


This small 4-stringed instrument originated in Hawaii and was based on Portuguese instruments. The instrument has seen a recent resurgence in popularity as more mainstream musicians have incorporated it into their repertoire.

500 Questions

How did the ukulele develop?

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Not a great deal, but some of the 'changes' that have occurred over time:

Strings are seldom gut, and are usually nylon, some of them are wound with aluminum wire.

Geared pegs are more common than the original friction pegs, a variety of which is still common.

Woods have changed over time, the original ukuleles were made of koa a fast growing wood found in Hawaii, now they are made in many different woods and materials.

The wood used today is often a laminate rather than solid wood. This is more stable and is less likely to split and be affected by humidity then solid woods. They are less likely to split, but there are many that feel solid woods provide a better sound. The laminates are much less expensive then the solid wood ones.

Plastics are incorporated in some ukuleles, the Flea and Fluke having plastic bodies and many having a plastic fretboard. There are many unusual shapes available as well.

The development of the electric ukulele is another recent change.

What is a good website for songs for the ukulele?

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I think ukuleleworld is the best site for ukuleles. they have over 20 brands of ukuleles and they have every thing you need to get started. I own over 35 ukuleles and I have bought 25 of them from

What kind of ukulele would fit best to most songs?

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Pretty much any ukulele can be used to play jazz. The tuning and string selection can vary to meet the needs of the music you are playing. Many like the reverberating ukulele for jazz and some really prefer the banjolele for the jazz sounds. Some like the ones with the S shaped sound holes rather than the single round hole in the middle.

Lyle Ritz, one of the top Jazz players on the ukulele, uses a Ko'olau Tenor Ukulele.

How would you describe the playing position of the ukulele?

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The ukulele sometimes abbreviated to uke, is a member of the lute family of instruments; it generally employs four nylon or gut strings or four courses of stringsAnswer this question…

Did the ukulele come from Mexico?

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I'm sure you can buy ukulele's in Mexico. It isn't a common instrument there, but it isn't common anywhere. And you can always purchase over the internet.

What are the four common sizes of an ukulele?

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The primary sizes are standard (aka soprano), concert and tenor. There is also the baritone, which is tuned differently. You can also get smaller sopraninos.

How old is Julia Sawalha?

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Asked by APIBirthday

Julia Gillard is 56 years old (birthdate: September 29, 1961).

How is the ukulele made?

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Ukulele's were first made from Koa wood in the Pacific Islands.

Wood is the primary material.

Some metal is used for the frets and usually the pegs.

The strings were originally made from sheep gut.

How popular is the ukulele?

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students in school, bands in Hawaii, every body uses is it Evan if your at a BBQ someone brings out the ukulele and we strt singing while he/she plays used more for entertainment.

Currently some of the known names in the Ukulele world include:

  • Paul McCartney
  • Jake Shimabukuro
  • Jason Mrez
  • Train
  • Julia Nunes
  • Molly Lewis

Do you tune a baritone ukulele same as other ukuleles?

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A standard ukulele is a soprano ukulele. Most soprano, concert and tenor ukuleles are tuned the same, but there are a variety of choices. Most are set up with a G'CEA tuning, but there are other set ups for certain types of music.

How do ukuleles differ from other stringed instruments?

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Size is the biggest difference, the ukulele is smaller and has a much shorter fret board. An ukulele typically only has 4 strings, rather than 6 of a guitar, but you can get them with 8 strings, they double up the notes.

Can you name the country where the ukulele was invented?

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The ukulele was originally developed in Hawaii, which was a country at the time. Now it is part of the US. It was based on an instrument from the Portuguese islands of Madeira.

What is the best quality ukulele for the price?

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It all depends on what you consider 'not too expensive.'

You can get a Fluke or a flea for about $200 and they are considered very good for the price. I like the Ohana for about the same price, solid wood. There are many really nice ukuleles for about that price.

If you want something at about half that price, look at the Kala line. They have a nice variety and a couple of nice ones under $100. Lanikai also has a nice selection.

You could also check out eBay for some deals.

Why are ukuleles tuned differently?

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Like all instruments, the tuning depends on the strings and the music you want to play. The Standard, the concert and the tenors are all typically strung with the same notes today. But each artist will adjust according to his style and needs to get the music he wants from the instrument.

When was the first ukulele made?

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The instrument that the ukulele was based on was brought to Hawaii in 1879. Within a year or so it evolved into the ukulele as we know it today.

It was believed to have been made in 1879 by Porteguese immigrants to Hawaii and was based on their machete stinged instrument.

Are the thicker strings of an ukulele on top or bottom?

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They are on the top. Thicker strings make lower sounds. The lowest notes are the top strings.

What are the chords on an ukulele?

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Here is a possible answer (in key of C)[Sorry about the underlines, but I don't know how to get a fixed width font and preserve spaces]


Hone ana ko Leo e `ulili e


O kahi manu noho `ae Kai


Kia`i ma ka lae a'o kekaha


`O ia Kai ua lana malie


C____(G7 C G7 C)

'Ulili e

C_______(G7 C G7 C)

`Ulili ho`i


`Ulili holoholo kahakai e


O ia Kai ua lana malie



Hone ana ko Leo e ko lea e


Pehea `o Kahiki? Maika`i no


O ia `aina `ulu wehi wehi


I hui pu `ia me ke onaona


What are the chords of Manang Biday in Banduria?

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So so so do

do mi re mi fa

mi re mi fa

so fa mi fa so

mi fa so la la

do ti la so

so la so fa

la so fa mi

When did Taylor Swift first play guitar?

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when Taylor swift was twelve years of age she had her guitar sitting in the corner, next to her desk. One day when her tutor saw the guitar he asked Taylor if she knew how to play. Taylor said "no". Her tutor knew how and taught her to play guitar.

How do you play chords on baritone ukulele?

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On a Ukulele with a GCEA tuning, the A minor chord is formed with the pointer finger on the second fret, fourth string.

The best I've found is the link below that provides a chord chart:





How do you change an ukulele's sound?

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You really are limited in how 'loud' you can play the ukulele, but here are some options or things to consider:

  • Add an electronic pickup so the sound can be run through an amplifier.
  • Don't hold the instrument too tightly against the body.
  • Try plucking the strings with more force, it causes the strings to vibrate more and give a louder sound.

What type of ukulele does Jason Mraz play?

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None of the online sources even indicate that John Mayer plays the ukulele. They list guitar, mandolin and piano. It wouldn't be hard for him to play a ukulele, particularly a Baritone Ukulele.

How can you tell the different styles of a Martin ukulele?

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You will have to figure it out from many different hints. The design of the CF Martin logo is a big help and can narrow down the time frame to within a decade or so. The link below can help, the logo and stamping patterns are shown.

What is the strumming pattern for ukulele?

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There are over 13 different strumming patterns for the ukulele but the most common is DDUUD, with D being Down and U being Up.

The link in the 'Related Links' section shows more of the other strums.

What do Hawaiian instruments mean to Hawaiian culture?

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Cultures are often defined by their musical heritage. In Hawaii, the last few generations of the Kings and Queens to rule the country were avid supporters of the ukulele and wrote and performed with this instrument. To the people of Hawaii, it takes them back to a different time frame, one in which they ruled their own country without the influence of big business and commercialism.