


Includes questions related to generating electricity through the use of naturally occuring heat sources.

500 Questions

This contntry has a vast geothermal resources in spite of its name?

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Iceland has vast geothermal resources, despite its name which may imply a cold climate. These resources are harnessed for electricity generation and heating, with geothermal power making up a significant portion of the country's energy production.

Where can geothermal energy plants be found on the map?

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Geothermal energy plants can be found in locations with high geothermal activity, such as along tectonic plate boundaries or near active volcanoes. Some of the countries with significant geothermal energy production include the United States (especially in California and Nevada), Iceland, the Philippines, and New Zealand.

What are 2 examples of how civilization used geothermal energy in the past?

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Ancient Romans used geothermal water for bathing in places like Bath, England. Native Americans used geothermal hot springs for bathing and healing rituals, as seen in places like Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

What are two examples of how civilization used geothermal energy in the past?

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  1. Ancient Romans used geothermal energy for bathing and heating by harnessing hot springs and creating elaborate bathhouses.
  2. Native American tribes in North America used geothermal springs for cooking, bathing, and healing purposes.

Why is a solar water heater not so efficient on a cloudy day?

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A solar water heater's efficiency is notably affected on cloudy days due to reduced sunlight exposure and intensity. Several factors contribute to this decrease in efficiency:

Sunlight Availability: Cloud cover diminishes the amount of sunlight reaching the solar panels of a water heater. Solar panels require direct sunlight to generate sufficient heat for water heating. When clouds obstruct sunlight, the panels receive diffused or scattered light, reducing their energy absorption and heat production capabilities.

Solar Irradiance: Cloudy conditions result in lower solar irradiance, which refers to the amount of solar energy per unit area reaching the Earth's surface. Reduced solar irradiance directly impacts the energy output of solar panels, leading to decreased heating efficiency in solar water heaters.

Temperature Differential: Solar water heaters operate based on the temperature difference between the solar collector (where water is heated) and the storage tank. Cloudy weather leads to cooler ambient temperatures, affecting the overall temperature differential and slowing down the heating process.

Cloud Thickness and Density: The thickness and density of cloud cover further influences solar water heater efficiency. Thick and dense clouds block more sunlight, resulting in a more significant reduction in heating performance compared to thin or scattered clouds.

Time of Day and Seasonal Variations: The time of day and seasonal changes also impact solar water heater efficiency. Cloudy mornings or evenings may have lower solar energy availability, affecting heating performance. Additionally, seasonal variations in cloud cover and sunlight duration can influence overall system efficiency throughout the year.

Despite reduced efficiency on cloudy days, modern solar water heaters often incorporate backup heating systems, such as electric or gas heaters, to ensure a continuous hot water supply. This hybrid approach mitigates the impact of cloudy weather on water heating, providing reliable hot water even during periods of limited sunlight.

To optimize solar water heater efficiency, homeowners can consider factors like system orientation, tilt angle, shading prevention, and regular maintenance to maximize sunlight exposure and heat absorption capacity, thereby enhancing overall system performance and energy savings.

How far down do people drill down for a geothermal system?

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Typically, geothermal wells can be drilled anywhere from a few hundred feet to several thousand feet deep, depending on the location and geology of the site. The depth is specifically determined by factors such as the temperature gradient of the earth's crust and the type of geothermal system being installed.

What are the best geothermal companies in the United States?

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Some of the top geothermal companies in the United States include Ormat Technologies, Calpine Corporation, and Terra-Gen. These companies are known for their expertise in developing, operating, and maintaining geothermal power plants across the country.

What makes the water hot in hot springs?

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As águas termais são aquecidas naturalmente devido a uma combinação de fatores geológicos. Aqui estão algumas das principais causas:

Atividade geotérmica: Em muitas regiões, a água subterrânea é aquecida pela atividade geotérmica, que envolve o calor proveniente do interior da Terra. A temperatura aumenta à medida que você se aprofunda na crosta terrestre, e em certas áreas, essa água aquecida pode se acumular em reservatórios subterrâneos, formando fontes termais.

Calor residual da formação da Terra: Durante a formação da Terra, houve um intenso calor gerado pelo processo de acreção de material planetário e pela desintegração de elementos radioativos. Embora esse calor seja muito menor agora do que era bilhões de anos atrás, ele ainda contribui para o aquecimento de águas subterrâneas em algumas regiões.

Percolação através de rochas quentes: A água da chuva ou de outras fontes de superfície pode se infiltrar no solo e penetrar em camadas geológicas mais profundas, onde é aquecida pelo calor do subsolo antes de emergir como uma fonte termal.

Atividade vulcânica: Em áreas vulcânicas ativas, o calor proveniente da atividade magmática pode aquecer as águas subterrâneas, resultando em fontes termais. A combinação desses fatores geológicos é responsável pelo aquecimento das águas termais, proporcionando assim as características únicas dessas fontes naturais de água quente.

What is the relationship between geothermal power and geothermal energy?

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geothermal energy is geothermal power harnessed from the Earth itself

Can geothermal energy be harvested?

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Yes. At leat 25 countries around the world harvest geothermal energy, from USA to Thailand.

What are the 3 main uses of geothermal energy?

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Electricity generation: Geothermal power plants use steam from hot water reservoirs to spin turbines and produce electricity.

Heating and cooling: Geothermal heat pumps use the stable temperature of the ground to provide heating and cooling for buildings.

Direct use: Geothermal energy can be used directly for various purposes, such as water heating, agriculture, industrial processes, wastewater treatment, and infrastructural maintenance.

Is food a renewable energy source?

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It is a Non- Renewable source of energy because when food is waisted and it runs out it cannot be renewed.

How is the steam used to produce electricity?

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A 300 grams of water takes about 90 seconds to boil in a 2 kW kettle, so that is 2000 watts x 90 seconds which is 180,000 Joules of energy.

But to convert that water completely into steam requires an extra 300x550x4.2 Joules, which is nearly 700,000 Joules.

So converting it to steam takes 4-5 times as much energy as boiling it. That is why it takes a while for a kettle to boil dry.

How can geothermal be used to produce electricity?

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Using a geothermal transformer

What are the last 2 steps in an electrical power plant?

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The last two steps are:

  1. The steam or gas spins the turbines
  2. the turbines then turns the electric generators producing elecricity

What is the science behind a rosin bag?

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A rosin bag is designed to keep your hands tacky so you have plenty of grip on the ball in Baseball.

What is the purpose of Geothermal?

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Geothermal is a reference to a naturally occurring phenomenon. It refers to the heat of the Earths core and has no intrinsic purpose. It's used by humans to produce electricity, to heat buildings and greenhouses, etc.

How does geothermal energy is used to generate electricity from steam?

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The heat from the earth is used to heat water. The water is used to turn a turbine - which generates electricity.

What do we use geothermal for?

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  1. Heating and cooling houses.
  2. Generating electricity.