


Aquarium Maintenance

An aquarium of fish makes a fascinating focal point in homes, businesses, and offices. Keeping them operating and the fish healthy is a challenge that can lead to a lot of questions. For answers, ask your questions here.

500 Questions

Where could one purchase a Baby BiOrb fish tank?

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BiOrb aquariums can be purchased through Amazon and other online retailers. I am sure your local petshop would sell at least one variety of BiOrb aquariums.

What kind of fish will keep your tank clean?

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There are a variety of fish that can keep a tank clean. The type of fish will depend on the type of aquarium setup. In a freshwater tank, different types of plecostomus are most common.

Can a moray eel electrocute tank water?

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No, the moray eel is not an electric fish because it does not generate an electric field. The electric eel, electric catfish and electric rays are examples of electric fish who's electrical organ discharge can be used to stun their prey.

How can you fix a cloudy freshwater fish tank?

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It's cloudy because it depends what fishes you have like a tank with a filter it cleans it all the dirt out or you have for example a betta fish they can have a cloudy tank cuz of their food. So your tank is cloudy because you don't have a filter and chemicals for clear water. Hope it helps.

How often to change the water of fish?

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You should change at least 50% of the water in your tank each week at minimum. If your tank is too small, to over-stocked, or you do not have enough filtration, then you will need to change the water more frequently.

Will a black light create allege in your fish tank?

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A black light configuration is completely safe for your fish. It's more recommended for aquascaped fully-planted aquariums, as it prevents algae blooms. If you do decide to use black light, make sure you have plenty of decorations that react to it, otherwise you won't have much use for it. I have a 45 gal. tank set up with a black light for night time, and a fluorescent for the day. It's cool to have less light coming from the tank, and when you stumble out to use the restroom in the middle of the night, and all you see is glowing fake anemones or plastic plants, its pretty awesome. =]

Good luck, and happy aquascaping.

What type of sand should you use in your fish tank?

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Simple answer is Yes but make sure it is natural sand from sandstone rather than a crushed mix or beach sand. Always wash it thoroughly before placing in an aquarium.

Is there a aquarium in every state?

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Yes, there are aquariums in every one of the 50 states. There 224 accredited zoos and aquariums in the United States

What are the cons of aquariums?

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I am most definitely an aquarium supporter. They offer a very calming effect and pure enjoyment for me. But with everything they give comes work, the most important are the water changes that come with keeping an aquarium clean. You also may face leaking water (though I've never had it happen to me and i have 9 aquariums at the moment). In my mind the pros far outweigh the cons The cons are: •Work •If you hate the sound of running water Pros: •please don't make me list them all

What causes a fish to have a damaged swim bladder?

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In most cases it's due to overfeeding and constipation. Ryukin goldfish are more prone to this due to their body shape, so make sure that you feed cooked & deshelled peas at least once a week to help avoid constipation.

Can you make aquarium salt from regular salt?

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No - aquarium salt has a different chemical composition to that of common table salt.

Is a big fish tank measured in millimeters or liters?

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Fish tanks are measured primarily by their capacity. In the U.S. they use gallons as the main unit. A fish tank can be anywhere from 1 gallon in capacity to 200+ gallons.

Why is a saltwater aquarium more difficult than a freshwater aquarium?

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Maintenace of salinity and other levels such as trace elements, phosphorus, and calcium. All these are easy to maintain in aquariums 55 gallons and up and become quite stable once it is established. It is no harder than freshwater if it is larger (120 gallons and up) and stableized along with the right equipment. Once that is set up and has been running to get all the kinks out of it and all the levels are stable they are no harder than freshwater. This coming from a person with 7 tanks, two of them being reef aquariums.

Why does your fish died?

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Fish typically die in aquaria because of:

Old age


Low oxygen content in the water

Toxins in the water, some of which consume its oxygen

Starvation from lack of feeding

Overfeeding, which can decrease the oxygen content of the water



How do most fish get the oxygen they need to survive?

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I'm not looking this one up, this is from memory so here goes.

Fish generally use gills to get their oxygen and this works by oxygenated water (H2O + extra Os) passing through the fine gill filaments that absorb oxygen from the water supply.

How do plants and animals depend on each other on the aquarium?

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Plants are at the bottom of the food chain. Plants can take nutrients from the soil and sunlight to make food for animals. Plants also make oxygen for animals including us to use, and we make carbon dioxide for the plants to use to make more oxygen. Plants can rely on animals to. Birds eat berries with seeds and poop them out in different places to help the plants reproduce.

How big should a fish tank be for two gold fishes?

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It depends on how many goldfish and their size. Just call or stop into a pet shop within your area, and they will be able to advise you appropriately.

Answer; generally as a rule you should allow 1 gallon per inch of fish The above answers are okay, however I have found that goldfish tend to thrive when they are given at least a 20 gallon aquarium to live in and an additional 10 gallons for each additional fish.

Do water moccasins eat fish?

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No...its way too cold for them to survive.

Why do people have aquariums?

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It's fun to maintain your own ecosystem- it's a very rewarding challenge when it works out the way you want it to. Some people set up aquariums for decoration purposes and some do it for the pure enjoyment they get from it.

How long is a 150 gallon fish tank?

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The basic rules for keeping fish successfully are :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank need at least 50% of its water changed every week. Follow and keep to the above rules and your fish stand a chance of survival. Fail to keep them and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting ill and maybe dying.

Why does my fish tank turn orange?

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The green scum is an algae bloom. If you have a lot of direct sunlight in your tank, try to reduce this amount; the same applies for your tank light, you will need to reduce this to cut back on the algae bloom.

Get rid of snails?

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Some people shudder when they see one. Others think they are cute. Some people even consider them a delicacy. They are snails, and the one thing that is certain about them is that they are a pest in the garden. Know thy enemy

Round holes in your garden plants with slimy trails in the vicinity point to a snail issue. To find out if you do have snails, wait until after dark and take a flashlight into the garden. Snails especially love moist soil so a good time to look is after a rain shower. Beer

Even if you don't like beer, your snails do. This method may be worth purchasing a can or two. Fill a flat container like a tea cup saucer with beer and place the rim as close to the ground as possible so the slugs can get at it. They will crawl in, but they can't swim. Traps

You can make a snail trap with the empty beer can or any type of can with a small hole. Put bait in the bottom of the can and tip it on its side so the opening is closest to the ground. Slugs can easily find their way to the bait, but can't find their way out. Barriers

Barriers are an effective method of keeping snails off of your plants. One barrier that snails won't cross is copper. Place strips of copper or copper pennies around the plants you want to protect. The snail won't cross the barrier. Seek and find

Snails love darkness and dampness, so they are likely to hide under things near their food source, like rotting wood or planters. You can either find where they are hiding during the day or set up a place for them to hide and then collect them and dispose of them. You can also use sugar and yeast water in the same way as the beer. I have used the beer but it stinks very badly if left for long and is kind of a pain. It is the yeast and the sugar that attracts the slugs. They actually dissolve. Toads and frogs will eat snails and slugs as well as lizards, I know gross!! Slugs and snails love hostas and many other delicacies so you can surround the perimeter of plant with copper bands or can use a small trench around plant with sand. The lugs will dry up in the sand and this actually deters them as well. Aside from that the only other natural pesticide is salt. They come out at night and will head straight toward their favorite plants so you can arm yourself with a large container of salt!!

Why do you need water plants in aquariums?

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Fishes also need oxygen underwater and water plants provide that necessity. It is like trees and plants here above water. We need oxygen given off by them to be able to survive.
We keep water plants inside the aquarium to supply oxygen as oxygen is very essential for survival.

What kind of animals can live in an aquarium?

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fish and little bugs

Where can one buy fish tank decorations?

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One can buy fish tank ornaments at the local pet store, such as Pet's-mart. One can also buy at an aquarium, where ornaments and such can be sold through the gift shop. Ornaments can also be bought online, through Pet Co, Amazon, or Ebay.