



Wicca is a belief system introduced by Gerald Gardner in the 1950's and loosely based on the reconstruction of pre-Christian traditions. Wicca is a spiritual path that affirms the existence of supernatural powers (magic) and of both male and female gods who are inherent in nature. All practitioners of Wicca are witches, but not all witches are practitioners of Wicca. Wicca refers to the recognized religion but is not the sole example of pagan beliefs. The one discernible difference between Wicca and other various pagan paths is the practitioners strict adherence to the Wiccan Rede.

500 Questions

What is a modern form of Paganism also witchcraft?

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The most common form is Neopaganism (the most well-known form of neopaganism is Wicca).

Wicca can be separated into many different "traditions", which means people practise Wicca in different ways.

Some common themes of Wicca include the ritual practice of magic to achieve desired outcomes, and the celebration of approximately 8 seasonal festivals- Sabbats.

Some, but not all, wiccans revere Gods or Goddesses, or Nature deities.

If you'd like to find out a little more about modern witchcraft you might like to look up Pendragon School of Real Magic or Shaman School online.

What is the religion definition of wicca?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Wicca" is supposedly the religion practiced by witches. It's pagan, but supposedly does not involve human sacrifice.

Not all witches believe in Wicca. All the witches that believe in Wicca are good witches, because they believe that every spell you cast comes back to you three times as strong, so they only cast good spells. Imagine, casting a spell for warts on someone and having it come back three times as strong!!

None of that information is accurate or informative. Actually, Wicca is a religion solely invested in nature. They do not worship deities but rather work with mother earth and other celestial bodies (such as the moon or the sun). What the person above was speaking about is something called the Wiccan Rede and it speaks of the ideals of Karma. However, not all Wiccans believe in Karma and even further, not all Wiccans practice witchcraft. Also, Wicca is hardly Pagan. Paganism is just another term for polytheism. There are no deities involved in Wicca, so there can't be many deities involved.

What are some of the Wiccan principles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wicca is a diverse religion and the rituals differ from practitioner to practitioner. Here are some common rituals that Wiccan's may participate in:

A Cleansing Bath: A calming bath with chosen herbs, candles, and salts that help cleanse the body and soul.

Spells: Much like prayer, a concious sending of wishes and energy to a higher power.

Did Wicca have any conflict with any other religion?

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Asked by Wiki User

Modern Wicca is really a more recent manifestation of ancient beliefs, constrained by our limited knowledge of ancient beliefs, practices and rituals, rather than an ancient tradition that has remained underground only to reveal itself in more tolerant times.

The main conflicts for Wicca are with the Abrahamic religions. The relationship between Wicca or paganism and Christianity has always been difficult. During the Christianisation of Europe, a common process took place, in which the gods of the older religions turned into the demons of the new one. In its search for total dominance of every aspect of the lives and even thoughts of the people, the Church began to see 'witches' wherever people were thought to be returning to the old beliefs. Witches were seen to be in league with the devil and had to be punished and eliminated.

Several Christian groups, particularly fundamentalist Christians, continue to believe in witchcraft, and view it as a negative force. Some Evangelical Christian groups believe that witchcraft is a danger to children. Since Wiccan practitioners and Christians all see Wicca as this witchcraft, conflict is inevitable. On the other hand, some Wiccans also claim to be Christians.

What do Wicca do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most Wiccans believe there is a creative force in the universe but they do not seek to identify it. They do not recognize any deity resembling Satan. Most Wiccans share a respect for nature and concern for the environment.

  • They embrace gender equality and place great importance on female-male balance in their covens.
  • They accept homosexuality as part of the human condition.
  • They have different views on an afterlife but place great importance on what an individual does in this life and follow the Law of Return: "All good that a person does to another returns three fold in this life; harm is also returned three fold."
  • They do not seek to dominate, control or harm others.
  • Wiccans are strongly nature-based and try to hold their meeting out of doors where they gather in circles.

You can read more about these gentle people at the related link.

Why are wiccans so hated?

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Asked by Wiki User

Generally speaking hatred is a result of misunderstanding of the beliefs and practices of a group, misrepresentation of a group's ethics, practices, and belief or fear of the unknown.


I do not wish to sound mean, but what I am saying is truthful. Most religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam- preach that their religion is the ONLY salvation and the ONLY true path. Naturally these religions condemned all religions that came prior to their own to make theirs more appealing. They also condemned fortunetellers or witchcraft and made false accusation about them becasse they drew attention away from the church.

Take this sceneario- Let's say Christianity was a brand of vacuum cleaners. Well Pagans (another brand that already exists) has some sold, so how do you convince people to buy yours. Tell them that their vacuum cleaner is old, and doesn't work properly while yours does the job. Simple conversion factor- people will always go for the supposedly bigger and better.

But Wicca is a good religion, its your life, your afterlife, your beliefs- follow whichever religion you feel is best for you. You don't have to follow the one-way rule, make the choice.


Reducing the entire interaction of Wicca with the world to an either or statement like "Why is Wicca hated?" is called stereotyping and a worry the "Evertybody is against me." is called a persecution complex. This is very common between groups. Most folks have never thought about Wicca at all, or if they have, haven't thought about it in either a negative or positive way.

Stereotyping and the feeling of persecution occurs when:

  • One group wants to stigmatize another so that the first group (theirs) is "good" and the other "bad". Everybody wants to be good.
  • People love conspiracy. Its good to have someone or something to blame all the bad luck and unrest on.
  • There is always a cozy feeling about knowing the "right" answer
  • A prepackaged strereotype is always much easier to adopt than finding out the truth
  • The members of the first group are afraid that they or their children have such a tenuous grasp of their own position or moral high ground that logical arguments from the other group would convert them or at least sway their position.
  • Accepting the stereotype builds a sense of unity with your own group. Failure to accept it might make it seem as if you might be secretly one of "them."

How do Wiccans Celebrate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Much like any other funeral. We honor the deceased, we share stories and memories of the person, we sing hymns, etc.

Are there any wiccan spells that work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wiccan spells do work and are effective in producing results. Generally you want to stick with white magick as it has less side effects than black magick. If you do not have experience in casting spells than it is best that you consult someone who has experience and works with a coven. When a coven of experienced witches are involved wicca spells work well.

Can wiccans go to church?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends a lot on your own personal beliefs, really. There are people who follow both the major Christian beliefs (Jesus dying for people's sins and all his teachings, etc) and major points of pagan religions such as Wicca. However, chances are the church itself isn't going to take too kindly to being both. I wouldn't advise being very open about it. I don't know that the preachers would actually kick you out of the church, but they will harrass. A lot. One of the things I have learned is that most of the Major Religions want exclusive rights to your soul, those of us following Pagan Paths tend to be more pragmatic. I have never claimed to have all the answers, I don't even claim to have all the questions, so I tend to respect the beliefs of others without telling them they "have it wrong", I have found this attitude to be very common to most Pagans..

I tend to compare this to the concept of dual-citizenship... if you are born in the US you are a US citizen, if you move elsewhere and chose to become a citizen of that country then that country (generally) considers you a dual-citizen. The US however will always only consider you a US citizen. If in this comparison you replace the US with a Major Religion and the other country with any Pagan Path you will understand. We have no problems with you being a Cristo-Pagan, or a Judao-Pagan however the Major Religions will only consider you whatever they are... You might experience pressure from the Priest/Ministers/Whomever to renounce your Pagan beliefs as being "wrong" or "evil", but you will never have a Pagan try to convince you to give up your old beliefs.

None of us really knows what we will find when we cross the veil, and I for one will not deny god in any form... just in case. And just one more thought... Standing in a Christian church/ Pagan Circle does not make you Christian?Pagan, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

What does your altar need in wicca?

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Asked by Wiki User

An altar can have anything on it, depending on what you want to use it for.

for example if you was to do a divination spell you would need your form of divination (bowl of water if you are doing water or tarot cards for tarot) and most likely incense to help relax the mind, and if you would like, a bowl for offerings to the goddess and god.

though you should make your alter special and only use it for spiritual reasons.

One of the most important things to remember is that your altar is personal and private. You will find a lot of information and suggestions concerning your altar, remember that it is up to you as to how you set it up. Do what is the most comfortable for you and what you feel is right.

First, you need to decide where and if you can leave a permanent altar or if you will have to put it away each time.

For a permanent altar, you can use any kind or size of table preferably wood but it doesn't have to be. Rounded tables are easier to get around when moving around them in your circle. Some people also like to have tables that have shelves or drawers built into the bottom to hold magical supplies.

For temporary altars, you can use your kitchen or living room tables. You could even use a board that you cover with cloth to lay in the floor. Sometimes you just have to adapt to the situation that exists in your home.

There are times when you just can't leave one out to show the world because family and friends won't be very understanding. The point is to be able to create space when you need to do that. You'll find the right way that works for you.

Now that you have the altar table, you need to decide on tools and set up. It is traditional to set up an altar facing the North or East but if you need or it feels right to set up in a different direction, it is okay. You should buy you a piece of cloth of the colour of your personal preference to cover your altar. You can leave it plain, decorate it, or even use different colours for particular rituals. That is something you will have to decide which is best for you.

Tools...... the list can be very long or it can be very simple and short. I will give you a general idea and location that you can lay the tools on your altar. You can use all of these tools or keep it simple and use only a few. This is entirely up to you and how you feel will serve you best in rituals and spells.

Here are some suggestions as to how to set up your altar:

Find a quiet space in your home where you can place your altar. If possible, have it face North.

Trust yourself and use your intuition to find the "right" place for it.

Cleanse and bless the space by sprinkling salt water, burning sage, or ringing a clear bell.

Ask the spirits of the North, East, South, and West to guard this sacred space.

Ask the Goddess and God to bless your altar space.

Place a low table or box in the spot. I use an old steamer trunk.

Cover the table with a special cloth. You get to decide what makes it special.

Place your pentacle, a stone, or a bowl of salt on the northern side of your altar. This represents Earth energy.

Place an incense burner, a feather, or your wand on the eastern side of your altar. This represents Air energy.

Place a candle or your athame at the southern side of your altar. This represents Fire energy.

Place your chalice, a seashell, or a bowl of water on the western side of your altar. This represents Water energy.

If you have statues that represent the Goddess or God, place them on the altar. You can also use candles, stones, or any other objects that feel right.

If you have any other object that you associate with your spiritual practice, find a place for it on your altar. You might add Tarot cards, Runes, your Book of Shadows, or your journal.

You have just created your altar. Enjoy it and use it well!

What gods do Wiccans worship?

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Asked by Wiki User

A sacred place can be anywhere, really, where one feels comfortable, in tune with nature and life in general, and can be alone (or alone with your group). Many Wiccans may practice inside a sacred circle, which is cast magically and is consecrated either with water or salt. As is common in most aspects of Wicca, there are differences between various Wiccans and various groups, so one sacred circle or sacred space may be entirely unique than any other.

Where can you take Wicca classes in NYC?

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Asked by Lynnrios

Classes? Wicca is not taught through classes... It is a very old and very spiritual religion. I assume you're confused and are actually referring to Wiccan covens? Wiccan covens can sometimes be found through an internet search in your area, but be warned, this isn't a 'class' you can just walk into and leave half an hour later as an official Wiccan. Initations take place, and there is a *lot* to learn. I suggest you read up on the subject before even considering joining a coven. I doubt many covens let people with no knowledge of the religion join them anyway.

Also, are you aware that you don't have to be part of a coven to be a Wiccan? You can be a solitary Wiccan, and practice on your own. This is what the majority of us do before joining a coven when/if we feel ready to join a community of others.

Where can you find scholarships for graduate students?

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Asked by Wiki User

Do a search for Lovejoy's Guide OR Robert Leider. Inquire about scholarships, fellowships, gifts and grants in your chosen field. On weekends, during semester/holiday breaks and during the summer do volunteer work in your chosen profession. Chat with people about possible sources for scholarships, grants, fellowships and low-interest loans. At the very most, you'll get the financial assistance you're looking for. At the very least the answer you will or may get is a flat "NO" - without any explanation. Journal every day on your computer. What you learned and what you were taught. What to do and what not to do.

Does Oklahoma recognize a Wicca marriage?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Marriage is a civil legal status and you must obtain a civil marriage license in order to get married legally. You might inquire if your chosen official could be licensed by the state to perform the marriage. Many states issue one day permits for civilians to perform the marriage ceremony but you must obtain a marriage license which the person who performs the ceremony must sign. Any special permit should be attached and the signed license must be returned to the issuing authority.

No. Marriage is a civil legal status and you must obtain a civil marriage license in order to get married legally. You might inquire if your chosen official could be licensed by the state to perform the marriage. Many states issue one day permits for civilians to perform the marriage ceremony but you must obtain a marriage license which the person who performs the ceremony must sign. Any special permit should be attached and the signed license must be returned to the issuing authority.

No. Marriage is a civil legal status and you must obtain a civil marriage license in order to get married legally. You might inquire if your chosen official could be licensed by the state to perform the marriage. Many states issue one day permits for civilians to perform the marriage ceremony but you must obtain a marriage license which the person who performs the ceremony must sign. Any special permit should be attached and the signed license must be returned to the issuing authority.

No. Marriage is a civil legal status and you must obtain a civil marriage license in order to get married legally. You might inquire if your chosen official could be licensed by the state to perform the marriage. Many states issue one day permits for civilians to perform the marriage ceremony but you must obtain a marriage license which the person who performs the ceremony must sign. Any special permit should be attached and the signed license must be returned to the issuing authority.

What is the difference between wicca and satanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Satanism is a vastly differentiated group of ideological and philosophical beliefs that revolve around the veneration of Satan (a biblical invention) or similarly rebellious figures, that arrived in the late twentieth century but may be based on earlier manifestations in part. Some may be atheistic who base their philosophy on a symbol (rather than a figure) that represents the self-indulgent nature of humanity.

Atheism is simply the absence of a belief in gods and the supernatural.

Is Amy lee a wiccan?

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Asked by Wiki User

no she is actually christian

When was the wiccan religion recognised?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wicca was recognized by the United States Army in 1975. To read excerpt from the Army's handbook see link below: After a ten year legal battle, the circled pentagram (referred to as a pentacle by applicants and the court case) was added to the list of 38 approved religious symbols to be placed on the tombstones of fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetary in April of 2007.

Are you a wiccan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technically, yes. Anyone can be a Wiccan if that is the path you desire. (Although I prefer Wiccan to witch, but that's just me). We are not the type of witches you see in fairy tales or harry potter. Wicca is a nature-based religion that honors a God and Goddess, animals, harvest, and respects everyone and everything. We don't believe in the devil or anything you see on the movies. We don't fly around on a broomstick or turn people into toads. That's fake.

The type of spells and rituals we do involve getting in touch with the energy (aka magick or magic) we all have inside ourselves. We use the energy of the earth to bring wealth, love, friendship, courage, spirituality and any other wish to come reality. (Three things when doing spells, though: #1 Magick rewards effort #2 Always be unselfish when doing magick #3 forget about the spell afterwards)

There is really no difference between a Wiccan and witch, only some may say that a Wiccan is good and a witch is bad, but I think witches are good as well.

Wicca and Paganism is the modern day witchcraft.

LOL, I said a lot. Hopefully you found what you were looking for! :)

In wicca what does the wolf what does that mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The wolf tarot card also known as the 'Moon' card generally means some kind of talking. It means that someone may be talking behind your back or that some speeches will soon be present in your life. This card also means illusion.

What do red candles signify in wicca?

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Asked by Wiki User

Actually, though the purple and pink candles are more common, there is a tradition that celebrates the advent season with gold, green, white, purple, and red candles. I'm not sure where this variation of the advent wreath originated, but I have seen it practiced in Baptist churches. In sequence the gold candle is for the prophets, the while candle is for the angels, the green candle is for the shepherds, the purple (sometimes a blue candle may be used) candle is for the magi, and the red candle is for the Savior.

Is there wiccan covens in Ohio?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes there is but i only know of one its called spirits light located in bellefontaine Ohio

What is the first step in becoming Wiccan?

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Asked by Xmizzamb

As far as becoming part of the Wiccan path everything I have read states that you must study the path for a year and a day and then dedicate your self to the path. I would highly suggest buying a book on Wicca. The one I am currently reading is Teen Witch by Silver RavenWolf. Another good one that I have read is Wicca: The complete Craft by D.J. Conway.

When was wicca recognized as a religion In Tennessee?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wicca is a newer religion based on a mix of Saxon/Celtic folk traditions and Ceremonial magic. It was officially called Wicca by Gerald Gardener in the 50's. In the United States, Wicca was finally recognized as a religion in various states and by the Army in response to it's soldiers wanting to practice their faith without persecution.

Is Wicca Satan worship?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, if anyone has told you differently, then i wouldn't regard them as a reliable source. Wiccan's follow the Goddess and the Horned God. The word horned is used loosly in this case, meaning antlered. this loose usage has probably pushed forward the untruth that Wiccan's believe in Satan. To summarize:

♦ Wiccans do not believe in Satan

♦ Wiccans do not even acknowledge the existence of "Satan"

♦ If anyone tells you differently, tell them to learn their facts.

No, Wiccans or any other Witches do not believe in Satan. Wicca and Witchcraft are based on beliefs in the forces of nature and/or in some Pagan beliefs, and are much older than Judeo-Christian-Islamic mythology about Satan.

In essence, Witchcraft is a combination of Pantheism and Paganism, while Wicca is a specific spiritual movement, based on some ancient matriarchal beliefs in the Great Goddess Of Nature (Mother Goddess)...and in some Wiccan denominations, in Divine couple - Horned God and Great Goddess.

There are also some Witches who worshiped pagan deities of ancient pantheons, and some solitary Witches are basically "atheistic" - they belive in the Power of the mind, or in the Energy of the Universe, or simply, in the Force of the Nature.