

Oracle Database

Oracle Database is a Relational Database Management System produced by Oracle Corporation. It was first released in 1977.

500 Questions

Does a index help you with?

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by telling them where the headlines are located

Aggregation in dbms?

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Aggregation in a database management system refers to the process of collecting and summarizing data from multiple records into a single result. This typically involves performing functions like SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX, or MIN on a set of data. Aggregation can help in generating meaningful insights and reports from large volumes of data.

What does a langlier index of -3 indicate?

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A Langlier index of -3 indicates that the water is corrosive. This means that the water has a tendency to dissolve metals and form rust, which can damage pipes and plumbing fixtures. Water with a negative Langlier index may require treatment to reduce its corrosivity.

What is database and database system?

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Asked by IndrajeetAshank

A database is essentially an organized collection of data, typically stored electronically on a computer system. Imagine a giant filing cabinet with information neatly sorted and filed away. That's kind of what a database is like, but way more efficient and powerful.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:

Organized Collection: Data isn't just dumped in a pile. It's structured in a specific way, often using tables with rows and columns, to make it easy to find and use the information you need.

Electronic Storage: Most databases are digital these days, allowing for much faster access and manipulation of data compared to physical filing systems.

Now, to manage this data effectively, you need a database management system (DBMS). Think of it as the filing cabinet manager. A DBMS is a software application that lets you:

Interact with the Database: You can create databases, add, update, and delete data, and most importantly, retrieve information you need.

Manage Data Structure: The DBMS defines how data is organized and ensures it stays consistent and usable.

Control Access: The DBMS controls who can access the data and what they can do with it, keeping things secure.

Some common examples of DBMS software include MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle Database.

So, the database and DBMS work together to form a database system. The database stores the information, and the DBMS provides the tools to manage and access it effectively. This allows businesses and organizations to keep track of large amounts of data efficiently, from customer information to product inventory.

What is Data redundancy in DBMS?

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Data redundancy in DBMS refers to the duplication of data within a database system. This can result in inconsistencies and inefficiencies, as well as consuming more storage space. It is important to minimize data redundancy in order to maintain data integrity and improve performance.

How to Normalization in arcgis?

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In ArcGIS, normalization is typically achieved by using the Field Calculator to calculate normalized values based on a chosen formula or method. You can create a new field and populate it with normalized values by dividing the original values by a chosen factor (e.g., the sum of all values in the field) to scale the values between 0 and 1.

What prophecy of the oracle turned out to be true for Zoe?

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the goddest in chains shall be one's salvation

What is the different version of oracle?

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Early versions of the oracle did not bear the latest features added to the latest version of the oracle. There are series of new features implemented in the newer version of the oracle.

new features are:

  • New "pivot" SQL clause - The new "pivot" SQL clause will allow quick rollup, similar to an MS-Excel pivot table, where you can display multiple rows on one column with SQL. MS SQL Server 2005 also introduced a pivot clause. Laurent Schneider notes that the new SQL "pivot" syntax is great for converting rows-to-columns and columns-to-rows.

  • The /*+result_cache*/ SQL hint - This suggests that the result data will be cached in the data buffers, and not the intermediate data blocks that were accessed to obtain the query results. You can cache SQL and PL/SQL results for super-fast subsequent retrieval. The "result cache" ties into the "scalable execution" concept. There are three areas of the result cache:

    • The SQL query result cache - This is an area of SGA memory for storing query results.

    • The PL/SQL function result cache - This result cache can store the results from a PL/SQL function call.

    • The OCI client result cache - This cache retains results from OCI calls, both for SQL queries or PL/SQL functions.

  • Scalable Execution - This 11g feature consists of a number of features, the first of which is query results caching; this feature automatically caches the results of an SQL query as opposed to the data blocks normally cached by the buffer cache, and works both client (OCI) and server side - this was described as "buffer cache taken to the next level". The DBA sets the size of the results cache and turns the feature on at a table level with the command "alter table DEPT cache results", the per-process cache is shared across multiple session and at the client level, is available with all 11g OCI-based clients. Mark Rittman

  • XML SQL queries - Oracle11g will support query mechanisms for XML including XQuery and SQL XML, emerging standards for querying XML data stored inside tables.

  • SQL Replay - Similar to the previous feature, but this only captures and applies the SQL workload, not total workload. Source: Dr. Tim Hall
  • Improved optimizer statistics collection speed - Oracle 11g has improved the dbms_stats performance, allowing for an order of magnitude faster CBO statistics creation. Oracle 11g has also separated-out the "gather" and "publish" operations, allowing CBO statistics to be retained for later use. Also, Oracle 11g introduces multi-column statistics to give the CBO the ability to more accurately select rows when the WHERE clause contains multi-column conditions or joins.
  • SQL execution Plan Management - Oracle 11g SQL will allow you to fix execution plans (explain plan) for specific statements, regardless of statistics or database version changes. See Inside the 11g SQL Performance Advisor.
  • Dynamic SQL. DBMS_SQL is here to stay. It's faster and is being enhanced. DBMS_SQL and NDS can now accept CLOBs (no more 32k limit on NDS). A ref cursor can become a DBMS_SQL cursor and vice versa. DBMS_SQL now supprts user defined types and bulk operations. Source: Lewis Cunningham

  • SQL Performance Advisor - You can tell 11g to automatically apply SQL profiles for statements where the suggested profile give 3-times better performance that the existing statement. The performance comparisons are done by a new administrative task during a user-specified maintenance window.
  • Improved SQL Access Advisor - The 11g SQL Access Advisor gives partitioning advice, including advice on the new interval partitioning. Interval partitioning is an automated version of range partitioning, where new equally-sized partitions are automatically created when needed. Both range and interval partitions can exist for a single table, and range partitioned tables can be converted to interval partitioned tables.
  • Oracle 11g SQL tuning transformations

Why did Shang king scratch questions on oracle bones?

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Shang Kings have questions scratched on oracle bones so the ancestors to answer the question

How do you install Oracle 10g in Windows XP?

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A detailed step of Installation process with screenshot is discussed in the following website,



Installing Oracle 10g - step by step guideIntroduction:

This article is a step-by-step instruction for those who want to install Oracle 10g database on their computer. This document provides guidelines to install Oracle 10g database on Microsoft Windows environment. If you use other operating system other than Microsoft Windows, the process is not too much different from that of Microsoft Windows, since Oracle uses Oracle Universal Installer to install its software.

For more information about installing Oracle 10g under operating systems other than Microsoft Windows, please refer to this URL :

How to get Oracle 10g :You can download Oracle 10g database from You must registered and create an account before you can download the software. The example in this document uses Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows. How to uninstall Oracle database software :
  1. Uninstall all Oracle components using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
  2. Run regedit.exe and delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SOFTWARE/ORACLE key. This contains registry entire for all Oracle products.
  3. Delete any references to Oracle services left behind in the following part of the registry: HKEY LOCAL MACHINE/ SYSTEM/ CurrentControlsSet/ Services/Ora*. It should be pretty obvious which ones relate to Oracle
  4. Reboot your machine.
  5. Delete the C: \Oracle directory, or whatever directory is your Oracle_Base.
  6. Delete the C:\Program Files \Oracle directory.
  7. Empty the contents of your c:\temp directory.
  8. Empty your recycle bin.
Installing Oracle 10g database software :
  1. Insert Oracle CD , the autorun window opens automatically. If you are installing from network or hard disk, click setup.exe in the installation folder.
  2. The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) will run and display the Select Installation Method Window.
  3. Choose Basic Installation:

    Select this option to quickly install Oracle Database 10g. This method requires minimal user input. It installs the software and optionally creates a general-purpose database based on the information you provide.

    For basic installation, you specify the following:

    Oracle Home Location - Enter the directory in which to install the Oracle Database 10g software. You must specify a new Oracle home directory for each new installation of Oracle Database 10g. Use the default value, which is :


    Installation Type - Select Enterprise Edition :

    If you have limited space, select standard edition. Personal edition installs the same software as the Enterprise Edition, but supports only a single-user development and deployment environment.

    Create Starter Database - Check this box to create a database during installation. Oracle recommends that you create a starter database for first Create Starter Database - time installations. Choose a Global Database Name, like cs157b, or just use the default value.

    Type a password. Don't lose this password, since you will need it to connect to the database server.

    Click next

  4. The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks window appears: Click next
  5. A summary screen appears showing information such as your global settings, space requirements and the new products to be installed. Click Install to start the installation..
  6. The Install window appears showing installation progress.
  7. At the end of the installation phase, the Configuration Assistants window appears. This window lists the configuration assistants that are started automatically.

    If you are creating a database, then the Database Configuration Assistant starts automatically in a separate window.

    At the end of database creation, you are prompted to unlock user accounts to make the accounts accessible. The SYS and SYSTEM accounts are already unlocked. Click OK to bypass password management.

    Note: Oracle 10g still keeps Scott / tiger username and password (UID=Scott, PWD=tiger) from the old version of oracle. In the old version of oracle, Scott/tiger user ID is available by default, but not in oracle 10g. If you want to use Scott /tiger account, you must unlock it by clicking "Password Management" at the last window.

    Password Management window will appear like the one shown below. Find the user name "Scott" and uncheck the "Lock Account?" column for the user name.

  8. Your installation and database creation is now complete. The End of Installation window displays several important URLs, one of which is for Enterprise Manager.
  9. You can navigate to this URL in your browser and log in as the SYS user with the associated password, and connect as SYSDBA. You use Enterprise Manager to perform common database administration tasks

    Note : you can access Oracle Enterprise Manager using browser by typing the URL shown above in your browser. Instead of typing the IP address, you can also access the Enterprise Manager by typing http://localhost:1158/em or "http://[yourComputerName]:1158/em" or by clicking "Start >> All Programs >> Oracle - [YourOracleHome_home1] >> Database Control - [yourOracleID]" in Windows menu.

    By default, use user ID "SYSTEM", with the password that you have chosen at the beginning of installation, to connect to database, SQLPlus, etc. If you want to use other user ID, you may create a new user .

How is a database view different from tables?

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A database view is a dynamic table compared to the 'fixed' ones.

A view contains a select statement, which dynamically updates the table everytime the view is looked at and the data has changed. Since these queries are compiled they will be faster than normal queries.


Table A:

ID, Integer

FullName, String

Table B:

AID, Integer

Address, String

You would like to find the address for each person.

Instead of making a long select each time you want a specific address for a specific person. You could make a select, that joins the data, make it into a view, and then use the View afterwards. Like:

SELECT, a.fullname, b.address FROM a, b WHERE = b.aid;

This will be your view, tView. Now the data:

SELECT * FROM tView WHERE fullname = 'John Randomness'.

What is the Difference between oracle apps technical and functional consultant?

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At a very high level

Oracle Apps Functional Consultant -> One who understands business flows/processes and ways to do setup/tweak in oracle application to suite business needs.

Oracle Apps Technical Consultant -> One who understands the oracle application architecture and table-relations etc.

Whose is the owner of oracle and his shares?

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Oracle Corporation is a publicly traded company on the NASDAQ (symbol ORCL). Larry Ellison owns about 22.7 percent of the outstanding shares.

What kind of threats can affect the database system?

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hackers, viruses, users who don't know what they are doing

What are disadvantages of database approach?

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The advantages of a relational database are that they contribute to sound logical design, are easy to understand and program, and should be amenable to change as business requirements change. The main earlier systems include file-based systems and Codasyl databases. File-based systems were complex and tended to be inherently restrictive and quickly reached the point where a complete rewrite became necessary if business requirements changed. Codasyl databases were a vast improvement on the old file-based systems, but required a high level of expertise to design properly and, once again, tended to be unable to support changes to business requirements. Because a properly designed relational database reflects business entities and the relationships among those entities, they should be more logical and easier to understand. If the business structure or requirements change in any logical way, the database can be changed in a parallel way, to support those requirements. Relational databases are designed at two levels. First, there is a logical design, normalised at third normal form - where there should not be duplicate data values. Then, there is a physical design, where any necessary denormalisation is carried out.

Oracle 8 Oracle 9 version?

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Where can one download the oracle client 10g?

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Go to Oracle's webpage for a free download of Oracle 10g for Windows 7, and every other software need you have from Oracle! Oracle will help solve all your software needs!

What is difference between function and stored procedure in sql server?

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A stored procedure is like a miniture program in SQL Server. It can be as simple as a select statement, or as complex as a long script that adds, deletes, updates, and/or reads data from multiple tables in a database. (Stored procedures can also implement loops and cursors which both allow you to work with smaller results or row by row operations on data.) The SQL Server functions are option for doing certain operations in SQL Server. They can not be used to update, delete, or add records to the database. They simply return a single value or a table value. They can only be use to select records. However, they can be called very easily from within standard SQL, such as: SELECT dbo.functionname('Parameter1') OR SELECT Name, dbo.Functionname('Parameter1') FROM sysObjects For simple reusable select operations, functions can simply your code. Just be wary of using JOIN clauses in your functions. If your function has a JOIN clause and you call it from another select statement that returns multiple results, that function call with JOIN those tables together for EACH line returned in the result set. So though they can be helpful in simpling some logic, they can also be a performance bottleneck if they're not used properly.

What is dba?

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A DBA is a Database Administrator. It is the person who looks after the Database Management System. They may be part of the design team. They can look after who has access to the system and what levels of privilege. They will help people with any problems they are having. They may get the database to do more things and redesign it. They will maintain the database to make sure it works efficiently and it does not crash and no data is lost.

How can you view all the existing Databases in Oracle?

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Database is one thing and tables another. If your trying to view data from a table, you should contact your database admin and or if you have connectivity, use A tool called Toad ( This tool will allow you to browse the data.