


Optical Illusions

Optical illusions are visual images that differ from reality imagery. Literal optical illusions are different from the original images, physiological illusions are afterimages that follow a bright light, and cognitive illusions are unconscious inferences like distorting. Ask questions here about perception, depth, color, brightness, and patterns.

500 Questions

How do you know if your poetry is any good?

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One way to gauge the quality of your poetry is to seek feedback from others, such as friends, family, or writing groups. Another way is to compare your work to established poets in the genre you're writing in, and see if your writing exhibits similar techniques and depth. Ultimately, trust your own instincts and continued effort in refining your craft.

Do your eyes see the optical illusion or your brain see optical illusion?

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Your brain does. You actually see with your brain; your eyes are merely the organs that deliver the image to your brain which then interprets what you're seeing.

Why do boys see optical illusions differently than girls?

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Girls usually see optical illusions faster. Also, boys usually have a harder time changing what they see.

I found this on a website:

Everybody knows that boys and girls are very different. They look different, act different, like different things, perform differently in school and sports, and are just different people! Studies have shown multiple differences in how male and female brains function differently. One of the most interesting differences is how the male brains process language, estimate time, judge speed, carry out mental math calculations, view the orientation of space, and visualize three dimensional objects better then women. Women are better at human relations, recognizing emotional overtones in others and language, emotional artistic expressiveness, esthetic appreciation, verbal language, and carrying out pre- planned tasks. Also girls can register optical illusions faster and with ease compared to boys.

Can every one see optical illusions?

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I really doubt anyone has done a survey of that, but I'd guess that most people have. After all, if you've seen a rainbow or sunset you've seen an optical illusion.

Why do people see optical illusions differently?

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Yes because they can't be in the same place therefore they will have a different perspective.

What is another name for optical illusion caused by atmospheric condition in which nonexistent bodies of water are seen?

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A mirage is an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions. Light rays are bent to produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky. A common mirage is a heat haze, On hot, sunny days, a shimmer on the road looks like pools of water. As you get closer, the image disappears.

Can visions that you see sometimes be true?

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In all cases, well-adjusted or not, please do seek professional help to address this question. "Visions" that are unaccompanied by other psychiatric symptoms are commonly the result of a physical illness, including something as serious as a lesion in the brain.

Many people experience "visions." As you know humans use just a small percentage of their brain and medical science is just now (after all these years) studying the brain and finding out amazing things about it.

When a person says they see a vision (if they are mentally sound of course) many doctors will poo-poo this idea and say it's either the brain or our eyes playing tricks on us. Yet, the odd thing is that the medical profession is studying death in hospitals. When a person is dying they often will leave a nurse there to take notes as to what the person is saying. In Canada, when you die in hospital they leave your body for 1 hour so the "soul can pass." The body weighs several pounds less after death (the soul leaving) but still, many doctors believe this is gas and fluids releasing from the body. I find the medical profession contradicts itself often.

If you or the person you may be talking about is usually a well adjust person and has had a "vision" then they probably have.

However, be warned ... if you are in any group, belong to a cult, or someone is instilling over and over again to you that you will see a certain vision, then the person probably is not experiencing a true vision. Some religious beliefs can also have the same effect on a person. It's called "mind hysteria". Brain-washing is still alive and well. If someone told you that you would see 3 monkeys in the sky juggling coconuts then you probably would.

Go on "Google" and type in "history on human visions."

If a person is having visions, the safest course is to see a mental health professional.

The Human Mind Is More Powerful Than You May RealizeFrom previous answer:

"Many people experience "visions." As you know humans use just a small percentage of their brain and medical science is just now (after all these years) studying the brain and finding out amazing things about it."

I agree with the above sentiment to a high degree. The human mind is capable of incredible things, many things that can not yet be explained by science.

There are many kinds of "visions." Throughout history, including biblical accounts, there have been prophets and seers. In paranormal terms there are people classified as clairvoyants, precognitive, remote viewers, etc. Some dreams can be categorized as "prophetic."

There are also mental illnesses and medications that may cause someone to experience hallucinations and/or to hear voices. If someone is hearing voices, he should seek psychiatric help at once. Hallucinations are also serious and you should see your family doctor at once. They could be caused by a neurological problem, they may be a side effect of a medication (or illegal drug) you've been using, or some other reason altogether. One of the side-effects of Prozac, for example, can be hallucinations. I know this from experience.

I think many, many people have experienced mild clairvoyance or precognition and written it off as something like coincidence.

For example, dreaming of someone you haven't seen or even thought about in ages, then running into them or getting a call or letter from them the next day.

Or hearing the phone ring and knowing who it is before you answer it (and I'm not talking about the times when you are expecting a call from a specific person.) This happens to me a lot.

I've had dreams come true. For example, many years ago I had a dream about my stepfather's grandfather dying. I didn't know him well, didn't see him often, he lived far away and the last we'd heard, he'd been doing well health wise. My stepfather's family is considerably younger than my mother's and father's families, so the grandfather wasn't particularly old. Yet within less than a week of my dream, we got a phone call from a family member saying that the grandfather had had a heart attack and passed away. It was a little creepy.

So yes "visions" can come true. It's really not as uncommon as you might think. But it your having visions and it makes you feel uneasy or frightened, talk to a professional to ease your mind.

Yes. In particular if you are a born again Christian. This I know to be true because I have been born again 24 years and have had Gods Holy Spirit in me all that time. Ive had several visions and many dreams and, though they were informative, they were not world shattering. I know other Christians, sometimes pastors, sometimes ordinary believers God wanted to use, who have had visions that were shattering... and about the future. The Bible says as Christians we are to put everything to the test because Satan frequently goofs off with people in their sleep. 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 19 says "Do not put out the Spirits fire. Do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything" etc. You can include visions in that as well. Do they make sense? Do they suit your family situation or on a larger scale the world situation? If my case as a collector of visions, prophecies and words of knowledge from the Christian churches I have to look at the man or the woman who makes the claim of receiving a vision... if the claim the are making is something startling. Are they born again Christians? What kind of Christian work do they do? Have any of their earlier visions/or prophecies come to pass? Do they go to a bible-believing Christian church? etc. How do you feel about the vision yourself if you have had one? Do you have peace about it? And no you are not ill if you have a vision or a dream. They do happen. Gods in Charge of earth and will send what He wants to whom He sends it. If you want to read about the great spirit war on planet earth read or click on Ephesians chapter 6 and verses 12 to 18. I know of what I speak about.

What causes a bright spot in the direct line of vision?

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They vary in cause, but sometimes they are caused by dead blood cells clumping in the vitreous fluid around your eye. Sometimes though they can be caused by retinal detachment. But this is not likely, because retinal detachment is very rare.

What are the colors we see with eyes closed mean?

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Of course, eyes don't stop seeing just because the lids are closed. Look towards the sun and close your eyes. You'll see red, that's the blood in your eye-lids. I'm not sure what causes you to see multicoloured lines when you close your eyes in the dark and rub your eyelids with your hands. But rest-assured it's normal.

What is an example of a literal optical illusion?

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Some common optical illusions are the ones that look like they are spinning. There are also optical illusions that have a dot in the center of a person's face and after staring for about 30 seconds the person can look at a wall and blink and see an outline of their face.

How do optical illusions affect the human eye?

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They trick your brain.It could define logic.Take the vase and two people illusion.Focus on one of them.The one your focusing on is the foreground and the one your not is the backround.

Do colors affect optical illusions?

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The question is too vague to be meaninful. Some optical illusions INVOLVE color, so for them I suppose the answer would be yes. Others don't, and the answer there might be either no or yes; it's difficult to say without more details.

Is going to see a 3D film any good if you already wear glasses that you would need to see the movie and does 3D take away from the experience?

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No, however the two most popular 3D technology companies in the theaters are RealD and Master Image. So your glasses have to correspond to their format. I know a company, Visual World Products, that makes 3D glasses that work on both formats perfectly.

What the most major difference between telescope and microscope?

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A telescope must gather large amounts of light from a dim, distant object; therefore, it needs a largeobjective lens to gather as much light as possible and bring it to a bright focus. Because the objective lens is large, it brings the image of the object to a focus at some distance away

What is optical property?

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Radio waves exhibit properties and characteristics of behavior that are in every way identical

to the properties and characteristics of light waves. That is, they experience absorption,

transmission, reflection, refraction, diffraction, dispersion, interference, attenuation, and

inverse-square free space loss, exactly following all of the laws of optics.

Note that the laws of optics always involve the wavelength in question. When comparing

radio waves with light waves, one must take into consideration the fact that the shortest

radio waves are almost 4,000 times longer than the longest light waves.

Why do older people see optical illusions?

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Could you source this? All people see optical illusions.

What are the three types of optical illusions?

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Like when you are driving down the road on a hot day and up ahead in the road it looks wet, but when you get there it's not. That's a Mirage or an optical illusion.
An example of an optical illusion due to refraction is the formation of rainbow caused by action of water droplets as prism.

What is a distortion illusion?

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its when thing look different, twisted, or disorientated

Why were optical illisions made for?

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People make it so that They can be used around the world from famous peope

When were optical illusions created?

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Optical illusions were first used by the Greeks. They built their temples so that the roof was slanted. This gave the illusion that the temple was actually standing straight. They also made the columns bulge so that from a distance they would look perfectly proportioned. In the course of history, people have encountered illusions in many ways. Many of these illusions appear in very common, everyday experiences.

What causes prisms in vision that come and go?

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Usually you're born with it. Some folks who have a 'lazy eye' are sometimes prescibed a prism to try to straighten that out, but... I have also seen cases where labs have made glasses incorrectly and unintentionally put prism in the lenses because the proper measurements were not taken. Occassionally... the prescribed prism is a result of some trauma to the head... in those instances, it's a small amount, and *might* reverse itself once the muscles gain strength. Best case scenario, it was poorly made specs... best bet though is to see your Optometrist or Opthamalogist for a full & thorough examination of they eyes. Hope that helped! Cindy