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Democrat Mondale tried without much success to discredit Reagan's record. He proposed higher taxes on the wealthy, higher corporate taxes and criticized Reagan's deficit. Reagan said no tax increases. Mondale also proposed protective tariffs and scoffed at Star Wars. He tried to make Regan look senile at the debates, but was not very successful. His vice-presidential candidate had to defend charges that she had not disclosed her husband's financial dealings.

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10y ago

Vietnam continued to be the burning issue. Nearly four years had passed since Nixon had promised, as a presidential candidate, to end the war and "win" the peace. Yet in the spring of 1972, the fighting escalated anew to alarming levels when the north Vietnamese, heavily equipped with foreign tanks, burst through the demilitarized zone(DMZ) separating the two Vietnams. The contiuing Vietnam conflict spurred the ride of South Dakota senator George McGovern to the 1972 democratic nomination. Mc govern's promise to pull the remaining American troops out of Vietnam in ninety days earned him the backing of the large anti war element in the party. But his appeal to racial minorities, feminists, leftists, and youth alienated the traditional working class backbone of his party.

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11y ago

c. trust... thats what I read on some other site, I'm looking for the answer too lol

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12y ago

the Iran-Contra Affairthe state of the economy

Ronald Reagan's age

escalation of the Cold War

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Eli Lively

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if i knew i wouldnt be on this stupid website

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Deficit, tariffs

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the continuing war in Iraq

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a strong military.

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Ava Lovett

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Q: What was the basic issue of the 1976 presidential election?
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Who was the winner of the 1976 presidential election?

Jimmy Carter won the 1976 presidential election defeating Gerald Ford. In the 1976 presidential election Jimmy Carter received 297 electoral votes and Gerald Ford received 240 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Carter 40,830,763 and Ford 39,147,793.

Who did Jimmy Carter defeat in the 1976 presidential election?

President Gerald Ford

Who was Gerald Fords challengers during the election?

Gerald Ford lost the 1976 presidential election to Jimmy Carter.

Who did Jimmy Carter defeat in the presidential election of 1976?

incumbent President Gerald R. Ford

Who won the 1976 presidential election by over 50 percent?

jimmy carter

Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 1976?

Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale Gerald Ford/Bob Dole

What was Gerald Ford disappointments?

Probably his greatest disappointment was losing the presidential election to Jimmy Carter in 1976.

When did you vote for president if you were born in July 1956?

The first U. S. Presidential election after people born in 1956 were of legal voting age was the election of 1976.

Who defeated Jimmy Carter for the presidency?

Jimmy Carter won the 1976 presidential election defeating Gerald Ford.

Who received the second largest number of electoral votes in 1976?

Jimmy Carter won the 1976 presidential election defeating Gerald Ford. In the 1976 presidential election Jimmy Carter received 297 electoral votes (55.3%) and Gerald Ford received 240 electoral votes (44.7%). The popular vote totals were Carter 40,830,763 and Ford 39,147,793.

What did James E Carter won?

James Earl Carter, Jr. (Jimmy Carter) won the U. S. Presidential election in 1976 and the Georgia Gubernatorial election in 1970.

Who was the elected President in 1976?

This depends on the country. Either reask your question specifying the region/country, or see related questions.US: Gerald Rudolph (Jerry) Ford Jr.Gerald Ford was the 38th President of the United States from 1974 August 9 to 1977 January 20. He was born on July 14, 1913 in Omaha, Nebraska; died December 26, 2006 in Rancho Mirage, California.In November, 1976, Ford lost the presidential election to Jimmy Carter.