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It varies, but in most cases the answer is no. If the supplement is of a form of that specific vitamin or mineral that is derived from fresh foods, then yes. Some supplements of that type are available, but most are not. Some are forms that may be similar to what comes from fresh foods and readily absorbed by the body, even if they are not identical. In some cases, your body can utilize them the same way. In some cases, it cannot.

Vitamin C in foods comes with many co-nutrients that help the body to absorb it, deliver it to where it needs to go, and utilize it properly. Vitamin C in most supplements is ascorbic acid, which has none of the co-nutrients. Some contain bioflavonoids or some other form of a food component to aid absorption, but none are the same as getting fresh food (even the ones that are actually from food - nothing beats _fresh_ food). The same applies in other cases, though there are specific items wherein the supplement may be almost identical to the compound found in foods. It depends on the vitamin or mineral and how it is prepared. The raw, food-grown form of supplements (which is different than food-based) are the closest to fresh foods.


It depends. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is identical in both supplement and natural form. Others are not. (Most synthetic vitamins are not recognized by the body and are flushed out). While you may consume 100% of your RDA of a nutrient in a vitamin pill, you are probably only absorbing 10% from most pills as the binders used to compact the pills make it hard for your system to dissolve them. In the end though, supplements serve exactly their purpose- to supplement the diet and prevent deficiencies. You might eat well, but even an excellent diet won't include 100% of everything, every day. A daily multivitamin can be seen as insurance of meeting those requirements.

Fresh foods provide many more nutrients than vitamins and minerals alone, such as fiber, antioxidants and many others.


Are the vitamins and minerals in supplements identical to fresh foods? No, but they are better than trying to get everything you need out of a can.

Vitamins and mineral are great however they are not broken down and processed in the body as easily as foods are. Some vitamins such as A,D,E,K are stored in the fat cells of the body and can become dangerous if these vitamins are abused. Vitamins A,D,E,K are fat soluble vitamins. These vitamins coming from a natural food substance can be easily flushed out of the body if they become toxic, however they are harder to flush out of the body if they are taken in a pill form! All the other vitamins are water soluble which means they are stored in water and can be easily flushed out. Minerals are great for your hair,skin and nails.

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Q: Do vitamin supplements provide the same amount of nutrients found in food?
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Vitamin supplements offer the same amount of nutrients found in foods?

Vitamin supplements offer a more concentrated form of nutrients found in foods. They can balance out what you aren't getting when you eat.

Why don't health professionals think we shouldn't take vitamins?

Not all health professionals agree you should take vitamin supplements, at least not as a substitute for getting your vitamins and other nutrients from food. When you get vitamins from food, you get the complete vitamin and co-factors that the nutrients need to work in your body. Supplements do not always, in fact often do not, contain the whole vitamin or the co-factors the vitamin needs to work.

Orange juice or orange vitamin c?

Well, natural and whole foods are always better for nutrients. Fresh fruit has certain antioxidants in it that you can't get from vitamins or supplements. However, it is harder to get a sufficient amount in by eating fruits, so for a lot of people vitamins are better, only because they provide more vitamin C in each dose.

Vitamin C Supplements for Health and Beauty?

Vitamin C supplements bring a brighter tone to the skin. Vitamin C helps fight off colds and provide many other health benefits. There are many ways to ingest the specific amount of vitamin C necessary, such as eating oranges, but it is difficult to reach the total necessary for overall health and an appealing skin tone. Attempting to reach the minimum amount of vitamin C a body needs is difficult without vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C supplements come in chewable form and taste just like oranges for people who do not like to swallow pills. Vitamin C is the best defense against illness and aids as a beauty product for the skin as an added benefit.

Why Safety Is Important When Taking A Vitamin A Supplement?

Vitamin A is an important element required for the healthy functioning of the body. One of the easiest ways to get the suggested dietary amount is through the use of vitamin A supplements. It is important to pay attention to the amount of vitamin A that is ingested, however, because large doses can actually be very harmful and even cause vitamin A poisoning. Most vitamin A supplements should be taken only after examining the amount of the vitamin in any other supplements being taken. Additionally, some topical skin treatments contain vitamin A as well and can be absorbed into the body quickly. Taking too much vitamin A can result in serious liver damage, although a vitamin A deficiency is equally as harmful over time.

What is High bioavailability in food?

The amount of vitamins from your diet, without considering the vitamin supplements

What is Daily vitamin A intake for women?

Answer #1700mcg or 2300IU of vitamin AHOWEVER, it is very easy to overdose on vitamin A supplements, that's why I recommend beta carotene supplements; your body converts only the amount of beta carotene it needs into vitamin A, preventing an overdose. 5000-10,000IU of beta carotene is fine.

A balanced diet will provide the needed amount of?

A balanced diet will provide the needed amount of nutrients. The body cannot function properly if one or more nutrients are missing.

Which nutrients are found in a mango?

According to one specific website dedicated solely to the mango, this is a fruit "bursting with protective nutrients," including various vitamins. According to this site, "the vitamin content depends upon the variety and maturity of the fruit, when the mango is green the amount of vitamin C is higher, as it ripens the amount of beta carotene (vitamin A) increases." To read more about the mango, see the Related Link.

The Purpose Of Vitamin A Supplements?

Good Sources of Vitamin AVitamin A is one of the primary vitamins required for the overall health of the body. It is mainly responsible for maintaining the pigment in the rods of the eyes, which in turn promotes good vision. Vitamin A also increases the effectiveness of white blood cells and assists in fighting off infections, supporting the immune system. There is strong evidence that vitamin A also helps to regulate the absorption of iron into the blood. Since it can sometimes be hard to consume the recommended daily dosage of vitamin A, supplements are often used to ensure enough of the vitamin is taken.Vitamin A can come from animal sources such as beef liver, or it can come from plant sources like sweet potatoes. Many vitamin A supplements use only plant based sources of the vitamin so that those with specific dietary restrictions, or who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet can easily get the correct amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A can be extracted into its component parts and blended into a topical supplement that is frequently used for the control of acne or for other skin care purposes.When considering a vitamin A supplement, there are some important factors to be aware of. Vitamin A requires protein to be in the body when it is taken in order for the vitamin to be properly processed and absorbed. Zinc is also important for the absorption of vitamin A, so supplements should contain some amount of zinc, and some amount of protein should be a standard part of the diet. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning that a good diet will include some fats so that the vitamin and other fat soluble nutrients can be stored and used by the body.Excessive amounts of vitamin A, as can be achieved by taking too many supplements, can cause serious health problems. It can affect the absorption of iron in the blood, leading to iron toxicity or iron deficiency. In some instances, high amounts of vitamin A can also hinder the absorption of vitamin D, which over time can lead to problems with bone density. For these reasons, vitamin A supplements should be taken only as instructed.

Diet Food Supplements that Work?

There are a lot of people trying to make a change in their lives for the better. With the recently well reported obesity epidemic in the forefront of people's minds, there is a large amount of interest in the benefits that can be found in diet food supplements. These supplements offer you a great amount leverage in your overall diet since they provide you with a number of nutrients you may not be able to get out of the food you can afford. This means that you can get the benefits of eating well without having to deal with the high price.

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