


Sudoku is a number-placement game. The object is to fill out the nine-by-nine grids with numbers that do not repeat on both the row and column of the grid.

378 Questions

How many squares are there on a standard Sudoku grid?

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There are 9 rows and 9 columns. There is 81 individual squares in one grid.

Where can one see images of a killer sudoku?

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Although Sudoku can be fun, it is not an activity that lends itself to "killer images". Try finding a friend interested in Sudoku and discussing interesting games.

What re some puzzles that will keep the elderly brain active?

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The recently popular Japanese number game Sudoku is widely regarded as the best puzzle game on the market. These number puzzles will help keep her mind active as well as help her stay seated in her intelligence.

Can all sudoku be solved without guessing?

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The most difficult levels require you to assume that a box is filled with one number or another. You pick one of the numbers, and then, you must follow the puzzle until you either solve it, or come to a impossible situation. Using the logical reasoning of "reductio ad absurdum", you then conclude that the number you picked WASN'T the correct number and start over from that junction point. It is VERY discouraging to have to resort to that technique, so I always play the ones that you can logically solve all the way whenever possible.

If there was an easy way to mark a board and erase the wrong entries, then it wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps I could use a dry erase board with a different color when I got to a junction. That way, all I'd have to do is erase all the guesses in that color.

There is another situation where you are forced to resort to guessing.

Not all of the people who make Sudoku puzzles are aware that you must check your new puzzle for conformity to rules of what exactly makes a Sudoku puzzle. As a result, there are an amazing number of producers of puzzles that simply have no clue that what they are producing are not at all Sudoku puzzles, but something that only looks EXACTLY LIKE a Sudoku puzzle. These supposed "Sudoku puzzles" have not one, but anywhere from 2 to hundreds of solutions. Naturally, it is not possible to solve such a "puzzle" with only logic, as logic will fail to reduce the number of choices down to only 1 solution, a necessary component of actual Sudoku puzzles.

You can check online at many websites to determine whether or not the puzzle you are working on is an actual Sudoku puzzle or not. It might just save your sanity! The number of erroneous Sudoku puzzles being published out there is legion! I have a hand held game device made in China that produces almost NO useful Sudoku puzzles. My mother got it for me. Thanks, Mom! Great present! *Note to readers: Beware bargain basement clearance bins. The merchandise is in there for a reason, and sometimes, that reason is because the product in the bin doesn't do anything useful, besides take your money.

There is a famous hedge in Japan, where the vegetation was planted to produce a Sudoku puzzle. You would think that people that go to that much trouble (manufacturing and planting) would also check to make sure that they produced a useful puzzle so that their efforts would not turn out to be totally wasted, but you would be mistaken. So, don't assume that just because you are looking at a grid of what appears to be a Sudoku puzzle, that it really is one.

I only get my puzzles from trusted authors now, and I haven't run in to a non-working Sudoku puzzle for months... I suggest that you start keeping track of who does a good job for you, and then only go to those places for your puzzles.

How long is the time limit per category in sudoku?

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It depends on which version of sudoku you are playing. Usually there is no time limit on sudoku, however on some electronic versions there will be an automatic timer and your game will reset.

What are the advantages of playing Sudoku?

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For example, have you ever watched TV and someone tried talking to you but you were in a zone? You didnt respond or realize they were talking. These "zombie" like trances are deleted eventually from your behavior if your mind exercises extensively. Sudoku is a stimulating and difficult mind exercise that can be extremely easy to those that just automatically figure the pattern in their mind. Those people are less likely to become "zombies". This takes years and years of dedication and not just with sudoku, but hundreds of thousands of mind boggeling puzzles.

Where could someone play Sudoku daily?

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For those who love to play Sudoku daily then it may be worth checking out some online websites that offer Sudoku play 24 hours per day. Sites that offer Sudoko play are Yahoo games, Daily Sudoku and Sudoku Saviour. All these sites and more offer Sudoku daily play.

How do you play lucky charms sudoku?

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You play just the same as regular sudoku except you click once for the first, another time for the second and so on.

What are the disadvantages of playing Sudoku?

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Asked by Minilozo

Given the benefits of learning and becoming skillful at Sudoku, I would have to say that there ARE no disadvantages of playing it. However, the process of LEARNING to do well at it can be quite time consuming, as is any newly learned skill. If you could come up with any disagreeable aspect of Sudoku, it would be that it takes so much time to be very good at it.

What is pyramid sudoku?

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Pyramid sudoku is a regular sudoku board with shaded areas. Not only does one need to complete the regular sudoku, but the shaded areas can only have 1-9 as well.

Why are puzzle worksheets math?

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Puzzles can be math oriented just as much as a puzzle could be reading oriented. A good example of a math puzzle is Sudoku where you use the numbers 1 through 9 to fill in squares.

How do you find sudoku answers?

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In sudoku puzzles, it is very hard to find answers. Every 3x3 box is supposed to have the numbers 1-9, without repeating any number. The same applies with each individual column and row. Example: The 3x3 box on the top left has a 5 somewhere on the top row. The 3x3 box next to the first box has a 5 on the bottom. So on the third box (top, right), the 5 would be somewhere in the middle. It would be best to check the 3x3 boxes below the 3x3 box you are currently working on for any 5 in the same column.

How do you pronounce sudoku?

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Asked by Insanejane95

Sue, Doe, Koo

No, it's: Sue doo kuu

Why are Asians creepy?

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bcos they commit sudoku

What year did sudoku puzzles come out?

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The modern puzzle was invented by an American architect, Howard Garns, in 1979 and published by Dell Magazines under the name "Numbers in Place."[5] It was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number.[6] It became an international hit in 2005.[7]

According to Will Shortz, the modern Sudoku was most likely designed anonymously by Howard Garns, a 74-year-old retired architect and freelance puzzle constructor from Indiana, and first published in 1979 by Dell Magazines as Number Place (the earliest known examples of modern Sudoku). Garns's name was always present on the list of contributors in issues of Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games that included Number Place, and was always absent from issues that did not.[10] He died in 1989 before getting a chance to see his creation as a worldwide phenomenon.[10] It is unclear if Garns was familiar with any of the French newspapers listed above.

The puzzle was introduced in Japan by Nikoli in the paper Monthly Nikolist in April 1984[10] as Suuji (or suji) WA dokushin ni kagiru (数字は独身に限る?), which can be translated as "the digits must be single" or "the digits are limited to one occurrence." At a later date, the name was abbreviated to Sudoku by Maki Kaji (鍜治 真起, Kaji Maki?), taking only the first kanji of compound words to form a shorter version.[10] In 1986, Nikoli introduced two innovations: the number of givens was restricted to no more than 32, and puzzles became "symmetrical" (meaning the givens were distributed in rotationally symmetric cells). It is now published in mainstream Japanese periodicals, such as the Asahi Shimbun.

Thanks, Wikipedia!

How do you calculate the number of different sudoku puzzles?

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In an average Sudoku puzzle there are nine larger boxes with nine small boxes inside each. The small boxes each get a number one through nine so that each larger box has nine different numbers in it. Therefore, nine different numbers are used and 81 numbers total.

What is sudoku?

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Sudoku is a puzzle with 9 rows and columns. The rows/columns are divided into 9 3x3 squares (you'll notice the bold lines; those are the things that separate the 3x3 squares.) that are indicated in bold lines. There are many kinds of sudoku. Sudoku was originally called Number Place.

It originated in Japan, hence the name, and was a challenge similar to crossword puzzles, which don't work well with kanji.

Were can you print your own sudoku puzzle and get the answers?

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Real sudoku puzzles require one solution to be complete. Most sudoku websites use an algorithm to create those one solution sudoku puzzles. You just can't fill an empty grid with random numbers because you can end up with multiple solutions.

Here is a list of sudoku websites where you can play online or print sudoku puzzles :

yes, but (like I was looking for) you cannot print your OWN puzzles!

What are Technical uses of sudoku?

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It can make your brain faster and more logical.

How can you sell sodoku puzzles?

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Only if you invented that puzzle.

How is a Sudoku puzzle created?

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well you take a blank sudoku graph and start placing numbers from 1 to 9 randomly startingwith the first row then continue with this while making sure no numbers are rthe same in a line....when finished check it over..........then erase some of the answers to get your sudoku!

What is the maximum possible number of givens in a standard 9X9 Sudoku grid that does not render a unique solution?

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A Sudoku can have a non-unique solution with only 4 empty cells. Here's an example:










If the first 2 cells are filled with 1,2 the 2 in row 4 must be 2,1, and vice-versa.

So there can be up to 77 givens in a 9x9 sudoku without a unique solution.