



The practical application of knowledge, especially in a particular area, is called technology. Advances in technology affect every area of our lives. This category is for questions about technology and includes everything from how to remove a scratch from a CD to applications of electronics to what polyester is made from and more.

500 Questions

How does information become valuable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information becomes valuable when it is accurate, relevant, and insightful. It helps solve problems, make informed decisions, and gain a competitive edge. The context in which the information is used also plays a significant role in determining its value.

What are the benefits of using information technology for a work task?

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Asked by Wiki User

Benefits of using information technology for a work task include increased efficiency and productivity, improved collaboration among team members, and easier access to and organization of data and information. Additionally, it can help streamline processes, reduce errors, and enable remote work capabilities.

What are the skills that a human service worker have?

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Asked by Wiki User

A human service worker should possess strong communication skills to interact effectively with clients. They should also have empathy and compassion to understand clients' needs and provide support. Additionally, organizational skills are important for maintaining accurate records and documentation.

What would be a good conclusion for the topic education through television?

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Asked by Wiki User

In conclusion, television has proven to be a valuable tool for delivering educational content to a wide audience. By harnessing its reach and engaging storytelling abilities, television can continue to enhance and supplement traditional forms of education for learners of all ages.

What are the negative impacts about using ICT in school?

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Asked by Wiki User

Negative impacts of using ICT in schools include potential distractions, over-reliance on technology, unequal access to technology among students, and concerns about data privacy and cybersecurity risks.

What is IATLIS?

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Asked by Wiki User

IATLIS stands for International Association of Transport and Logistics Institutes. It is a global organization that promotes cooperation and networking among transport and logistics education and research institutions. The association aims to advance knowledge and best practices in the field of transport and logistics.

What is the impact of information technology in the business using appropriate examples to support the answer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information technology has revolutionized business operations by facilitating communication, streamlining processes, and enabling data-driven decision-making. For example, the use of customer relationship management (CRM) systems allows companies to better understand and serve their customers, while e-commerce platforms have expanded market reach for businesses by enabling online sales. Overall, IT has significantly increased efficiency and productivity in the business world.

What are the effects of information technology to science and technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information technology has revolutionized science and technology by enabling faster data collection, analysis, and sharing. It has also facilitated collaboration among researchers worldwide and accelerated the pace of scientific discovery. Furthermore, information technology has led to the development of new tools and techniques that have advanced various fields of science and technology.

What issue involve collecting storing and disseminating information about indi?

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Asked by Wiki User

Issues involving collecting, storing, and disseminating information about individuals include privacy concerns, data security risks, and ethical considerations surrounding the use of personal data. Organizations must balance the need for data collection with protecting individuals' rights and ensuring data is handled responsibly to prevent misuse or breaches. Compliance with data protection regulations, like GDPR, is also crucial in this context.

How information technology is playing an important role in expanding business in the world now a day?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information technology enables businesses to reach a global audience through online platforms, connect with customers in real-time, and streamline their operations for increased efficiency. It facilitates data collection and analysis, leading to more informed decision-making and the ability to adapt to market trends quickly. Overall, IT has become a crucial enabler for business growth and expansion in today's interconnected world.

Which pathway would you find in the Information Technology Career Cluster?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would find the Network Systems pathway in the Information Technology Career Cluster. This pathway focuses on designing, implementing, and managing computer networks for organizations. It includes skills such as network administration, cybersecurity, and troubleshooting network issues.

Will internet make schools disappear?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the internet will not make schools disappear. While online education may become more popular, traditional schools will still play a vital role in providing structured learning environments, social interactions, and hands-on experiences for students. Schools offer more than just education, including extracurricular activities, support services, and personal development opportunities.

What is a single item of information in a database?

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Asked by Wiki User

A single item of information in a database is referred to as a data field. It represents a specific piece of data stored within a record or a row in a database table. Examples of data fields include names, addresses, phone numbers, and dates.

What does SLA stand for in Information Technology?

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SLA stands for Service Level Agreement in Information Technology. It is a contract or agreement that defines the level of service that a customer expects from a service provider, including metrics such as uptime, response time, and resolution time.

What are the benefits for technology?

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Technology provides increased efficiency, convenience, and productivity in various aspects of life. It also enables better communication, access to information, and automation of repetitive tasks. Additionally, technology has the potential to improve healthcare, education, and overall quality of life for individuals and society as a whole.

Why technology remained insignificant?

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Technology remained insignificant either due to lack of funding, limited resources for development, or lack of demand in the market. It could also be a result of technological barriers or limited scalability of the technology in question.

What is role of information technology in the Maritime industry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information technology plays a crucial role in the maritime industry by enabling efficient communication, navigation, tracking of vessels, weather forecasting, and data analytics. It helps in improving safety, optimizing routes, managing logistics, and enhancing decision-making processes for maritime operations. With the use of advanced technologies like IoT and AI, the industry can further improve efficiency and productivity.

Why are teachers better than technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teachers provide personalized instruction, feedback, and support tailored to the individual needs of students, which technology cannot replicate. Teachers also offer motivation, empathy, and human connection that enhance the learning experience in ways that technology cannot match. Additionally, teachers can adapt their teaching methods based on real-time feedback and observations to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Why we need information technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

We need information technology to facilitate communication, improve efficiency, enhance decision-making processes, store and analyze data, and ultimately drive innovation and progress in various industries and sectors. It plays a crucial role in modern society by enabling the sharing and processing of information quickly and effectively.

Do You do not need a SSN to search for records?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible to search for certain types of records, such as public records or court case information, without needing a Social Security Number. However, some records may require an SSN for access or verification purposes.

Is Information Technology only an enabler in a business and should not drive the business strategy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information Technology can be a critical enabler in supporting and enhancing business operations. However, in today's digital age, IT can also play a strategic role in driving innovation, competitive advantage, and market differentiation for businesses. Therefore, businesses should consider IT as both an enabler and a driver of the overall business strategy.

How did mobile learning develop?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mobile learning developed as a response to the increasing popularity and accessibility of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. With advances in technology and connectivity, educators began to see the potential of using these devices to deliver educational content to students at anytime and anywhere. This shift towards mobile learning provided flexibility and convenience in education delivery, catering to the needs of modern learners.

What is the impact of technology on privacy and security?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technology has the potential to both enhance and threaten privacy and security. On one hand, advances in encryption and cybersecurity can better protect personal information. On the other hand, increased connectivity and data collection can lead to privacy breaches and cyber attacks. It is crucial for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding privacy and security in the digital age.

What year did information technology start?

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Asked by Wiki User

The field of information technology began to emerge in the 1950s with the development of computers and early communication systems. It continued to evolve over the decades with advancements in hardware, software, networking, and data management technologies.