



Popular video social networking website operated by Google where any user can upload their videos for the world to view

500 Questions

Who is the number 3 most subscribed on YouTube?

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Asked by Wiki User

smosh, my favorite youtube channel

Which channel is the most subscribed on YouTube?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many famous YouTubers who get paid for making videos because they are partners. The most subscribed person on YouTube is Nigahiga currently with almost 2.5 million subscribers.

What type of videos does the site Raw Gonzo stream?

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Asked by Wiki User

Raw Gonzo streams videos of exactly what the name states. It streams videos of raw sexual encounters, rated xxx. It is for adults only, but with the internet being the way it is, there are many children watching these.

How do you copy instructions given on a YouTube tutorial?

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Asked by Wiki User

To copy instructions from a YouTube tutorial, you can follow these steps:

  1. **Watch the video**: Play the video and pause it at each step. This will allow you to understand the instructions clearly.

  2. **Take notes**: Write down the instructions as you understand them. You can use any note-taking app or even a simple pen and paper.

  3. **Screenshots**: If the tutorial includes visual instructions, take screenshots for reference. On most devices, you can do this by pressing the 'Print Screen' button or using a screen capture tool.

  4. **Rewatch**: Rewatch the parts of the video that you find difficult to understand. This will help you grasp the instructions better.

  5. **Practice**: Try to follow the instructions you've noted down. Practicing will help you understand if you've missed anything.

Remember, it's important to respect the content creator's rights. If you plan to share the instructions with others, it's best to share the original video link. This supports the content creator and ensures that the instructions are accurately represented.

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Who is Jai Brooks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jai Brooks is a member of The Janoskians which is a YouTube comedy group. Jai was also Ariana Grande's ex boyfriend.

What is lankybox from youtube there roblox account password?

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Asked by Myaliz FunTV

i think its lankyboxDOUNTJustieAyyyyy

How does YouTube make money?

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Asked by Wiki User

To get ads on your YouTube videos and start earning money through the YouTube Partner Program, you need to follow these steps:

Create a YouTube Channel:

If you don't already have one, create a YouTube channel. Make sure it's properly set up with an engaging profile picture, channel art, and a description that accurately represents your content.

Produce High-Quality Content:

Create and upload high-quality, original videos that cater to your target audience. Your content should be engaging, well-edited, and adhere to YouTube's Community Guidelines and copyright policies.

Build an Audience:

To be eligible for monetization, your channel needs to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within the past 12 months. Focus on building a loyal and engaged subscriber base.

Join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP):

Once your channel meets the eligibility requirements (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours), you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program. To do this, go to YouTube Studio and click on the "Monetization" tab. Follow the on-screen instructions to apply for the program.

Review and Approval:

After applying, YouTube will review your channel to ensure it complies with all their policies and guidelines. This review process may take some time, so be patient.

Set Up AdSense Account:

You need an AdSense account to receive payments. If you don't have one already, you can set it up through the AdSense website. Connect your AdSense account to your YouTube channel.

Enable Monetization:

Once your channel is approved for the YouTube Partner Program, you can enable monetization on your videos. This includes enabling ads to appear on your videos, as well as other revenue-generating features like channel memberships and merchandise shelf.

Choose Ad Types:

You can choose the types of ads that appear on your videos, such as display ads, overlay ads, skippable video ads, non-skippable video ads, and sponsored cards.

Follow YouTube's Ad Policies:

Ensure your videos adhere to YouTube's ad policies to maintain eligibility for monetization. Avoid using copyrighted content without proper permission, and don't engage in practices like clickbait or deceptive thumbnails and titles.

Analyze and Optimize:

Continuously monitor the performance of your videos and ad revenue. Make improvements to your content and strategy based on audience feedback and analytics.

Remember that it may take some time to generate significant revenue from ads on YouTube. Many creators also supplement their income with other monetization methods, such as merchandise, channel memberships, and sponsored content. Building a successful YouTube channel often requires patience, consistency, and a focus on creating content that resonates with your audience.

Where is the best place to find funny videos?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find on this youtube channel that is so funny: BrickMaster. I have just posted a video and i think it came out pretty good. I want to get to 10 subs till the next year.

Where can one find funny videos other than on YouTube?

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Asked by Wiki User

Subscribe to @Sithole_405 on YouTube becouse i always prefer it safe

How can I put YouTube Videos on my Website?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are looking for a forum page though go here You can try

For more power, in order to do something like this, you will first need a web hosting service that will provide the means necessary to start up a site like this - such as MySQL and PHP for starters plus high bandwidth. Second, you will need a content management system (CMS). Now, it would take a while for you to create one of these from scratch - especially if you do not know the languages. Thankfully, there are free ones available to download in Open Source - meaning you can download the source files with the source codes and add features as you learn programming. Two good ones are Drupal and Joomla, and there are lots of "plug-ins" for both that have been created by the open source community in which will allow your website to do anything you can imagine without knowing hardly any PHP.

Then, you will have to install the CMS you choose onto your web host's servers. Installation for both of these are fairly simple. Following a successful installation, you will need to design your site and create content to fill it - in which you will have to log in to the CMS (not your web host) to do. You would only need to access the servers on your web host when you need to add plug-ins or update your own source codes at this point. There is a lot of documentation on how to use these two CMS's in particular, much too much to list here. Just do a search on Google for more information on either of these systems. I have included a couple links below in the Related Links.

What watch to buy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nike because they last long and are efficient.

How do you find out who liked your video on youtube?

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Asked by Wiki User

Its not possible to find out who liked it, But you can see how many did.

How do I get free videos?

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Asked by L.F. Denton

I have a little confused about what you ask. I think that you are going to upload already created videos or use the same content in your channel. If you have the same idea, creative commons videos on YouTube are my suggestion for you. Because there is no copyright issue for reuse and it is accepted by YouTube too.

So, simply go to YouTube, search your keyword and click filter then click creative Commons. Finally, you will show free videos for reuse. This is the only way I know and if you get to know new in the future let me know. And I like to share my thoughts here.

Personally, I feel that you are expecting a great niche. If you have any issues selecting a profitable niche for YouTube, I can help you at this moment. Because I also faced this problem and I fixed this with clear guidance. Let me explain how. There are lots of profitable niches around you. The thing is you have to build your knowledge first.

You can make more money on YouTube by choosing a perfect niche. Because every niche has a different market value. So, this Is the main and first thing we want to do.

I give an example;

Do you see any music channel on YouTube especially meditation or relaxation music?

The big channels in this field have millions of subscribers and they get paid a minimum of 5k - 8.5k dollars monthly from YouTube.

Do you know how they create their videos and how they earn?

Imagine if you got a trick to create those videos legally and easily without any music knowledge. and even you donโ€™t know the names of those instruments too. but you can get paid thousands of dollars from YouTube by doing this.

Now, what will you do?

Definitely, I will choose this. Because It is amazing. This is one of the techniques or profitable niches I learned. So, try to learn this knowledge and start the action.


Donโ€™t worry I am with you. So, let me know if you agree with my words. I will share the best source for you from my experience. email me at โ€œshivabi4002 @ Gmail . comโ€ ( remove all spaces before use ).

Note- Please send a mail with a brief sentence about what you expect from me and what you wish.

Why are there so many adds on youtube?

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Asked by Jasmine Brady

YouTube shows ads because they need and want to make money, like every other content provider. They are also hoping more ads will annoy people into upgrading to the YouTube premium service which is ad-free.

How do you get ads on your youtube videos?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need to pursue adaptation, which requires a great deal of administrative work. Given you have no protected material, you ought to have the option to adapt. The more perspectives you have, the more cash you'd make.

If you want to learn how to grow your YouTube channel fast

click here on link for more information

What is the best place to learn how to start, scale and monetize a YouTube channel for beginners?

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Asked by 1Linnet

The best place for beginners to learn how to start, scale, and monetize a YouTube channel is YouTube's Creator Academy. It offers free, comprehensive courses on channel creation, content strategy, audience engagement, and monetization methods. Additionally, online platforms like Udemy and Coursera also offer courses and tutorials tailored to YouTube beginners. You can find numerous YouTube tutorials from experienced creators as well. Lastly, joining online forums and communities like Reddit's r/NewTubers can provide valuable insights and support from fellow content creators.

How do you buy views on Youtube?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Lowcost Smm site has the cheapest prices for views, you can get 1,000 for as little as $2. This site can be found by typing the name into the address bar or by asking a Google or Bing search engine.

Does it cost money to partner with YouTube?

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Asked by Wiki User

Make Money on

Making money on YouTube involves strategies. Here are some key steps:

Create Quality Content: Start by creating high-quality, engaging videos that cater to a specific audience. Find your niche and make content that resonates with your viewers.

Build a Subscriber Base: Encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel. Subscribers can help drive consistent views to your videos.

Monetize with Ads: Once you have enough views and subscribers, you can apply to join the YouTube Partner Program. This allows you to monetize your videos with ads, including display ads, overlay ads, skippable video ads, and more.


Why do people want subscribers on their YouTube accounts so badly?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you also want more subscribers on your youtube channel then I can help you getting subscribers.After this you will also be able to get a lot of subscribers and earn money.

Want to get 0 to 10,000 subscribers in a week:

Comment "How"

Is it illegal to put up a fight video on the internet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not to put it up, but if it's evidence if a crime it can be used against you in court. My friend put a video of herself in a fight on YouTube and it got on the Tyra show.

What part of Philly does prank vs prank live?

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Asked by Wiki User

they don't live in phillies they live in nj

How can you send message on YouTube?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can send a message on YouTube by using the private messaging system provided to each user. As long as a user didn't block you on YouTube, you will be able to send messages to the user you wish to send a message to. To access the private message feature, you should look for the "Inbox" link once you login to youtube when you drop-down the bar under your username on the top-right corner of any YouTube page.

What is the name of a YouTube channel where you can learn digital marketing?

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Video marketing is a great way to reach more people, spread your message and make more sales. However, video marketing isnโ€™t easy. It isnโ€™t as simple as uploading your video and sitting back to watch the views roll in. Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™d like to share some of the best ways to get more subscribers on YouTube and grow your video traffic.


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Asked by Mood Music

Researching your keyword

using seo

join youtube exchange group

Sharing on social media platform

Create video trending

Ads. YT ads, google ads,fb ads

Hope help your question and your problem

PS. Need to Know Tools For Keyword Reserching ,Video optimize,Tag researching,Keyword trending please contact us. I can't put those links

Is youtube open source?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, YouTube is not an open-source platform. YouTube is a video-sharing platform owned by Google. YouTube is a video sharing platform that allows you to upload, share and view videos online