



Wicca is a belief system introduced by Gerald Gardner in the 1950's and loosely based on the reconstruction of pre-Christian traditions. Wicca is a spiritual path that affirms the existence of supernatural powers (magic) and of both male and female gods who are inherent in nature. All practitioners of Wicca are witches, but not all witches are practitioners of Wicca. Wicca refers to the recognized religion but is not the sole example of pagan beliefs. The one discernible difference between Wicca and other various pagan paths is the practitioners strict adherence to the Wiccan Rede.

500 Questions

What harm do crayfish cause?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crayfish can cause harm by disrupting local ecosystems when they are invasive species, outcompeting native species for resources. They can also burrow into riverbanks, causing erosion and destabilizing soil. In some cases, crayfish can also act as hosts for diseases that can impact other aquatic animals.

Can you tell me some good books for understanding different paleo and neo pagan practices EXCEPT wicca?

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Asked by DilyanaAleksandrovafb9598

Here are some books on different pagan practices other than Wicca:

  1. "The Spiral Dance" by Starhawk: This book focuses on ecofeminist and Wiccan practices, but also explores broader neo-pagan ideas.
  2. "Drawing Down the Moon" by Margot Adler: This classic provides an overview of various pagan and neo-pagan traditions, including but not limited to Wicca.
  3. "The Pagan Book of Living and Dying" by Starhawk and M. Macha Nightmare: This book explores pagan approaches to death, dying, and the afterlife, encompassing various traditions.
  4. "The Book of Shamanic Healing" by Kristin Madden: This book delves into shamanism and its healing practices, drawing from a variety of cultural traditions worldwide.
  5. "The Pagan Path: The Wiccan Way of Life" by Raymond Buckland: While Buckland is known for his Wiccan roots, this book examines broader pagan principles and ethics.

Remember to research and explore different perspectives within these practices to develop a well-rounded understanding.

Is bowling popular?

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Asked by Wiki User

First answer:
It is ranked number one as an indoor sport

Second Answer:

Yes theres 52 million people who bowl a year or more.

Third Answer:

Bowling is the highest participated sport in the world. It is very popular in Asian and European countries, as well as the US.

'Witch' comes from which Saxon word that means 'wise one'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Witch comes from "Wica," which means "wise one."

What is the meaning of a triquetra symbol?

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Asked by Wiki User

The triquetra is a symbol composed of 3 interlocked fish marking the intersection of 3 circles. It is a symbol of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

EDIT (by separate individual): This answer is wrong. The triquetra is common in most pagan religions, including wicca, and satanism. Acts 17:29 clearly forbids the above answer:

"Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device."

Yes, the triquetra is used on the NKJV bible, but the NKJV is not an original version. You will not find the triquetra anywhere on a KJV1611 AV Bible. The Bible also states in Revelation 22:18-19:

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of this book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book."

Which tells me that any modified version the KJV1611 bible is a counterfeit, including the NIV, NKJV, NLT, and any other version you can think of.

AnswerThe Triquetra is generally believed to originally be of Norse and Germanic origins. The triquetra can be used to represent various triplicities such as the tripartite division of the world into the realms of Land, Sea and Sky; a symbol of one of the specific triple Goddesses; the interconnected parts of our existence - Mind, Body, and Soul - or many other concepts that seem to fit into this idea of a unity.

As with many Celtic themes the unbroken circle represents eternity. The three symbol is not limited to only Celts, cultures in regions throughout the world consider the number three to be a divine number. (EDIT: If you notice, you can make out three sixes, which is the number of the devil and his angels.)

The symbol of three interlocking circles has been found on 5000 year old Indian religious sites. In Europe the symbol itself dates as early as the eighth century on carved stones. A Norse rune known as the Odin Knot or Val Knot resembles it almost exactly.

(From another user)

The Triquetra is a Holy symbol, meaning that it is not satanic. It is also used in many religions, so yes, the first answer is also true. It could also mean sun, sky or whatever you want.

Linking this symbol to satanism is an outrage, that only someone as narrow-minded as the main poster would do. Pagans do not recognize the existence of the Judea-Christian creation of Satan, let alone worship such a being. Any research into Paganism would quickly tell you that much. This symbol, just like the Pentagram were once used by Christians, please do your research before posting opinion as fact. For Pagans the symbol represents the three stages of the feminine life cycle, the maiden (the young virgin), the mother (pregnancy and motherhood), and the crone (old age and wisdom). It can also represent the threefold of nature, earth, water, and sky. The symbol is sometimes used by Wiccans to symbolize either the Wiccan triple Goddess (maiden, mother and crone), the interconnected parts of our existence (Mind, Body, and Soul), or other concepts that seem to fit into the idea of a unity.

How many people in America?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are an estimated 308,512,000 people in the US in 2010.

What is the most expensive city to live in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't have a source to cite to, but I remember recently hearing it was Moscow, followed by London, followed by New York.

-- Moscow is absolutely not the world's most expensive city. That source your referring to is the Mercer Cost of Living Index, and its trash. It only applies to people making over 200 thousand dollars a year. The basket of goods it uses consists of things like Luxury apartments, 5 start French restaurants, and other luxuries. I have no idea how the Mercer ranking became so widespread (well I do, because of CNN) but there are many other rankings out there. Honestly a survey that ends up telling you that Hanoi, Vietnam is more expensive that San Francisco isen't really worth that much. The Economist also come out with a list every year and it is far more believable.

  1. (3) Oslo/Norway
  2. (1) Tokyo/Japan
  3. (8) Reykjavik/Iceland
  4. (2) Osaka/Japan
  5. (4) Paris/France
  6. (5) Copenhagen/Denmark
  7. (7) London/Britain
  8. (6) Zurich/Switzerland
  9. (8) Geneva/Switzerland
  10. (10) Helsinki/Finland \

Here are the top ten. Moscow, by the ways, is number 29 in the world.



You are once again using the Mercer rankings. They are horrible rankings. I can't stress than enough! I take it you haven't travelled much, if at all, to actually think those rankings mean anything. Please read what I have written above as I went over the reasons why.

The rankings I linked you to were done by the Economist, not the Irish Business News, if you took the time to actually read them you would have known.

Anyways, probably the best rankings out there is actually done by UBS. Here is their top ten; 1









New York100.0











For the record. If you actually believe for one second that Beijing, China is more expensive than New York City then... I need your contact information, cause I got a bunch of cool stuff to sell you. $$

Who is Sully Erna's girlfriend?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sully Erna's girlfriend is a woman named Jen, I believe they are together because they share a child, Skylar Brooke Erna, who is 7 now. Sully Erna and Jennifer Cabezon have been broken up since 2006. Yes they have a child together but arent together ANYMORE! Go to his myspace profile and it says he is in a relationship. I have no clue who she is but if you do let me know! Thanks. The info on Jennifer Cabezon I got on this website:

Are there any Wiccan stores in San Francisco?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wiccan Supplies in Portland, ME

The stores that offer supplies come and go so fast in Portland, Maine that it is hard to keep up with who is and who isn't a supplier.

The closest store that has stayed in business is Unicorn Cove, which is currently located on Main Street in Westbrook, ME and is looking to build a metaphysical center to be able to provide more services. They have a web site at if you wanted to check with them before driving over to make sure they have what you need. If they don't have what you need, you can drive to the Luna Gallery in North Conway, NH or to Enchantments in Boothbay Harbor, ME to get your supplies. Of the two, Enchantments has the most complete stock despite the long drive and lack of parking near the store.

Crescent Moon Herbals is located at 76 Center Road in Lebanon, Maine. Lebanon is located about 40 minutes south of Portland; just beyond Sanford. It offers a wide variety of supplies, workshops, psychics, energy healing, and more. They have been in business since 2004. The website is 207-457-1114.

What does the symbol of a dragon mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

In heraldry a dragon refers to a barbaric invasion. Some family crests were the result of simple people being promoted to some status in order to fight invasions of some kind. The appearance of a dragon in the crest refers to the reason for the families rise to prestigue. In alcamy the dragon refered to some unexpected influence or result. Works dealing with Mercury often had dragons scattered about them probably in reference occasional bouts of madness.

What is the wiccan word for soul mate?

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Asked by Wiki User

There isn't a Celtic language as such, but a family of languages. In Irish Gaelic it would probably be 'dlùthchara' - close friend (Many people think it is 'anamchara' but in fact this means the priest who confesses you, or if you are studying to become a priest your spiritual advisor) (By the way the accent (fada) on the 'u' should be the other way).

How do you rid evil from a person in the wiccan belief?

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A Pagan Perspective

There is an excellent book on the market - When Someone You Love Is Wiccan by Carl McColman. It answers most of commonly asked questions and lays to rest an number of the mis-comprehensions and erroneous ideas about Wicca. Wicca is a legitimate choice of a spiritual path and the answers below could benefit from reading the book.

One Person's View

You show them and help them understand the light side of life. If they are willing to rid the evil in themselves it's their journey to take, you cannot force it upon them but you can guide them to the other side safely.

How is wicca different from paganism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pagan is a general term while Wicca applies specifically to those belief structures that are descended or adapted from Gardnerian Wicca, which was founded by Gerald Gardner in the mid 1900s. Gardnerian Wicca is the first formal, Wiccan tradition that was known about publicly through media interviews and the publication of books by the members, with Gardner being the first to publish. There are other and newer traditions of Wicca that claim different, or even no, lineage at all.

Think of it this way, Paganism is a tree of which Wicca is a branch; in much the same way that Christianity is a tree of which Lutheran is a branch.

But it is not always just to label a Wiccan as a Pagan...

Though it is controversial in both the Pagan and mainstream religious communities, some people believe that Christian, Jewish, Muslim beliefs can be melded with Wicca to create Christian Wicca, Jewish Wicca, less often Muslim Wicca, so it is even unfair to say that all Wiccans are pagans, some believe themselves to be very much Christian, etc and would be upset to be identified as Pagan.

While this is controversial, it's not a new controversy, through the Middle Ages, many learned men (John Dee for one) pursued magic and alchemy and worked with calling angels and demons though they considered themselves to be very much Christian. The tradition of mysticism in even mainstream religions is a very old one that continues today.


I have often explained it this way to my students and others who ask: Wicca is to Paganism as Catholicism is to Christianity... A sub-section of a larger belief system. Not necessarily the largest, or the one with the most followers, but the most recognisable to the outside world. And in my experience the ones with the most rules.

What branch of Wicca worships Isis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Isis was worshiped by many different cultures. It was due primarily to the vast influence of ancient Egypt/Nubia. The original Romans, the Etruscans(the founders of Rome and Paris), were worshipers of Isis. She was referred to as Par Isis, which the Etruscans combined to form the name of the Roman city Paris. An area of the vatican was built over a temple deticated to Isis. The Egyptians used to believe in her. They may still. She was the wife and sister of Osiris, mother of Horus and is worshiped as the typical wife and mother. Her name means "Throne" and the emblem worn on her head is actually a throne. She represented worshiped queen.

What is the book of shadows?

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Yes there are several Books of Shadows. Wiccans and Pagans start their own Book of Shadows when they begin along their path of magic. They are called the Book of Shadows, not as an allusion to Satanism (most witches don't even believe in Satan), but because in the beginning practitioners had to hide their craft (keep it in the shadows) or end up facing persecution.

What are Wicca practiced?

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all over the world but the majority is in the US. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since Wicca is a religion, it can be practiced most anywhere. The places that have state religions however, that are Christian or Muslim may have less in number because the falsely accuse us of satanism. Wicca can be practiced anywhere, but the U.S. and Great Britain have the highest number of known Wiccans.

Can wicca cause harm?

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In the Wiccan rede it states "harm none do what ye will". It is saying is that you can do anything as long as it harms no living creature. If some one is trying to cause harm to some one, with witchcraft or not, they are not following the rede. no, REAL Wicca doesn't harm anyone.

What percentage of people are wiccans?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 2001 the ARIS study by the City University of New York reported that there were roughly 307,000 Pagans in the United states, 34,000 of whom self-identified as Wiccans.

An accurate number or percentage is not possible due to the fact that many Wiccans choose to keep their identify private, or they opt for the term 'Pagan' on national consensus instead of an individual denomination.

Is Allanis Morriset Wiccan?

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No she is not.

Is there a Wiccan prayer for the recently deceased?

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Wiccans hold a ritual called "A Passing" or "Crossing The River" for the recently deceased. This ritual is a formal spiritual request to the gods to aid the soul of the person through the "rivers" that separate this "mundane world" from the "spiritual world." It is also a time for grievance and/or celebration of the deceased one's former life. The emotional feel of the ceremony is customarily accepted by the host of the event {i.e. the closest loved one.} There are many different variations of this custom depending on Tradition. You can contact an outside coven to hold one of these for your departed one. It is not usually reccommended that one perform this alone, because of the "emotional pull" that one has during this time, and the general rule of thumb is to seek out mediating council. If mediating council is not achievable, you may perform this alone... but do so when your emotional structure is firm. Also, the mediator person is here to share this time with you, and to feel what you feel... and most Wiccans agree that it is good to have someone to whom you can "cry on their shoulder" in such times. The actual prayers also vary, depending on what precisely is needed or requested. The goal of a Passing is three-fold... to allow you to grieve appropaitely, to celebrate the departed one's former life, and also to prepare the departed one's soul for their transitioning journey into the afterlife. An example Passing prayer that would be utilized in the Passing ritual would be the following {you may of course adapt it to your needs and wishes}: "Time has passed, the Wheel has turned. It is time for you [person's name] to move on. You will walk hand in hand with the Lord and Lady and with your ancestors who came before you. Great Mother, welcome [name of person] back into your womb. And Great Father welcome him/her back into your divine instruction. Let [him/her] come to you and know that he/she has been blessed by your gracious gift of Life. Let him/her come into your Divine Love, and let him/her know that he/she has left behind a life of legacy... that he shall be remembered and loved. As he/she enters your world, wrap him/her in your loving arms, and welcome him/her back home. Let him/her speak to the Ancient Ones and to learn the greater mysteries that lie beyond the veil. Give him/her the strength to take these final steps, and allow him/her to do so with peace and dignity. Those of us left behind shall indeed mourn his/her death, but we shall also know that his/her Soul and Spirit is coming back to Holy Mother and Holy Father, and that he/she shall be made whole again. We shall cry, but we shall also laugh, for we shall celebrate the Life that had been given to [person's name.] And let him/her also know that as we now merry part, that we shall also merry meet again. And we now, with these candles {light candles} respect the flame of [person's name]'s life, and though these candle flames shall die out, we know that [person's name] shall live on, and his/her flame shall never cease to burn, and we also know that he/she shall be reborn anew. Take him by the hand and guide him back into your heart, for this is what is right and just. Let him/her walk unerringly down the path that leads to your Love. This is our will and so mote it be. Amen and Amen."

--Crimson Peaceful Wolf

How do you tell your parents you are Wiccan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Explaining That You Are Pagan To Your Parents Views:

  • Due to the nature and reputation of paganism, it may be impossible to do this and still remain in the same relationship. Unless you have very liberal parents, I wouldn't even go there, as your parents may think you are being rebellious at the very least. Reactions to practicing paganism can range from mild disapproval from more liberal parents to extreme anger from other parents, so you should consider carefully how you approach them.
  • Just for the record, there is a very good book out there that looks at just that subject in a very user-friendly and straight-forward manner. "When Someone You Love Is Wiccan" by McColman. You may be able to find this at your local library. It does have a Wiccan lean, but is an excellent overview for Paganism as well. It is a good idea to speak to your parents on this matter, if you feel they would be open to it, but only when you are sure this is the path you intend to follow. It would be difficult for all of you if six months down the road you changed your mind and decided to explore Buddhism or Judaism.

Is wicca night magic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wicca is not classified as black nor white, but I understand what you mean. Eight words the Wiccan rede fulfil--an' it harm none, do as you will. Meaning, it is illegal to harm anyone, emotionally or physically, with magick or by our own hands or words. We aren't Satanists, or voodooers (well, most of us don't do voodoo) Wicca is simply controlling energy through deities and the powers in elements. I hope that answered your question.

~Blessed Be~

Is there any chat rooms for teen wiccans or pagans?

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Asked by Nella10

Note: Teen Wicca are very rare and normally come from a Wicca family, covens will not typically initiate under 18's for a number of reasons including to protect themselves legally - for the most part is someone claims to be Wicca when in their teens they are lying, usually ignorant about Wicca.

There are many forums for Pagan teens, it's simply a matter of looking around to find chat rooms and forums that have people you get along with and with people who share similar interests.

Are there any Wicca stores in central ma?

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Asked by Wiki User

Check Salem Mass there are a ton of Wiccan/New Age stores there

Does wicca allow polygamy?

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Wicca doesn't allow or disallow polygamy. Since Wiccans should abide the law of the country, if the law permits polygamy, then Wiccans would, if they wish so.

In the Wiccan Rede it says, "True in love ever be, Unless they lover is false to thee".

There is no reason for Wicca to disallow (or allow) polygamy - as long as you are honest and loving to each of your partners, it doesn't go against any of the set Wiccan teachings (different traditions may have different views).