


Watermelon is a large vine fruit. The outside is a green hard shell, and the inside is a watery and porous fruit. Watermelon can be quite sweet. The flesh is usually red, although there are some golden varieties.

500 Questions

How does a watermelon work?

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Watermelon works the way fruit works in general; it has edible parts that attract animals to eat it, and then those animals will either throw away or eliminate the seeds which are thereby distributed across a wide area, allowing the watermelon plant to grow in new locations.

What is the difference of watermelon and xigua?

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Xigua is the Mandarin Chinese word for 'watermelon', so there is technically no difference. However, xiguas are often slightly smaller than watermelons.

Are watermelon seeds poisonous?

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no and i would know i just ate one by accident:)

Can gerbils eat watermelon?

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They probably would eat it but I can't recommend it. Giving gerbils food that is mostly water is liable to give them diarrhoea and they can become dehydrated very quickly when poorly. Try Cheerios, cheese, dry toast or apple for a nice treat instead.

Can you make watermelon juice?

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Yes, all you have to do is put the fruit (the red part) into a juicer. If you do not have a juicer, then you can put the fruit in the bowl and mash it. Then, strain the seeds out.

How long will a watermelon last?

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That depends on how ripe it is to begin with - at most, a fully ripe watermelon at room temperature will last a day or two (depending on the heat of the room - cooler will make it last longer). If the watermelon is unripe to begin with, it could last upto a week (again, depending upon the heat of the room).

How many calories in a personal sized watermelon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Calories in a mini watermelon

That depends of the weight. Here are some examples.

There are:

  • Approx 9 calories in one ounce (28g) of watermelon
  • Approx 1355 in one whole watermelon (about 15" long x 7-1/2" diameter).

For the calories in other fruits, and a calorie fruit chart, which you may use as a daily guide, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

If you eat watermelon and drink milk can you die?

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yes it is safe to eat watermelon when you are hung over. it is the same but it has a little tangy and yucky taste.

Can diabetics eat watermelon?

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Is possible but make sure when you eat it your blood sugar is not to high. It could also be used as a blood sugar pike me up. Is possible but make sure when you eat it your blood sugar is not to high. It could also be used as a blood sugar pike me up.

Can you get food poisoning from watermelon?

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Yes, if there were pathogens on the outside of the watermelon and it was cut through without washing first, the knife can push them into the part that is eaten and contaminate it.

Does watermelon have potasium?

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Asked by Christie0707

There is 314 mg of potassium in one serving of watermelon. This is 8% of your daily recommended value for potassium

Is squeezing a watermelon to make watermelon juice a physical or chemical change?

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physical, when it is changed by something not at the molecular level it is physical like your question, this is physical, if it were chemical it would be something like pouring acid on it

Can watermelon be eaten if cut and not refrigerated after one night?

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A person should avoid storing watermelon at room temperature once it has been refrigerated. This can cause the watermelon to spoil faster.

Also, it is advisable to keep cut watermelon refrigerated until serving.

What does it mean if your watermelon is yellow?

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It means it's gone bad. I don't know what caused it, but I had the same thing happen. The foam had a slight smell to it, but when I cut into it it sounded like I was opening a brand new bottle of soda.

Do watermelon lose their sugar in the heat?

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No, actually just the opposite happens. Hot summers will produce sweeter watermelons which means that growing in cooler climates can pose a challange to growing sweet watermelons.

There are types of watermelon that can do well in cooler climates however such as the type known as 'Cream of Saskatchewan'.

Is watermelon a dicot?

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no its a dicot

How long does it grow a watermelon in Georgia?

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it takes a couple of weeks for it to fully grow id say about 4

What is the price of a watermelon?

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Watermelons cost $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.99

What does not belong orange lemon watermelon grapefruit?

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Asked by Wiki User

Watermelon does not belong because the rest aer fruits and water MELON is a melon sort of thing lol try to do ur own hmwk lol :p

Where in California is watermelon grown?

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Asked by Wiki User

Watermelon grows where there is adequate water and a fertile but sandy soil and while everyone should be pleased that California has a long growing season and does provide excellent produce before and late into the growing season no one, and that is No One and I mean Absolutely No One can produce a Black Diamond Melon like they do in Oklahoma. Once tried at its peak it invites, NO, it absolutely demands a repeat performance. There are signature products that seem to only be absolutely perfect when grown in a certain specific environment. The Santa Rosa Plum is an absolute winner and the sweet lemons from near Oceanside are a genuine treat. If you are in the market for a Cantloupe no one and that means absolutely nobody can match Rocky Ford Colarado. If you want watermelon they are grown in numerous locations, some places produce an excellent product but they pale when compared to the Real McCoy.

Do watermelon need pollination?

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I am currently growing watermelon vines in my backyard. I sowed seeds directly into the soil May 1, 2009. They are now beginning to grow watermelons (June 28, 2009). I gave them plenty of room to grown and constantly water them. This is my first batch, but so far it looks like all they need is rich soil, space, lots of water, and some type of hay or straw to keep the moisture in.

Can a iguana eat watermelon?

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they eat vegetables and can a little bits of fruits , so watermelon should not hurt your iguana ^-^ don't worry

What percantage of water makes up a watermelon?

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a watermelon is about 92% water