

Wolverine (X-Men)

Wolverine, also known as Logan, is an X-men character with the ability of keen senses and rapid spontaneous regeneration of cells, which means he heals at superhuman rate and can outlive the average human lifespan. He was an experiment of the US government, which made his whole body an indestructible metal and gave him claws that can cut almost any substance. He was given the name Wolverine for his animal-like type of fighting style.

500 Questions

What is wolverines full name?

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Asked by Kate167

Michigan got its nickname, "The Wolverine State" in 1835. There was a dispute with Ohio over the Toledo strip and the people of Michigan were said to have been as "bloodthirsty and vicious as wolverines."

What is the eye color of wolverine?

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In the late1980's in the marvel comics and arcade cabinet games, creator Chris Clarbourne had Logan in a mustard color costume with brown pieces on hood, gloves, boots and torso of costume and a red regular buckle belt, and then when I grew up in the early 1990's in the FOX animated series and comics he was in a wasp yellow and navy blue outfit with black stripes on torso with a square X-men logo icon buckle that doubled as a communicator radio that lit up when transmiting then in the bad in my opinion movies they put him in a black street bike leather jacket and pants.

Would Batman beat wolverine in a fight?

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Batman would pwn spiderman

wolverine is invincible so wolvie would slaughter batsy but it would take a long long long time

What makes Odysseus a great hero?

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He was incredibly smart and strong. He came up with the idea of the wooden horse that led to the conquer of Troy. He endured 10 years of hardships. He showed excellent self-control in out-smarting the cyclopes, he traveled to the underworld and came back, he heard the song of the beautiful sirens and was not killed, and he survived three encounters with monsters of the sea. He was an excellent archer that no one could surpass except Apolo. He defeated hundreds of suitors that had come to woo his wife.

Is havok a X-Men or a villan?

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Havok is a mutant with the superhuman ability to absorb ambient cosmic energy into the cells of his body, transform it in an unknown manner, and release it as waves of energy that heat the air in their path enough to turn it into plasma, which is a super-heated state of matter consisting of charged subatomic particles. These waves will emanate from his body in all directions unless he purposefully tries to channel them in a single direction, usually along the length of his arms. Havok is himself immune to the intense heat he creates, as well as the power blasts generated by his brother Cyclops. Despite past accounts, the energy that Havok releases is not truly a concussive force. When Havok strikes an object with the waves of intensity of hot plasma, the sudden vast jump in temperature will often cause objects to shatter, explode, or seemingly disintegrate, and an observer might therefore wrongly think that the object had been struck by a concussive force. Should Havok direct his energy at the lowest level, he can project it towards a human being and his target will suffer a severe headache but will not burn up. Havok's body is constantly in the process of absorbing cosmic radiation. When each of his body's power-storage cell enclaves reaches its capacity, excess cosmic energy is thereafter absorbed and immediately re-emitted in negligible quantities. Upon the total expenditure of all his available energy, it takes Havok's body about 16 hours to recharge to its peak level. The act of concentration involved in releasing his energy in anything other than an omnidirectional wave is physically exhausting for Havok if he continues it over an extended period of time.

Does wolverine have 4 claws or 3 claws?

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Wolverine was born a mutant with a healing abillity and bone claws which could come out his knuckles. Later in life he was experimented on by wepon x, where he undergoed a prosiduer in which the unbreakable metal adamantium was covered over his skeleton, which he survived with his healing and made his bone claws covered in adamantium from then on.

What year was the movie X-Men released?

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X-Men aired from October 31, 1992 - September 20, 1997

Did wolverine fight in world war 2 in the comic books?

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Not exactly. There is a comic collaboration between DC and Marvel called Amalgam Comics. They combine their characters to make something like a hybrid. Wolverine has been paired up with Batman to make a character called Dark Claw.

The DC equivalent of Wolverine is Lone Wolf aka Timber Wolf. A lot more agile than Wolverine, no claws, and not quite the healing ability, and not Canadian.

Why can professor x walk in X-Men Origins but ends up in a wheelchair in x-men first class?

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In a strange town near the Himalayas, Xavier encounters an alien calling himself Lucifer, the advance scout for an invasion by his race, and foils his plans. In retaliation, Lucifer drops a huge stone block on Xavier, crippling his legs. After Lucifer leaves, a young woman named Sage hears Xavier's telepathic cries for help and rescues him, bringing him to safety, beginning a long alliance between the two. Charles' spine was shattered. Leaving him in a wheelchair

What is van helsing about?

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The movie Van Helsing gives us a struggle between Van Helsing, the fearless vampire killer, and count Dracula, the vampire; this is a much more elaborate version of the story told originally by Bram Stoker in his famous novel Dracula. In this movie werewolves and the Frankenstein monster also get involved. It is almost a summation of all the monster movies of the 1950's (except that there is no mummy).

Why are Sabretooth and Wolverine enemies?

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Asked by Blackmage

They aren't brothers. They were only brothers in the movie. Wolverine hates Sabertooth because he kill and raped Wolverine's girl Sliver Fox on Wolverine's birthday. Why Sabertooth hates Wolverine is unknown.

Who played Magneto?

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As of May 2016, Magneto has appeared in live action only in the Fox studios X-men movie franchise. He was played by Ian McKellen (X-Men (2000), X2: X-Men United (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), The Wolverine(2013), and X-men: Days of Future Past (2014)) and Michael Fassbender [X-men: First Class (2011), X-men: Days of Future Past (2014), and X-men: Apocalypse(2016] as the adult Magneto, named Erik Lehnsherr. As a young Erik, he has been played by Brett Morris (X-men(2000)) and Bill Milner (X-men: First Class (2011)). In cartoons and video games, he has had many, many voice actors.

Does Wolverine get his memory back?

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Yes he does. All of it. Then he sets off to right his wrongs and get revenge on the people who double crossed him. And his cycle repeats.

Does wolverine's adamantium bones heal?

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Yes, all parts of wolverine's body can heal

Why are wolverines bones metal?

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Because he was involved with a project were Stryker and other scientists had him injected with a special metal compound called adamantiam

Will there be a x men origins saber-toothed?

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So far, we cannot tell. There has been no hints/clues that there will be and there is no way we can gurantee. Storm is in many ways related to Zeus-God Of Skys,Therefore, Zeus is important and has had many myths & or legends done with him. Storm can control lightning and make it strike down where she wants. If you are looking forward to a Strom origins movie, keep your hopes up!

Who controlled fire in the x -men comics?

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Many heroes and villains throughout the X-men titles have shown the ability to control fire. Some of the most notable are Pyro, Crystal, Firestar, Magma, and Phoenix, though there are MANY more and there are slight variations of the powers on most.

X men Wolverines real name?

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The other X-Men call him Logan. And that is the name he goes by now, but he was originally James Howlett. Logan is the last name of the man that killed his father. Wolverine began using this name after he killed the man that murdered his father and went on the run.

How did Van Helsing kill Dracula?

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In the book Dracula they cut his throat and and impale his heart with a wooden stake. Dracula then crumbles into dust. There are number of variations on this in the movies.

In the book they don't kill him. They were going to, but they changed it. They were going to make the castle fall, killing him, but Dracula lives .... at least that's what i heard.

In wolverine and x-men does rouge like Logan?

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It sort of seems that way. I mean the way she acts when it comes to him. And anyway, whats not to like.LOL

When was wolverine born?

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The story of Wolverine joining the x-men in the movies is not true. It was just made up for the movie. Here is the short answer:

Wolverine joined the X-Men after he appeared in Giant size X-men #1 in May 1975

Long answer: Wolverine first appeared in the last panel of The Incredible Hulk #180 (his first full appearance is in issue #181, November 1974) and was created by writer Len Wein and Marvel art director John Romita, Sr., who designed the character, and was first drawn for publication by Herb Trimpe. Wolverine later joined the X-Men's "All New, All Different" roster in Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1975). X-Men writer Chris Claremont played a significant role in the character's subsequent development, along with artist/writer John Byrne, who insisted on making the character older than the other X-Men. Artist Frank Miller collaborated with Claremont and helped to revise the character with a four-part eponymous limited series from September to December 1982 in which Wolverine's catchphrase, "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice," debuted. Wolverine was typical of the many tough anti-authority antiheroes that emerged in American popular culture after the Vietnam War; his willingness to use deadly force and his brooding nature became standard characteristics for comic book anti-heroes by the end of the 1980s. As a result, the character became the clear favorite for fans of the increasingly popular X-Men franchise.

What is wolverine archetype?

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Wolverine is "the best there is'.. at what he does but as he will tell you; "What I do ain't very nice." Wolverine first appeared in The Incredible Hulk number 180 in October of 1984 and was created by Len Wein who was writing The Incredible Hulk at that time. Wolverine later joined the X-men first debuting with that merry band of mutants in Giant Sized X-Men number 1 and it was the famous teaming of John Byrne and Chris Claremont who carefully and meticulously crafted one of comic books most beloved and popular characters. John Byrne had insisted on making Wolverine much older than the rest of the X-Men roster and while a mutant like the others his age and "bezerker rage" made him distinctly different from all the others.

More commonly known amongst his peers as Logan, Wolverine came to typify the comic book anti hero of comic books that found its footing in the 80's. Since Logan joined the X-Men he has been central to every title and has carried his own solo title since 1988. The feral mutant has the ability to heal at a very rapid rate and is nearly indestructible. Especially since his association with the Weapon X program which is a sort of super solider program that applied adamantium metal to his bone structure which makes Logan pretty much unbreakable. He possesses the razor sharp senses of an animal and that combined with his razor sharp adamantium retractable claws makes him a formidable opponent.

What would win in a fight a 90 lb pit bull or a wolverine?

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Asked by Depdad23

A Pitbull would win because they have locked jaw and they drag their victims by the neck. well Wolfs are good fighters but they wont be a match for Pit's.

Pits were born to fight and take down animals that's in their blood.