


Political Theory

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Which political system provides the best example of a direct democracy?

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A country's citizens are given the right to vote on every one of the country's laws.

What statement best describes a similarity between a democracy and a republic?

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Both get their sovereignty from their citizens.

Why a group taking a vote on something is an example of a direct democracy.?

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A group taking a vote is an example of direct democracy because each member has an equal opportunity to participate and directly influence the decision-making process. In direct democracy, individuals have a direct say in decisions that affect them, rather than relying on elected representatives to make choices on their behalf.

What is the word for a person who rules in the place of the king or queen?

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I can think of a few.

1. Regent - a regent is someone who is appointed to rule a country while the monarch is unable to do so themselves- usually it's when the monarch is a young child, or is mentally handicapped.

2. Viceroy - a viceroy is someone who is appointed to rule a colony for a monarch. The monarch is usually too far away to rule it themselves, so the Viceroy handles it for them.

3. Governor-general - very similar to a Viceroy, a governor-general usually rules an independent country that still acknowledges a monarch as their ruler. Canada and Australia, which are independent countries, each have a governor-general who rules the country in the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom.

Two forms of democracy are .?

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Direct and Indirect

In a democracy it is essential that elections are?

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regular and fair.

Who is head of state in oligarchy?

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a group of men.. ha u need it for homework dont u?

Is it true When Socialism is taken to its extreme it's called Authoritarianism?

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Yes, when socialism is taken to its extreme, where there is complete government control over the economy and society, it often transitions into authoritarianism. In an authoritarian socialist system, individual freedoms and rights are restricted as the government exerts total control over all aspects of life.

What rules are made up and enforced by government A Being kind to each other B Being polite to authority figures C Observing and obeying all local State and Federal laws?

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C. Observing and obeying all local State and Federal laws are rules made up and enforced by the government. A and B are not typically enforced by law but are important for social cohesion and respect.

What is one of the basic principles of democracy?

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Protecting minority groups against oppression by a majority (APEX)

A bureaucracy is organized like a pyramid with the head of the bureaucracy?

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Asked by Bohall18

at the top, overseeing lower levels of authority and decision-making. The head of the bureaucracy holds the most power and responsibility for setting goals, policies, and overseeing operations. Lower levels of the bureaucracy follow instructions and implement decisions from higher levels.

What is the primary goal of interest groups and political parties?

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Interest groups seek to influence policy decisions by advocating for specific issues or causes, while political parties aim to gain political power by winning elections and implementing their policy agenda. Both groups work to mobilize support for their goals and shape public opinion to advance their interests.

How are people's views taken into account in an oligarchy?

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An oligarchy is a Dictatorship by a small group of people (as opposed to one person). The views of people outside of this small group are not given an iota of consideration.

Why do liberals have fewer brain cells than conservatives?

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That statement is not accurate or supported by any research. Political beliefs are complex and cannot be attributed to the number of brain cells. It is important to approach political differences with respect and understanding.

How is a democracy limited by the way the government defines who is and who is not a citizen?

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A democracy is limited by how the government defines citizenship because it determines who has the right to participate in the political process through voting and holding office. Excluding certain groups from citizenship can lead to unequal representation and limited access to rights and benefits within the society.

What is the democracy called in which individual citizens elect people to serve vote and make decisions for them called?

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This is a representative democracy. A direct democracy is best modeled in Ancient Rome where people went directly to every meeting and put in their own two cents.

What is the goal of social policy?

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The American Social Policy is a set of guidelines that affect living conditions and human welfare. The American Social Policy includes things like abortion and gay rights.

What are the official titles of republic rulers?

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Most republics have a president. In some republics the president runs the government. It other republics the president is a figurehead and the government is run by a prime minister.

A republic is a form of government which is not ruled by a king or emperor or some other aristocrats, such as a prince (who is rules by a Principate) or a duke (who rules a Duchy or Grand Duchy). That is all that is needed for the definition of a republic.

Nowadays, the bulk of modern counties in the word are republics. There are only 2 absolute monarchies (the king rules; Saudi Arabia and Swaziland) 16 constitutional monarchies (the monarch is a figurehead who does not run the government) 1 constitutional emperor (in Japan) 2 absolute sultanates (Brunei and Oman), 1 absolute emirate (Qatar) 3 constitutional or mixed emirates (Bahrain, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates) 3 constitutional principalities (Andorra, Liechtenstein and Monaco) and 1 constitutional Grand Duchy (Luxembourg).

A republic can be a democracy, an authoritarian state, a dictatorship or a totalitarian state. Recently many republics in the developing word have been authoritarian states or dictatorships (some under a civilian dictator and some by a military dictatorship).

Famous examples of republics with military dictatorships are the military juntas in South America in the 1970s. Famous examples of republics with civilian dictator are the Philippines under Marcos and Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein also provides an example of a civilian dictator of a republic who also puts himself in charge of the army. Even some Western European countries have been republics which were dictatorships: Portugal (under the Ditadura Nacional, 1926-32, Salazar, 1932-68, and Caetano, 1968-74) and Greece under the Regime of the Colonels (1967-74). The dictatorial Regime of the Colonels also overthrew the Greek monarchy and established a republic. Although Francisco Francodid not abolish the Spanish monarchy and he appointed Juan Carlos I de Borbón as his successor, his dictatorship was effectively a republic. Franco ruled as Regent to the King of Spain and Juan Carlo had no say in politics.

Communistcountries, like the Soviet Union (which is short for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) its communist satellite countries in Eastern Europe and other communist regimes in the developing word were republics with a totalitarian state. China and North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba are still communist republics.

Nazi Germany was a republic.

What model sees the state as representing the interests of a small but economically dominant class?

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Marxist theory views the state as representing the interests of the capitalist class, who are economically dominant in society. According to this perspective, the state serves to protect and advance the interests of the ruling class, often at the expense of the working class.

How is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy and how are they alike?

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In a direct democracy, citizens directly participate in decision-making by voting on laws and policies. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. Both systems aim to reflect the will of the people, but direct democracy involves more direct involvement from citizens in decision-making compared to representative democracy.

What is the unified theory of political geography?

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The unified theory of political geography seeks to explain how political power and territorial control influence the spatial organization of societies. It examines the relationship between political institutions, human behavior, and geographical factors in shaping political landscapes. This theory aims to understand the interactions between politics and geography in shaping the world we live in.

What is the disadvantage of being in the party that opposes the President's party on a national level?

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One disadvantage is facing challenges in passing legislation or implementing policies due to lack of support from the majority party. Additionally, it may be harder to secure funding or resources for projects or initiatives that align with your party's agenda. Lastly, there may be a greater likelihood of facing opposition and criticism from the President's party and supporters.

What ia another name for indirect democracy where citizens elect representatives who decide policies on their behalf?

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Asked by Wiki User

Representative democracy is another name for indirect democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions and policies on their behalf.