

True Crime Literature

True Crime is a popular literary genre that details actual criminals and crime, most often murder.

500 Questions

Who was the actual person that coined the term serial killer?

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Asked by Wiki User

The origin of the term 'serial killer' is credited to former FBI agent Robert Ressler. While attending a crime seminar in Europe he heard another detective refer to such crimes as a 'series of murders'. From this Ressler shortened it to serial killer. Before the 1970s, there was no specific name for this particular type of killer. By the 1970s and 1980s there seemed to be an explosion of serial murders. Ted Bundy seems to be the first killer that earned the title serial killer. Unfortunately, he was not the last.

How does criminal profiling help criminals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Criminal profiling doesn't help the criminal. It is used as a tool by law enforcement and detectives to narrow the field of suspects. Profiling is also helpful when interrigating a suspect, asking the right questions helps in getting the right answers.

Where is Aileen Wuornos in 2010?

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Aileen Wuornos was executed in October 2002 at Stark Prison in Florida.

Who wrote the book of Jack the Ripper?

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There are numerous books and publications that deal with the mystery of Jack the Ripper. Some are factual or, at least, claim to be, while others are fictional. Still others blend fact and fiction together. This creates confusion for a person who wants to seriously study Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel murders. lthough first published in 1994, Philip Sugden's historical investigation of the gruesome Whitechapel murders still stands out as a fact-based classic on Saucy Jack. There is certainly no shortage of books and movies about Jack the Ripper, the mysterious 19th century serial killer of London prostitutes (1888 - 1891). What makes Sugden's book stand out from the crowd is the fact that he started from scratch.

Is it true that Scott Peterson had planned to kill Amber Frey?

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Asked by Rumba

Although I have never been able to pinpoint how much detective work went into to this theory, the facts are undeniable.

Before his arrest, Peterson had been trying to persude Amber Frey into a little 'get away vacation' at a friend's cabin in a remote area in California. Peterson didn't know that Frey had been talking to the police for weeks and Frey eventually became very fearful of Peterson, and with good cause. He was found to have in his car trunk: a Google map to Amber's workplace, rope, knives, plastic bags, and assorted tools, some for cutting.

Intent is a hard thing to prove. Its hard to find intention until after a crime, then it becomes glaringly clear. Lucky for Frey, the Modesto police where on top of the game, it most likely saved Frey's life.

What were the names of Baby Face Nelsons kids?

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Baby Face Nelson had two children with wife Helen, Ronald and Darlene, both of which died in the 1990s.

What is the worst crime city in the US?

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Of course it depends on what crime you are talking about. Some cities have big car theft problems, some rampant with drug crimes. But according to FBI statistics New Orleans, LA, is the murder capital of the country. Other dangerous cities include east Los Angeles, parts of New York City, Detroit, Oakland CA. For a complete list Google FBI Crime Statistics.

Why did Albert DeSalvo kill people?

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The weapon of choice for the killer known as The Boston Strangler was usually a piece of the victim's own clothing. Stockings, belts from their dressing gowns, ect. DeSalvo claimed to have strangled at least one woman with his bare hands.

Is Scott Peterson a sociopath?

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More than likely. He based his life on lies. He lied about who he was, what he wanted, what he did. On a daily basis, he lied to his nearest and dearest, the people that he pretended to care about the most; the people closest to him. When he wasn't happy with his life, he attempted to live the life he thought he preferred and lied about it when he could have walked away and lived how he pleased.

Who was the most notorius killer?

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It really is a matter of perspective, and there are different types of homicide and the people who commit them.

For war crimes, many would say Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are right up there. But, one must also consider Pol Pot, Idi Amin Dada, Saddam Hussien, and Mehmed Talaat Pasha Bey, as well as a host of other government leaders of nations around the world and throughout history. The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 resulted in 2,402 killed1, 247 wounded.

On 11 September, 2001, terrorists from al-Queda ended the lives of nearly 3,000, wounding over 6,000.

Jack The Ripper is the most infamous individual serial killer. John Wayne Gacy was one of the most prolific along with Wayne Williams, Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Charles Whitman killed sixteen and wounded thirty-two from a clock tower on the campus of the University of Texas. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School. Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan killed thirteen and wounded 29 at Ft. Hood, Texas. Jared Lee Loughner shot nineteen people at a Tuscon, Arizona shopping center, six of them died.

Aileen Wuornos takes first place as a female serial killer, however Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed, of Hungary is credited with as many as 650 victims.

What is the Jodi Arias issue in her trial?

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Asked by DrQ

Jodi Arias will not be put to death -- at least not yet.

How did JonBenet Ramsey get tortured?

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Dr. Cyril Wecht explained the autopsy findings in his book Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey. The report revealed that JonBenet suffered from both acute and chronic sexual abuse. Simply put, the six year old had old trauma and very recent trauma shortly before her death.

Where is Green River killer now?

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At the time of his arrest, Ridgeway lived with his third wife in Auburn, WA. A city in Washington south of Seattle.

What was the strain theory of the Green River Killer?

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The 'strain theory' as it applies to Gary L. Ridgeway, aka Green River Killer, begins in his childhood. Ridgeway had a very interesting relationship with his domineering mother. Borderline incestuous, Ridgeway later told how her provocative way of dressing, bathing young Gary when in his teens, and an absent father left Ridgeway sexually attracted to his mother. She was also overbearing and would quite frequently humiliate him especially about his bed wetting. Although the Ridgeways seemed, at least superfically, like an average family, Gary struggled throughout his childhood and teen years.

As an adult he had failed marriages (2), failed service record, and in general had trouble relating to other people. As is common with serial killers, many are not at ease with the rest of the human population.

How was the Green River killer caught?

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Modern forensics caught up with the Green River Killer, Gary Leon Ridgeway. One of the most vital pieces of evidence was very specialized paint chips found on a victim. That and a DNA profile from a previous arrest led police to Ridgeway. Ridgeway was arrested at his place of employment where painted trucks at the Kenworth factory in Auburn, Wa.

What does reliable evidence means?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evidence is noun and can also be used as a verb. Evidence has its origin in Latin and is taken from the word ēvidēns or ēvident which means 'obvious'. Later, it was adapted by Late Latin as ēvidentia and then by the Old French and Middle English. Evidence is facts, objects or signs that something is true or exists in reality. For example: there was no evidence that the boys had been drinking. In legal context, evidence is information statements and objects that are given in a court of law to prove that someone is guilty or not guilty. For example: the defence presented some new evidence that led to the victim's release.

If someone is in evidence, he is said to be present and easily noticed. As a noun, evidence means to bring forth that something exists or is true. Affirmation, attestation, averment, clue, information, corroboration, testament, and testimonial are some of the word that could be used for evidence

Why do they call serial killers serial killers?

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Serial means a series of crimes, usually one at a time, with a 'cooling off' period in between kills. The cooling off time depends on the individual killer. Jack The Ripper killed two women in the space of an hour. Some killers may not kill again for several years.

What is the difference between a crime and an act of deviance?

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A crime is an act that is against the law. Deviant behavior may be criminal in some cases but it is not always against the law.

Where did Peter Sutcliffe live?

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West Yorkshire in the northern part of England.

Who has committed the most murders?

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It depends on what kind of murder you mean. There are different kinds, different degrees of murder. But for shear volume Hitler and his extermination of more that 6 million Jews during WWII has to be one of the deadliest.

Where did Richard Ramirez get the name Night Stalker?

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In a lot of cases the press will give names to serial criminals, and Ramirez was no exception. They were right on target. Ramirez creeped and stalked people's homes, usually coming in a window in the dead of night.

Interesting note:Ramirez will always be remembered for his pentagram drawn in the palm of his hand. Sold a lot of newspapers.

Was Peter Kurten ever married?

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Asked by Rumba

Peter Steele was married on 10/31/1984 (Halloween) at city hall in a private ceremony. His wife's name was Donna, the couple went on to have a Halloween wedding for friends and family on their 1st year anniversary.

Where was the girl who died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer buried?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you got that from a email or blog or something then im sure its just fake

it's stupid because its almost impossible to happen!

I believe that hundreds of girls died from homicide in 1933. Some of which were buried alive (It happens more than you'd think, a murderer is not always thorough when burying a victim). Which one are you asking about?