


Business Law

Anything related to the legal aspect of business, including the suing of companies, laws that companies must follow, or the breaking of laws by businesses should be asked here.

500 Questions

What does cultural divergence?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cultural divergence refers to the process by which two or more cultures become increasingly different from one another over time. This can occur due to various factors such as historical events, social movements, and globalization which can lead to the development of unique beliefs, practices, and customs within each culture.

What are the four paradigms of development?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four paradigms of development in psychology are psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral, and humanistic. These paradigms offer different perspectives on how individuals develop and grow throughout their lives. Each paradigm emphasizes unique factors and processes that contribute to human development.

What was the average yearly income for a family in 1935?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 1935, the average yearly income for a family in the United States was around $1,500-$2,000. Keep in mind that this amount varied depending on factors such as location, occupation, and family size.

What is social loafing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social loafing is the tendency for individuals to exert less effort when working in a group compared to when working alone. This phenomenon occurs because individuals may feel less accountable for their contributions when working as part of a group, leading to decreased motivation and effort.

What percentage of funds taken in for a non profit charity goes to payroll and what percentage goes to the charity purpose?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, a well-run non-profit should allocate about 70-90% of its funds to the charitable purpose and about 10-30% to payroll and operational costs. It's important for donors to review the organization's financial statements to understand how their donations are being utilized.

What are the advantages of single proprietorship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some advantages of a single proprietorship are 1. The sole proprietor (owner) derives a certain amount of satisfaction, pride and independence from owning her/his own business

2. Owner makes special efforts to run her/his own business efficiently to prevent losses

3. Owners could make decisions easier and faster since they do not need to consult others

4. Owners are more concerned about developing good relationships with employees and securing good will with the customer (good customer service)

5. The business enjoys tax benefit as they are only taxed once, where as a corporation is taxed twice.

How did the need for workers contribute to cultural diversity in Maryland?

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Asked by Wiki User

Africans were seized and brought over as slaves, increasing the African American population. English criminals and Scottish and Irish prisoners of war were also shipped to the colonies. They could earn their release by working for a period of time- often seven years.

What is the difference between Inc and Co Ltd?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Inc" stands for "Incorporated" and is typically used in the United States to indicate a corporation. "Co Ltd" stands for "Company Limited" and is typically used in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries to indicate a limited liability company. Both terms indicate that the business is a separate legal entity from its owners.

Meaning and scope of business laws?

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Asked by Wiki User

Business laws encompass the legal rules and regulations that govern commercial activities and transactions within a business environment. This includes laws related to contracts, intellectual property, employment, taxes, and competition, among others. The scope of business laws is broad and aims to provide a framework for businesses to operate ethically, efficiently, and in compliance with legal requirements.

Do you capitalize the word partnership?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "partnership" is typically not capitalized unless it is part of a proper noun or at the beginning of a sentence.

What are the penalties for violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?

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Asked by Wiki User

Penalties for violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) can include fines up to $2 million for companies and up to $250,000 for individuals, along with potential imprisonment for individuals. Additionally, companies may face civil penalties and be required to implement compliance measures as part of settlements with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Justice (DOJ).

What was the impetus to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The impetus for the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 was to address concerns about bribery and corruption in international business transactions involving U.S. companies. The law aimed to promote ethical business practices, create a level playing field for companies operating globally, and enhance the reputation of the United States in the international community.

What does the 1978 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibit US companies from doing?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 1978 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits US companies from bribing or engaging in corrupt practices with foreign officials or governments in order to obtain or retain business advantage. This includes making payments or offering gifts to foreign officials to influence their decisions and actions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of federal system government?

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Asked by Wiki User

The advantages of federal government:

  1. The laws are passed in one sovereignty.

The disadvantages:

  1. Too many rules will be passed making the people disappointed will be the cause of too much Propaganda!

What does it mean by consideration must move from promisee?

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Asked by Wiki User

In contract law, consideration is the benefit received by each party in a contract. It must move from the promisee to the promisor, meaning that the promisee must provide something of value in exchange for the promise made by the promisor for the contract to be legally binding. This ensures that both parties are giving and receiving something in the agreement.

What grades should it get in high school in order to get into yale?

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To have a competitive chance of getting into Yale, students typically need to maintain a high GPA, ideally close to a straight-A average. Additionally, excelling in challenging courses, participating in extracurricular activities, and scoring well on standardized tests like the SAT or ACT are also important factors in the admissions process.

What does non-discrimination mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Non-discrimination means treating all individuals fairly and equally without bias or prejudice based on characteristics such as race, gender, religion, or disability. It implies offering the same opportunities and access to resources to everyone, regardless of their background or differences.

What does very truly yours mean at the end of a letter?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Very truly yours" is a letter ending statement emphasizing that the contents of the correspondence were composed with the utmost dignity and integrity. The use of the phrase "very truly" highlights the author's good faith attempt at providing you with truthful, accurate information. "Very truly yours" is often used by attorneys.

Can a proprietor designate himself as a CEO?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a proprietor can designate themselves as the CEO of the company they own. As the sole owner and decision-maker of the business, they have the authority to assign themselves any title they choose, including CEO.

What mean Port of landing?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Port of landing" refers to the specific port or harbor where a ship or vessel arrives or docks. It is the final destination for a particular voyage or journey by sea.

What is the meaning of The Decade of Change?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Decade of Change" typically refers to a period of ten years characterized by significant shifts or transformations in various aspects of society, culture, politics, or technology. It signifies a time of evolution or revolution in certain areas that have a lasting impact on the following years.

One disadvantage for a company that goes public?

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Asked by Wiki User

One disadvantage for a company that goes public is increased regulatory requirements and compliance costs. Public companies are subject to more stringent reporting and disclosure requirements, which can be costly and time-consuming to maintain. Additionally, going public means the company's financial performance and strategic decisions become more visible and scrutinized by the public and investors.

What does PYF mean and why should you do this?

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Asked by Wiki User

PYF stands for "Pay Yourself First." It is a financial strategy that involves setting aside a portion of your income for savings or investments before paying any other expenses. By prioritizing saving before spending, you ensure that you are building wealth and financial security for your future.

Minimum number of directors in private company?

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Asked by Wiki User

Minimum number of director in a private company is 2.

How long were TWA flight attendents on strike before TWA went under?

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TWA flight attendants were on strike for about six months before TWA went under in 2001. The strike began in April and ended in November when TWA filed for bankruptcy.