find they stop stuttering if they speak while breathing out or speak in a different accent, which is why some who stutter do well while acting. Learn more on the web site for The Stuttering Foundation.

Onset of stuttering at age 2 .?

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Your best source for information and help for stuttering is the non-profit Stuttering Foundation of America.

I had meningitas 1 year ago and I now have severe stuttering falling and involuntary movements of all 4 limbs?

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Anything that effects the brain can be related to stuttering. Contact The Stuttering Foundation.

What rhymes with stutter?

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Uttering, muttering, fluttering, cluttering, and sputtering.

What are the main benefits of the speech therapy for stuttering?

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Speech therapy services can be used for people with a stutter. The benefits of this is that it may improve the person's ability to speak without a stutter. It could also boost their confidence when speaking.

Did king georgeIII stutter?

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