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Christianity is the overarching multi-denominational tag. Catholicism is a specific sect. Therefore Christianity predates, but also includes, Catholicism.


Catholic AnswerChristianity was the religion that was started by Jesus Christ on the rock of Peter, the Apostle, who was the first Pope, and thus His Vicar on earth. The early Fathers of the Church first used the word, Catholic to describe this Church because the word catholic means universal, and thus the Catholic religion and the Christian religion are the same thing.

In the contemporary world, many people use the word, Christian, to refer to protestants and other heretical sects which have broken away from the Catholic Church in the last four centuries or so. But historically, and classically, the two words "Catholic" and "Christian" mean exactly the same thing. It is only in the modern world among non-Catholics that the word "Christian" has basically become meaningless.

from A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957


A name first given to the followers of our Lord at Antioch (Acts xi, 26). Since the rise of Protestantism the name has been used in so many different senses as to have become almost meaningless: it may indicate a Catholic or a Unitarian, or even be applied to an infidel who displays some virtue which is associated with Christ. It may reasonably be applied to the members of all the ancient churches, whether in communion with the Holy See, or not, and to those Protestants who profess, explicitly or implicitly, the Nicaean creed in its traditional interpretation. The Church puts no definite official meaning on the word, as she does on Catholic.

The ecumenical movement, contrary to what many believe, has only one purpose, and that is to return all of those who profess belief in Jesus Christ back to the true Church. The current state of affairs, which has involved redefining language, re-writing history, and redefining Jesus, Himself, has got to stop. To deny that the Catholic Church is the only "Christian" Church is, to some extent, to deny Jesus Christ, and attempt to redefine Him as something other than what He was and is. Remember that Our Blessed Lord, Himself, said that the Church was "His". It is His Body, and He only has ONE Body!

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12y ago

Catholicism IS Christianity and has been around since 33 AD. The term Catholic Church has been around since at least 106 AD. If you mean by your question 'What religion is older, Catholicism or Protestantism?' the answer would still be Catholicism. The Catholic Church had been around for about 1500 years before the first Protestant church was even founded.

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14y ago

While Catholicism is a sect of Christianity, which IS a religion; paganism is not. Paganism is an umbrella term that encompasses every religion that is non-abrahamic in origin. This means that if a religion has not descended from Judaism, Christianity, or Islam; it is a pagan religion. That said, many pagan religions are far more ancient than Christianity.

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13y ago

Christianity and Catholicism were the same thing, from Christ's death and resurrection until the Reformation. After the Reformation, the Catholic church remained the largest denomination within Christianity.

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14y ago

Judaism is the oldest between the two - Jesus and his disciples were Jews and followed the rituals of that religion. For example, note that they journeyed to Jerusalem to observe the Passover. which Christians commemorate in Holy Week.

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13y ago

Both are about the same, except, one, Catholicism which has always been based around man, money and his desire to be something he is not--greater than his Creator.

Protestantism has always been about God as we know absolute truth as humanly possible. It was Martin Luther who posted said truth to the doors of the Catholic church, that became the beginning of the Reformation movement; truth in other words, something the Catholic priests were not desirous of, in hidden chambers of course . In defense to maintain their man-first approach, they founded the Jesuits to murder off Christians and Jews by the millions, and still play a huge role in today's day and age. Sad, but again, that is man and/or Catholicism.

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7y ago

Buddhism is older, because the Buddha came before Christ. Buddhism is 2,500 years old, while Christianity is only 2,000 years old (the Catholic Church is the oldest denomination within Christianity).

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13y ago

Catholicism is only another form of Christianity, like Lutherian or Baptist. So Christianity is the base religion here, therefore there is no way Catholicism can be older than it's base.

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