

How did Mussolini and Hitler were elected?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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13y ago

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To be able in answering this question, one needs to analyse and look at the conditions that Italy suffered from before the rise of Benito Mussolini in 1925 as the Duce of Italy.

The long-term causes:

1. The liberal government: was created after the unification of Italy in 1861. it was very corrupted. carried for its own selfish-interest than the people. Also, the forced unification on the people was superficial. Due to the fact that the people did not develope national conscious; as one of the governments leaders said "We have made Italy, now we need to make Italians"

2. Also, there was division in the wealth and classes between the upper class (in the north), middle class. and the poor class in South (which did not have the right to vote). Only the upper class had the right to vote, this meant that people who were appointed were from the upper class and only carried about their own interest. (once again corrupt)

3. after the unification of the Italian State, there were some hostility between the State and The Catholic Church. this undermined the mass support for the government. as many Italians were strong believers in Catholicism.

4. There was big unrest between 1890s - 1914- in the southern areas. the working class went into general strikes against the government. Because the government focused on the heavy industry than "light" industry which the people did not benefit from.

5. In addition, the people blamed the gov. for not making Italy into a great power, and stand for its "rights" during the Treaties and conferences after WWI (for instance Italy didnt get all the areas of Austria that it wished for).

6. The intervention crisis (1914-15) did create wider split in the Government. As the left wing (PSI), King Emmanuel III and the catholic Church were against Italy's intervention in the WWI. However, those who were pro-joining the War: were like right wing and Mussolini (he was expelled from the PSI and created his own newspaper, saying that Italy should interferr in the war). Hence, due to this crisis a split was created which will later affect their relationship in for instance solving the Post-War problems and Mussolini's rise, etc.

7. Moreover, it is very important to focus on the consequences of the WWI on Italy both economically and politically as it explains the reason of why the people and the government voted yes for Mussolini.

Italy was badly hit from the war: the government lost its popularity (1918-22). Hence the rise of the Facist movement and the Socialist movement (politicaly instability)

8. there was alot of strikes, e.g 361 strikes in 1919.

9. High inflation (prices increased by 50%) devastated the economy (1918-20)

10. Unemployment high approx. 3 million.

ALL THESE CREATED HUGE SOCIAL UNREST, that was marked as the "Red Years or Beinno Rosso" (1918-20)

a) Peasant strikes in the south- did some few positive results (as they got ome lands from the landlords and wages increased)

b) Trade unions grew rapidly during this period, upt to 2 million in 1920.

c) Strikes of the workers went further that they occupied the industrial factories (1920)

d) political violence between the facists and socialists ( the facists were the winners, because they had ex-military servicemen)- 300 000 socialsts were killde 1920-22

e)the facists gaind control over the rural areas in the south (1921).

You may wonder why didnt the Socialsts win?

- they were divided (after the Intervention crisis 1914-15)

- Some were unsure if the working class can make a worker revolution.

Moreover, as the facist movement grew more violencly (1922) the gov were unable to handle them. As the gov. didnt work well and the Grand coalition of the gov. failed. also, at the same time the socialists and the communists also called for strikes-- total instability (only mussolinis movement seemed structured and protecting the people).

so the King Emmanuel III granted Mussolini the position of prime minister if he showed total support of the monarchy (and mussloni totaly did it, in his speech 1922)

later, There was a general strike in Rome. this was for Mussolini's advantage as he told the gov (it is them or him finnishing the strike) - he send 20,000 mobilised troops, but only 5000 made it to Rome (they were poorly armed and organised).

The reason for the King not stoping the strikes, is because he was afraid that a civil war would break out as the one in Russia. (i think)

Moreover, the king and the liberal gov. offered Mussolini the position of Prime minister (they thought that he can be tamed)

Later, he solves the vatican issue, by e.g. making religious education compulsory in schools (1923). -- Seen as a Hero

Also, as Mussolini received the position of prime minister, he banned all other opposition parties, censor of newspapers. the OVRA (secret police) was established under the control of Mussolini (1923).

He also created the Facist Grand Council - a way to improve the communication between the facists party & government. But in reality it was more to assert personal controll over the party, specially the powerful opponent the Ras (who always pressured him, e.g. during the March on Rome 1922).

Later, the political murder of the socialist leader Matteotti (1924)- led to huge unrest in Italy- Mussolini was on the edge of losing his power. But, he acted quickly by publicly annoucing his responsiblity of Matteotti death and that a tolitarian state is estabilished (so in 1925- Italy officially became a one -single party state and Mussolini as the Duce (like Hitler Fuhrer in Germany)

Hope this Help ^__^

I am also, studying Mussolini's rule for my final exams next week ^__^

Sources: IB-History Revision books

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16y ago

I don't know about Mussolini, but Hitler started off as in support of Germany because his father was in support of Austria, and Hitler hated his father because he was so strict. He joined the Bavarian army in World War One, got 2 iron crosses for bravery, and became a lance corporal. He was wounded too, and while he recovered Communist uprisings rocked Germany, helping to lead to Central defeat in WWI. These revolts were led by Jews, and as a result Hitler came to despise Jews and Communists. He helped create the Free Corps, a group which helped stop the Communists demonstrations. This group eventually formed the nucleus of the Nazi Party. Hitler's oration skills earned a lot of support for the Nazis. He was then elected chancellor of germany. After the president, Hindenberg, died, Hitler became president. He made an aggressive plan of attack on Western Europe. WWII was about to begin. That's all I know, glad I could help.

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14y ago

blitzkrieg, being a lightning attack on the country they are trying to take over, and smooth talking so the people believe that they are doing this for their own good

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They were elected just as any official was. The people voted and they both had the majority of the votes.

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