

Saber Toothed Tigers

Saber toothed tiger is the common name of a number of extinct prehistoric felids often misconceived as tigers. Characterized by grossly oversized canine teeth, these fierce predators were a powerful force to reckoned with, and have come to captain prehistoric predators in the common mind.

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What is the scientific name for a Saber-toothed cat?

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The saber toothed cats are a subfamily that are known to scientists as the Machairodontinae. There were many genera and species, and each species has its own scientific name. One of the most famous of the saber toothed cats had the scientific name Smilodon fatalis.

Did saber-toothed tiger babies have teeth?

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Like all mammals, baby saber toothed cats were born without teeth. As they grew, their teeth would begin to come in. Meanwhile, they would be nourished by their mother's milk.

Who would win a saber-toothed tiger or Andrewsarchus?

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I really hate to say it but this is a rather pointless question. Tyrannosaurus-rex was 18-20 feet tall on average. While a Saber toothed Tiger was only about 6-7 feet long at not even taller than a human. So T-rex could kill the tiger with 1 bite or just crush it a few times with it's feet.

Did saber-toothed tigers eat other dinosaurs?

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First thing, saber toothed cats (there weren't really tigers), were mammals, not dinosaurs. Second, dinosaurs (apart from birds) went extinct long before saber toothed cats appeared.

Why are saber tooth tigers called saber tooth tigers?

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To call it a Saber-tooth Tiger isn't very accurate, because they're actually not a species of tiger. The Saber-Tooth Cat (Smilodon) didn't evolve into a tiger, they went extinct thousands of years ago.

How did saber tooth tigers care for their young?

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Mating a similar way to how lions and tigers do.

What are facts about the saber-toothed cat?

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There is 2 interesting facts about sabertooth tigers.

1.The sabertooth tiger's huge canine teeth were very fragile.

2.The sabertooth tiger used theese huge canine teeth by sinking them into the victom's neck in order to sufficate the victom

Were there any saber-tooth tigers in the 1600s?

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Basically, no.

The giant reptiles we usually mean when we say "Dinosaurs" lived from about 230 million years ago until about 65 million years ago. The only mammals alive in those times were very small, early mammals... And those only toward the end of that period.

The first saber toothed cats appeared around 40 million years ago, missing the main dinosaur party by roughly 25 million years.

However, as a sneaky fine-print addition, you could say that we are around in dinosaur times, since under modern phylogenetic taxonomy, all neornithes (modern birds) are classed as "dinosaurs".

Where are the fossils of saber-toothed cat found?

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they have found fossils of sabers all around the world.

Was a saber-toothed tiger nocturnal?

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Technically no.

The jaguar is often described as nocturnal; but is more specifically crepuscular which means that its peak activity is around dawn and dusk but not all night long.

It rests most of the day and night.

When did the saber-toothed cats disappear?

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Sabretooth Cats Got Extinct 10,000 years ago because their prey was mammoths and ground sloths. These animals got extinct.So when the sabretooth cat went to hunt it couldnt find mammoths or ground sloths.And also some got extinct because of climate change.

By Mohamad Ali Grade 4-E

What is the other name of toothed wheel?

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what is the other name for buddsim wheel.

How big did saber-toothed tigers grow?

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Saber tooth tigers did not evolve into big cats: big cats, i.e., lions, leopards, jaguars and tigers share a common ancestor with the small cats and cheetahs (and all other living cats), and, in turn, all living cats share a common ancestor with the saber tooth tigers from the Eocene.

What was the earth like when saber-toothed tigers were alive?

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There were many species of saber toothed cats, and they have been found on every continent except for Australia and Antarctica. Therefor, they probably lived in a wide variety of habitats. However, the most famous genus, Smilodon, lived on the open, grassy plains of North and South America up until 10,000 years ago.

Saber-toothed tiger dangerous features?

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There are several features that made saber toothed tigers formidable animals. These were their extremely strong forelimb and chest muscles, their claws, and their very long canine teeth. However, their bite force was much weaker than modern cats, so much so that they would have opened their mouth and used their strong neck muscles to "stab" their prey with their long, sharp teeth.

It is important to note that there is little or no evidence that saber toothed cats were any more dangerous towards humans than modern big cats.

What did saber tooth tigers live in?

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during the late Pleistocene period in the last ice age.
In the Ice Age The last of them became extinct about 10 thousand years ago.
The subfamily Machairodontinae (saber toothed cats) evolved about 23 million years ago, during the Oligocene series, which is part of the Paleogene system. They became extinct about 10,000 years ago, at the end of the Pleistocene series, which was part of the Quaternary system. All of these times were part of the Cenozoic period. The last of them became extinct about 10 thousand years ago.
The subfamily Machairodontinae (saber toothed cats) evolved about 23 million years ago, during the Oligocene series, which is part of the Paleogene system. They became extinct about 10,000 years ago, at the end of the Pleistocene series, which was part of the Quaternary system. All of these times were part of the Cenozoic period.

How did the saber toothed tiger become extinct?

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The extinction of the saber tooth tiger poses many questions and theories. The answer to why it became extinct could be due to changes in the environment or human interaction. Around the same time that this species died out, so did 15 others, which can't be a coincidence.

The last glacial period seems to have been different from others due to the drastic increase in temperature and the transformation of grasslands into forests. This affected the saber tooth tigers since that resulted in a change in ecosystems, for example, the Bison lived in grasslands. With its habitat dwindling, its numbers decreased and so the main source of food of the saber tooth tigers went away.

Some say that perhaps humans played a role in the extinction. At about the same time they became extinct, humans were beginning to hunt better thus maybe they were killing the tigers for sport or protection (but not food).

When was the first saber-toothed tiger foslue found?

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The first genus of Machairodontinae to be discovered was Megantereon cultridens which was named in 1824 by Georges Cuvier; Another member of Machairodontinae, Smilodon, was the possible descendent of Megantereon and is the most famous saber-toothed cat (it is the "saber-toothed tiger"); Smilodon populator was the first species of Smilodonto be named in 1842 by Peter Wilhelm Lund.

What was the saber-toothed tigers predator and prey?

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Saber toothed cats were at the top of the food chain, and had no predators. The prey of saber toothed cats were megafaunal mammals. These included bison, mammoths, mastodons, camelops (American camels) etc.

What environment did the saber tooth tiger live in?

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The saber-tooth tiger lived in the ice age. They were some of the most common mammals you will find over 20 thousand years ago. They died out when their favorite prey did; the Dodo bird in the 1600s.

How did the saber-toothed tiger adapt to it's environment?

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a saber toothed tigers habitat is deep in the forest and the woods during the cold temperatures of the ice age.

Two different types of saber-toothed cats lived in the midwestern U.S. at the end of the last Ice Age. Saber-tooth cats lived in grasslands, shrubby areas, and pine forests that supported the plant-eating animals of which the saber-tooth cats ate

How long did saber toothed tigers live for?

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There were many types of saber toothed cats. If you are referring to the most famous genus, Smilodon, they existed on Earth for nearly 1.8 million years.

The whole subfamily of saber-toothed cats existed for 22.989 million years.

There were also a number of other unrelated animals referred to as saber toothed.

As far as life span, I would guess that they lived less than 20 years, similar to wild lions.

How often does a saber-toothed tiger eat?

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There were many species of saber toothed cat, and since each was a different size, they would have eaten a different amount. The most famous, Smilodon fatalis, would have had a median weight of about 485 lbs (350 would be the low end, 620 the high end). An S. fatalis weighing 485 lbs would probably have eaten 17 or 18 lbs of meat per day. Note that they wouldn't have eaten every day; instead, big cats generally make a large kill, gorge themselves, and then don't eat again for a few days.

BTW: This is according to my calculations based on modern big cats; there is no information I'm aware of that states their dietary intake conclusively.