


The Solar System

Ever wondered if there is life on Mars? Or if Jupiter has five moons? Look no further; here is the category concerning all questions about our solar system and the known planets!

500 Questions

Pole star is nearest to your solar system?

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The Pole Star (Polaris) is not the closest star to our solar system. It is located about 434 light-years away. The closest star to our solar system is Proxima Centauri, which is part of the Alpha Centauri star system and is located about 4.24 light-years away.

How many planets are in the solar system not including pluto?

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There are 8 planets in the solar system not including Pluto. These are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

How do gravity and inertia work together in the solar system?

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Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards each other, such as the sun and planets in our solar system. Inertia is the tendency of objects to resist changes in their motion. Gravity keeps planets in orbit around the sun by balancing the planets' inertia with the force of gravity pulling them towards the sun.

Can or cannot the daily path of stars around Polaris be explained by the geocentric model of the solar system?

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Yes, the daily path of stars around Polaris can be explained by the geocentric model of the solar system. In this model, Earth is at the center and stars move in perfect circles around it due to the Earth's rotation on its axis. This motion creates the illusion of stars moving around Polaris.

What can be seen on a clear night inside the solar system?

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On a clear night inside the solar system, you can see stars, planets, the Moon, and on occasion, other celestial objects like comets or meteor showers. Additionally, some of the brightest stars and planets are visible to the naked eye depending on your location and time of year.

What is the name of the largest ball of hot gas in the solar system?

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The largest ball of hot gas in the solar system is the Sun.

What does sun beam spread mean?

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Sun beam spread refers to how wide an area a sunbeam or ray of sunlight covers. It is often measured in degrees and can vary based on the angle of the sun in the sky and atmospheric conditions. Understanding sun beam spread can be important for designing buildings, solar panels, and other structures that rely on sunlight.

What is the sun and how does it relate to other objects in the solar system?

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The sun is a star at the center of our solar system, providing heat and light to all the planets including Earth. It is the largest object in the solar system and its gravity holds all the planets in orbit around it. The sun's energy drives the climate and weather on Earth and is essential for supporting life.

What is solar system debris?

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Solar system debris refers to objects leftover from the formation of our solar system, such as asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. These debris are found scattered throughout the solar system, with some orbiting planets or the Sun, while others are found in the Kuiper Belt or Oort Cloud. This debris can sometimes enter Earth's atmosphere as meteoroids and create shooting stars.

History of rockets can be traced back to the firecrackers in eastern for ages rockets are now advanced enough to go beyond the solar system which kind of research has made this possible?

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Advancements in rocket technology have been made possible through research in areas like materials science, propulsion systems, aerodynamics, and navigation. Specialized research into fields like propellant efficiency, lightweight materials, and spacecraft autonomy has enabled rockets to travel beyond the solar system. Collaboration between government agencies, private companies, and research institutions has also been critical in pushing the boundaries of rocket technology.

Where is most of the mass of our solar system located?

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Most of the mass of our solar system is located in the sun, which accounts for over 99% of the total mass. The remaining mass is distributed among the planets, moons, asteroids, and other celestial bodies in the solar system.

How do dwarfs smell bad?

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I have one. It's not the hamster. It's the cage. The smell of wood chips, urine and poop don't smell too good. But it's far from intolerable.

As long as you keep the cage nice and clean, you won't have a smelly hamster. Hamsters, guinea pigs anything like that doesn't like to live in a dirty cage.

What does Jupiter clean up or attract?

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Jupiter's strong gravitational influence attracts and interacts with various celestial objects such as asteroids and comets. This helps to clean up debris in the solar system by either capturing or deflecting incoming objects, reducing the chances of potential collisions with inner planets like Earth.

Which planet is heaviest in the solar system?

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Jupiter is the heaviest planet in our solar system, with a mass of approximately 318 times that of Earth.

What are the 3 criterion to be considered a planet in our solar system?

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The three criteria for an object to be considered a planet in our solar system are:

  1. Orbiting the Sun.
  2. Being spherical due to its own gravity.
  3. Clearing its orbit of other debris or celestial bodies.

What are some rhymes to help you remember the names of all the planets in our solar system?

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My Very Eagerly Mom Just Served Us Nutty Peanuts.


Mom Victoriously Eats Mustard Jellybean Sandwiches Unlike No Person.


Mr Vincent Erratically Made Juice Sloth Under Noisy Photocopier


Mildred Videotaped Erica Making Justin Serve Us Nine Pizzas

What is the rockiest planet in the solar system?

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Mercury is known as the rockiest planet in our solar system. It has a surface that is heavily cratered and rocky, with very little evidence of any significant atmosphere or geological activity to modify its rocky surface.

What solar system objects is most similar to Earth in terms of mass and density?

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Venus is the solar system object most similar to Earth in terms of mass and density. Venus is similar in size and composition to Earth, making it the closest "sibling" planet to our own.

Who used a telescope to create his model of the solar system?

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Galileo's first telescope was quite basic. It was a tube that contained two lenses. Galileo's first attempt was a three-power instrument. However, what followed was a telescope that could magnify objects approximately nine times. For more information about this, see Sources and Related Links further down this page.

What shape orbit do planets in your solar system follow?

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The planets in our solar system generally follow an elliptical orbit around the Sun, although these orbits can vary slightly in shape depending on the planet's distance and speed. The orbits are governed by the gravitational pull of the Sun, which keeps the planets in their paths.

Does Pluto have ability to support life?

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Pluto is unlikely to support life as we know it due to its extremely cold temperatures, lack of atmosphere, and far distance from the Sun. Its surface conditions are inhospitable with temperatures reaching -375 degrees Fahrenheit, making it challenging for any form of life to survive.

What are 3 solar satellites?

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  1. Solar Maximum Mission (SMM): Launched in 1980, SMM studied solar flares and other solar activities.
  2. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO): Launched in 1995, SOHO studies the Sun's atmosphere, solar wind, and magnetic fields.
  3. Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Launched in 2010, SDO observes the Sun in multiple wavelengths to understand solar variability.

How many planets in your solar system have moons?

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There are 8 planets in our solar system that have moons. These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each of these planets has one or more moons orbiting around them.

Have astronauts visited every planet in out solar system?

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No, astronauts have only visited the Moon and have not travelled to every planet in our solar system. The only other planets in our solar system that have been visited by spacecraft are Mars, Venus, and Saturn's moon Titan.

Two primary gases that were present when your solar system was formed?

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Hydrogen and helium were the two primary gases present during the formation of our solar system. These gases dominated the early solar nebula from which the Sun and the planets eventually condensed.